Covid Information


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Every day the local birdcage liner gives us the latest statistics on the Pandemic. We learn the number of "new cases," the "total cases," followed by the number of people hospitalized, the number of people in intensive care, and the number of recent and total deaths.

But this doesn't provide the most important relevant information.

What I want to know is, the number of new cases, in a given period of time, the number of THOSE cases that are SYMPTOMATIC and result in hospitalization, the number of THOSE CASES that put people in intensive care, and the number of THOSE cases that result in death - broken down by age groups.

While it may not be possible to establish these statistics for LAST WEEK, it would be very possible to establish them for a week two months ago.

With the numbers I'm seeking, I could establish, out of the total local population (say, my county)
  • What are the chances that I will be infected (vaccinated and unvaccinated)?
  • What are the chances that I will be hospitalized?
  • What are the chances that I will get seriously sick? and
  • What are the chances that I will die of the disease.
Frankly, I don't think the Media wants me to know that much information, because if people knew those factors they would conclude that it is neurotic to demand that everyone be vaccinated, or to wear masks. The chances of actually getting seriously sick are microscopic, especially if you are halfway healthy and not elderly.

They want to scare people into submitting to the Leftist Elites.
Every day the local birdcage liner gives us the latest statistics on the Pandemic. We learn the number of "new cases," the "total cases," followed by the number of people hospitalized, the number of people in intensive care, and the number of recent and total deaths.

But this doesn't provide the most important relevant information.

What I want to know is, the number of new cases, in a given period of time, the number of THOSE cases that are SYMPTOMATIC and result in hospitalization, the number of THOSE CASES that put people in intensive care, and the number of THOSE cases that result in death - broken down by age groups.

While it may not be possible to establish these statistics for LAST WEEK, it would be very possible to establish them for a week two months ago.

With the numbers I'm seeking, I could establish, out of the total local population (say, my county)
  • What are the chances that I will be infected (vaccinated and unvaccinated)?
  • What are the chances that I will be hospitalized?
  • What are the chances that I will get seriously sick? and
  • What are the chances that I will die of the disease.
Frankly, I don't think the Media wants me to know that much information, because if people knew those factors they would conclude that it is neurotic to demand that everyone be vaccinated, or to wear masks. The chances of actually getting seriously sick are microscopic, especially if you are halfway healthy and not elderly.

They want to scare people into submitting to the Leftist Elites.
According to Joe Biden and the democrats, you aren't capable of understanding the intricacies of covid--he even said that we can't understand the supply chain. Here is what I understand, Joe Biden and the democrats are power hungry dictators bent on a one-world government and they are using any tactic they can pull out of their ass to accomplish it. I believe that if it is not stopped in its tracks in short order, there will be a civil war and it will not be pretty or painless.

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