~Could You Pass Again??~


May 13, 2011
If you had to take your driver's test all over again (written and driven), could you do it with no problem, and have confidence you would pass??
Or do you think you are still set in the older ways??....Because some of the laws have really changed.
I could easily pass the driver's test again.

Note to self: This Dabs lady asks more questions then my mother used to after a Saturday night date.
I was talking to someone just yesterday, and they told me they still do not know how to parallel park!
I could easily pass the driver's test again.

Note to self: This Dabs lady asks more questions then my mother used to after a Saturday night date.

BBD, at least with me tho, you won't be sent to your room if I find out you did some kind of no-no :lol:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vMCTgGjTRA]YouTube - ‪excellent driver‬‏[/ame]
I had to retake it when I was twenty five. Passed with no problem
I do think they should do a national campaign on who has the right away at four way stops, and uncontrolled intersections.
I believe I would pass with flying colors.

I can parallel park, although I rarely have to so I'm out of practice on that one.

I think the speed limits of 30 and 35 should be eliminated, they're ridiculous.

My preference is to drive 45-55 on any given road, 65 on highways. Yeah, yeah . . I know. Hey, I can dream can't I? lol
I can take the drive part, but the written section makes me nervous. I haven't taken the written in many moons. They always mail my license to me.
btw...I love to parallel park and am damn good at it. But nowadays, the new cars do it for ya!
I would have no problem passing ...the drivers test is a joke

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