Court Ruling Implies That Barr Must Redact Grand-Jury Info from Mueller Report

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
“implies” is the wrong word. The statement should be, under the binding precedent established in McKeever v. Barr, it is mandatory that AG Barr redact GJ testimony and all statements about that testimony from the report.

Read the full article at
National Review Online ^ | April 5, 2019 | Andrew C. McCarthy

In disclosing the Mueller report, Attorney General William P. Barr will have to redact grand-jury information. That is the upshot of the ruling today by a divided panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.

I flagged this case, now called McKeever v. Barr (formerly McKeever v. Sessions), last week. It did not arise out of the Mueller investigation, but it obviously has significant ramifications for the Mueller report — in particular, how much of it we will get to see.

At issue was this question: Does a federal court have the authority to order disclosure of grand-jury materials if the judge decides that the interests of justice warrant doing so; or is the judge limited to the exceptions to grand-jury secrecy that are spelled out in Rule 6(e) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure? The D.C. Circuit’s McKeever ruling holds that the text of Rule 6(e) controls. Consequently, judges have no authority to authorize disclosure outside the rule.

This is significant for the Mueller report because Rule 6(e) does not contain an exception to secrecy that would permit disclosure to Congress.....
this is no real revelation. Everyone even half interested in this matter knows about the grand jury secrecy situation. The Democrats in Congress are also aware, which is why they are screeching about an unredacted report being required - they know for a legal fact that it will never be produced in unredacted form. And when it IS released, they will fill up the airwaves with nonsense about a "coverup." And CNN will - surprise, surprise - report that Barr is holding back to protect the President.

Democrats are stupid, and Democrat politicians are liars.

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