Could they be a bit nervous right about now?


Jun 27, 2009
"They" being Corporate America's Useful mean, the Tea Partiers (aka Republicans, but don't tell them that!)

In a new e-mail request for donations, a Tea Party group is warning that conservatives are losing ground in the Wisconsin battle over union rights.

A new email soliciting donations from the Tea Party Express and Our Country Deserves sent out Saturday says that recent polls and an ad campaign by pro-labor groups are getting the upper hand and that conservatives backing Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's (R) bill to roll back collective bargaining rights are starting to cede ground.

"Friends, new polls coming out in Wisconsin show that the Obama-Labor Union ad campaign against him is having an impact," the e-mail says. "Governor Walker has started losing ground, even though polls had previously shown him winning the "public relations war."

The ad warns that there will be a national ripple effect if Walker's effort actually does lose in Wisconsin.

"If we lose in Wisconsin then Republican Governors across America will take the lesson that they should give in and capitulate, and all the progress we have seen from the tea party movement will be undone," the e-mail continues.

Conservative group warns about losing union fight in Wisconsin - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

The beatdown that Walker is taking in Wisconsin will have a ripple effect. "My way or the highway" politics is not an effective bargaining position
The beatdown that Walker is taking in Wisconsin will have a ripple effect. "My way or the highway" politics is not an effective bargaining position


Don't tell Ohio, Indiana, or Rhode Island :)
Let's analyze this.....

The Tea Party is soliciting more donations.

Almost as a RULE, when political organizations do that, they include some type of cause to stir their supporters into action.

So, it's par for the course to mentions some "crisis" in order to get people to contribute.

Their crisis is one of a Governor that's doing the bidding of the people against multiple special interest groups (the unions....of which the Teacher's Union is the #1 special interest group in the USA in terms of campaign contributions).

Now the Democrats, on the other hand have a crisis too. That's one of deliberately NOT listening to the voice of the people and passing ObamaCare and out of control deficit spending.

So when people go to the polls to vote, who do you think they'd be more inclined to vote for? The folks that took some heat because they stood firm on their principals, did the uncomfortable things that were needed, and listened to the people OR the folks that flatly refused to listen to the people?
If Walker were in that much trouble, he'd have backed off.

He's not in trouble.. but the Fleebaggers are. Of course the "down is up" crowd on these boards are 180 degrees out of phase with reality, as usual.
Does all the "drama" in our U.S politics, especially the hypocrisy and name-calling, tend to turn off young Americans?

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