Could we clone Jesus?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
If so, could that be what the 2nd Coming was predicting? That tech would evolve to such a point?

Are already discussing (seriously) cloning extinct species like wooly mammoths. And Jesus was a lot more recent than those.
Except he didn't leave any holy DNA lying around. Sorry.

But assuming it were possible, who would be tasked with raising Him? Where? What kind of music would He listen to? Piercings/tattoos? What kind of car would He drive? Who would He take to the prom?
Except he didn't leave any holy DNA lying around. Sorry.

But assuming it were possible, who would be tasked with raising Him? Where? What kind of music would He listen to? Piercings/tattoos? What kind of car would He drive? Who would He take to the prom?

Supposedly found his burial tomb in J'lem. His wife and his children in it. If he had children, they have enough of Dad to make a clone.
He had no offspring, idiot!

Ummm he didn't actually exist=bigger idiot.
Actually one of the 3 main historical christs used for the Biblical myth Jesus did have Children. The one from Galilee, the tax revolter Yehuda who lived in Herods and Lysanias era dying in 6bc.
That Christ is not the sane as the River Jordan AD era Christ Theudas nor the half Roman RCC christ Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc.
Plus the Tomb was a giant lie about what was inscribed and even added to in order to make the false assumptive claim.

(by the way James the brother character inscribed in the Tomb would have been Theudas' brother AD era not the inscribed Yeshu in 100bc because the apostle martyrs and AD era references).
1) cloning fictional characters is a mute point.
2) part of his image is plagiarized using a OT Rabbi named
Yohoshua ben Chananiah and that's where they get the Judaic teaching of resurrection from.
Ironically he is the one who mentioned the lux bone in this process which happens to be the most entact DNA needed in cloning.

3)Scamers in Berkley, CA tried to raise money to clone fictional Jesus through the clay mark called blood stain on the shroud of Turin. The 6+' man depicted in the shroud is to tall for the mentioned 4'6" Christ in the myth or any Jew of that era.
The church mentioned they had the shroud of Yehuda not Jesus therefore any real shroud which this isn't, would have been for the wrong christ then they worship as the main face of the image.
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Something like 70% of the DNA is viable. I believe one doctor wants to but their is some legal snafu about the Vatican not giving permission to clone only to test.

I know his blood type is AB+, but the rest is not in my field

There is some belief that a clone from the DNA was born in '68, a child named Joshua, but the science was not there at the time so I disregard that one

The possibility of cloning from the blood has been tossed around for a couple of decades now.
What blood?
What is wrong with you people, it would be like cloning Pokey Gumbys horse, fictional characters and clay make for egg on your face.
of course the fellow never exsisted so big disapointment... But for argument sake lets say you did clone him...Even bigger disapointment the myth has grown far bigger then the mere man ...I liken it to a whale of a tail but in this case the minnow became much bigger with each telling till all the little guppies in the pond swallowed it hook line and sinker not knowing it was a real stinker of a lie...
If so, could that be what the 2nd Coming was predicting? That tech would evolve to such a point?

Are already discussing (seriously) cloning extinct species like wooly mammoths. And Jesus was a lot more recent than those.
We don't have his remains. We made Pharaohs into mummies but not the supposed son of God? Oh yea he disappeared.
cloning the blood from the turin cloth

Clay, not blood, so my Red clay Pokey comment is quite accurate a description of what you'd clone.
This clone the Turin rumor was started by an online scam to raise money, I know this because I was the one who reported them to the Berkley Police.
my previous pist in this topic:
3)Scamers in Berkley, CA tried to raise money to clone fictional Jesus through the clay mark called blood stain on the shroud of Turin. The 6+' man depicted in the shroud is to tall for the mentioned 4'6" Christ in the myth or any Jew of that era.
The church mentioned they had the shroud of Yehuda not Jesus therefore any real shroud which this isn't (dated much kater the the era they want to claim it in), would have been for the wrong christ then they worship as the main face of the image.

Fact: the church when interest fades or id in question, always manages to make new relics appear to repeak interest.
Example: there was a catheric relic
claimed the skull of Jesus where they swore & claimed the relic was the skull of Jesus only to be proven to be a female skull and that is when suddenly the shroud appeared to save face.
He had no offspring, idiot!

Ummm he didn't actually exist=bigger idiot.
Actually one of the 3 main historical christs used for the Biblical myth Jesus did have Children. The one from Galilee, the tax revolter Yehuda who lived in Herods and Lysanias era dying in 6bc.
That Christ is not the sane as the River Jordan AD era Christ Theudas nor the half Roman RCC christ Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc.
Plus the Tomb was a giant lie about what was inscribed and even added to in order to make the false assumptive claim.

(by the way James the brother character inscribed in the Tomb would have been Theudas' brother AD era not the inscribed Yeshu in 100bc because the apostle martyrs and AD era references).
1) cloning fictional characters is a mute point.
2) part of his image is plagiarized using a OT Rabbi named
Yohoshua ben Chananiah and that's where they get the Judaic teaching of resurrection from.
Ironically he is the one who mentioned the lux bone in this process which happens to be the most entact DNA needed in cloning.

3)Scamers in Berkley, CA tried to raise money to clone fictional Jesus through the clay mark called blood stain on the shroud of Turin. The 6+' man depicted in the shroud is to tall for the mentioned 4'6" Christ in the myth or any Jew of that era.
The church mentioned they had the shroud of Yehuda not Jesus therefore any real shroud which this isn't, would have been for the wrong christ then they worship as the main face of the image.
Jesus brother is mentioned in Roman records because of his leadership of the Christian movement.
Could we clone Santa Claus? Or the Easter Bunny? How about Cinderella? or Snow White?

Kinda hard to clone a fairy tale.....
Jesus brother is mentioned in Roman records because of his leadership of the Christian movement.

That would be Christ Theudas by the Jordan the Ad era christ who's apostles were Martyrs one being brother James. Not the same as the Galilean tax revolter at the time of Herod who died in 4bc and Lysanias died 35bc in the Jesus mythology. Nor is it the sane as the 100bc christ Yeshu son of Mary stoned & hanged on tree on passover which is what your NT says happened to Jesus slew and hanged.
Acts 5:30 "Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 10:39 "whom they slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 13:29 "they took him down from the tree" 1 Peter 2:24 "who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree" Galatians 3:13 "Christ... being made a curse upon us... Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree"
Under Rabbinic Law, criminals are to be stoned (John 8:3-11.) The mythos was partly based on Yeshu of 100bc stoned (slew) and then hung on a tree -- which is what the Christanic mythologies say.
The cross is a later addition(300ad) which has been soundly debunked.

The myth also combines many other cultures messiah like and deified figures
like Mithra, Krishna called Christos, Osiris, Horus, Mikado, Baal, Esus, Dagon, Zeus etc..=not singular historical=fictional figure using real figures to seem legitimized=fool even the elect.
Jesus brother is mentioned in Roman records because of his leadership of the Christian movement.

That would be Christ Theudas by the Jordan the Ad era christ who's apostles were Martyrs one being brother James. Not the same as the Galilean tax revolter at the time of Herod who died in 4bc and Lysanias died 35bc in the Jesus mythology. Nor is it the sane as the 100bc christ Yeshu son of Mary stoned & hanged on tree on passover which is what your NT says happened to Jesus slew and hanged.
Acts 5:30 "Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 10:39 "whom they slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 13:29 "they took him down from the tree" 1 Peter 2:24 "who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree" Galatians 3:13 "Christ... being made a curse upon us... Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree"
Under Rabbinic Law, criminals are to be stoned (John 8:3-11.) The mythos was partly based on Yeshu of 100bc stoned (slew) and then hung on a tree -- which is what the Christanic mythologies say.
The cross is a later addition(300ad) which has been soundly debunked.

The myth also combines many other cultures messiah like and deified figures
like Mithra, Krishna called Christos, Osiris, Horus, Mikado, Baal, Esus, Dagon, Zeus etc..=not singular historical=fictional figure using real figures to seem legitimized=fool even the elect.
So then you are evidently unfamiliar with Josephus.
Jesus brother is mentioned in Roman records because of his leadership of the Christian movement.

That would be Christ Theudas by the Jordan the Ad era christ who's apostles were Martyrs one being brother James. Not the same as the Galilean tax revolter at the time of Herod who died in 4bc and Lysanias died 35bc in the Jesus mythology. Nor is it the sane as the 100bc christ Yeshu son of Mary stoned & hanged on tree on passover which is what your NT says happened to Jesus slew and hanged.
Acts 5:30 "Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 10:39 "whom they slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 13:29 "they took him down from the tree" 1 Peter 2:24 "who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree" Galatians 3:13 "Christ... being made a curse upon us... Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree"
Under Rabbinic Law, criminals are to be stoned (John 8:3-11.) The mythos was partly based on Yeshu of 100bc stoned (slew) and then hung on a tree -- which is what the Christanic mythologies say.
The cross is a later addition(300ad) which has been soundly debunked.

The myth also combines many other cultures messiah like and deified figures
like Mithra, Krishna called Christos, Osiris, Horus, Mikado, Baal, Esus, Dagon, Zeus etc..=not singular historical=fictional figure using real figures to seem legitimized=fool even the elect.
So then you are evidently unfamiliar with Josephus.
Wasn't she in the Beverley Hillbillies?
Jesus has already been cloned, he was called Mohammed.
He had no offspring, idiot!

Ummm he didn't actually exist=bigger idiot.
Actually one of the 3 main historical christs used for the Biblical myth Jesus did have Children. The one from Galilee, the tax revolter Yehuda who lived in Herods and Lysanias era dying in 6bc.
That Christ is not the sane as the River Jordan AD era Christ Theudas nor the half Roman RCC christ Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc.
Plus the Tomb was a giant lie about what was inscribed and even added to in order to make the false assumptive claim.

(by the way James the brother character inscribed in the Tomb would have been Theudas' brother AD era not the inscribed Yeshu in 100bc because the apostle martyrs and AD era references).
1) cloning fictional characters is a mute point.
2) part of his image is plagiarized using a OT Rabbi named
Yohoshua ben Chananiah and that's where they get the Judaic teaching of resurrection from.
Ironically he is the one who mentioned the lux bone in this process which happens to be the most entact DNA needed in cloning.

3)Scamers in Berkley, CA tried to raise money to clone fictional Jesus through the clay mark called blood stain on the shroud of Turin. The 6+' man depicted in the shroud is to tall for the mentioned 4'6" Christ in the myth or any Jew of that era.
The church mentioned they had the shroud of Yehuda not Jesus therefore any real shroud which this isn't, would have been for the wrong christ then they worship as the main face of the image.

Man , are you ever deceived and off track. You can believe in all these mythological figures that aren't in the Bible if you want, but that's the document I'm sticking with. Your post is indicative of a non-believer trying to convince themselves otherwise. Instead of posting what you did how about just simply keeping to the facts.

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