Could Unmarried Women Sink Obama?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Could an Unmarried Woman Sink Obama?

Unmarried women voted for Barack Obama over Sen. John McCain, 70 percent to 29 percent—and cast 23 percent of all votes in that election.

In 2010, GQR found that unmarried women continued to vote strongly for Democratic candidates. But a sufficient number of some unmarried women switched votes, and that helped carry many Republicans to victory. The Los Angeles Times cites a GQR analysis that in 2010, all Republicans running won the vote of half of white unmarried women. That was up from just 39 percent of support from that group in the two previous election cycles.

GQR’s pollster Anna Greenberg explained that, "Unmarried women are the most economically vulnerable group, particularly if they have children. While there has been a lot of discussion in this recession about men and manufacturing jobs, it still is the case that unmarried women are the poorest. If they feel their concerns aren't being addressed by Obama and the Democrats around the economy, it sort of makes some sense there was a decline."

Besides jobs and the economy, unmarried women are also concerned about how much health care coverage they’ll receive—or lose—under ObamaCare

Read more: Could An Unmarried Woman Sink Obama? | Fox News
Unmarried women were dreaming about the mind blowing orgasms they were going to share with the BIG O.

After almost three years they aren't even tingling and have figured out that the BIG O has been faking it.
Certainly courting the unmarried women's vote is important for either party. However, getting these unmarried women married off would pay even bigger dividends. Married women who work in the home are solid Republicans. Married women who work outside the home, reliably vote, but sometimes support Democrats. The Republicans need to do the following to get single, divorced, and widowed women married off.
▪ Form a stealth dating site - this site would feature single men who are Republicans but would not be a site that screams Republican. It could be called "Sexy Studs With Significant Savings" or SSWSS.
▪ Take away a woman's right to drive a vehicle - this must be done in such a way that Obama can be blamed for it. Perhaps using Obama's EPA would be appropriate. Taking women drivers off the road would greatly reduce carbon emissions and thereby reverse global warming.
▪ Return many occupations to MEN-only - return to an all-male military; fire and rescue; construction trades, cockpits (after all that is what the name implied in the first place); and return from line technicians to linemen. Purge all unisex job titles. For every job title possible tack on man or men to the end. Service technician to Serviceman. You get the idea, just like in the good old days.
The above will go a long way toward pushing women back into the home and turning them into loyal Republican supporters.
If this does not do it, we could use the nuclear option - take away the rights of women to vote. This would put the US on equal footing with Muslim countries.
This would improve our foreign policy because we would just be like them and they would stop hating us and be our best friends.

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