Could A Coup Be Brewing In The House?


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
Over 30 House Dims have said give Trump his Wall and let's make some pork money on an infrastructure deal. Money is why these critters fight so hard to get and stay in office, often spending million$ for a job that pays a hundred grand. Trump said yesterday he's sick of SanFranNan and won't deal with her again. Pelousy is enraged at Trump for grounding her private jet and couldn't care less what her members want...she believes she has the same same standing as the President and won't budge...unless she's shoved out of the way and the gavel ripped from her cold arthritic fingers. :shock:

I doubt it. She is a huge fund raiser for the Dems, and money trumps (pun) everything.

Pelosi's prowess as a fundraiser helps her secure speakership

Still, Pelosi earns her keep, thanks in part to her prowess as a fundraiser. Early in her political career, Pelosi earned notoriety as a savvy fundraiser while volunteering for Democrats in San Francisco. Her reputation has stuck. In the 2018 cycle, Pelosi distributed money through the Nancy Pelosi Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee, and PAC to the Future, a leadership PAC.
Over 30 House Dims have said give Trump his Wall and let's make some pork money on an infrastructure deal. Money is why these critters fight so hard to get and stay in office, often spending million$ for a job that pays a hundred grand. Trump said yesterday he's sick of SanFranNan and won't deal with her again. Pelousy is enraged at Trump for grounding her private jet and couldn't care less what her members want...she believes she has the same same standing as the President and won't budge...unless she's shoved out of the way and the gavel ripped from her cold arthritic fingers. :shock:


I have no doubt a coup has been brewing for the last 2 years...….remember that meeting on the tarmack??
I doubt it. She is a huge fund raiser for the Dems, and money trumps (pun) everything.

Pelosi's prowess as a fundraiser helps her secure speakership

Still, Pelosi earns her keep, thanks in part to her prowess as a fundraiser. Early in her political career, Pelosi earned notoriety as a savvy fundraiser while volunteering for Democrats in San Francisco. Her reputation has stuck. In the 2018 cycle, Pelosi distributed money through the Nancy Pelosi Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee, and PAC to the Future, a leadership PAC.

She's outlived her usefulness...….and it's beginning to show. She may have been re-elected but only by the hair on her chinny chin chin
I doubt it. She is a huge fund raiser for the Dems, and money trumps (pun) everything.

Pelosi's prowess as a fundraiser helps her secure speakership

Still, Pelosi earns her keep, thanks in part to her prowess as a fundraiser. Early in her political career, Pelosi earned notoriety as a savvy fundraiser while volunteering for Democrats in San Francisco. Her reputation has stuck. In the 2018 cycle, Pelosi distributed money through the Nancy Pelosi Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee, and PAC to the Future, a leadership PAC.

Little in this world more fearsome than a dragon woman with a sht-ton of money, no matter how borderline senile.
She won the chair though intimidation and malice....she is despised. The Dims can simply inform leadership they will walk out of chambers and form a "wall" around the Capitol building until she steps down or concedes the Wall to Trump. Not being able to handle a rebellion, she's resign her seat.
Over 30 House Dims have said give Trump his Wall and let's make some pork money on an infrastructure deal. Money is why these critters fight so hard to get and stay in office, often spending million$ for a job that pays a hundred grand. Trump said yesterday he's sick of SanFranNan and won't deal with her again. Pelousy is enraged at Trump for grounding her private jet and couldn't care less what her members want...she believes she has the same same standing as the President and won't budge...unless she's shoved out of the way and the gavel ripped from her cold arthritic fingers. :shock:


Cool story bruh.

Damn silly though.
If your definition of a 'coup' is a group of individuals who have the power to decide who runs their own little group suddenly realizes that the person they were pressured into picking is a completely hate-driven, self/party-1st, incompetent extremist who appears to have moments of emotional and physical breakdowns - and they begin thinking the best thing they can do is replace that person....then YES, I would say there could be a 'coup' brewing in the House.

Democrats already began criticizing Speaker Pelosi during the shutdown for not attempting to negotiate, compromise, and work to get a deal done. Democrats have already broken from her to cross the aisle to negotiate the Temp end of the govt shutdown we have and joined the GOP in presenting it to the President.

Speaker Pelosi continues to declare 'I won' (thanks to those who broke away from her), and vowing to never ever negotiate / compromise with the GOP and/or President again. Democrats see this is a very bad thing, not just for the party but for the country.
Over 30 House Dims have said give Trump his Wall and let's make some pork money on an infrastructure deal. Money is why these critters fight so hard to get and stay in office, often spending million$ for a job that pays a hundred grand. Trump said yesterday he's sick of SanFranNan and won't deal with her again. Pelousy is enraged at Trump for grounding her private jet and couldn't care less what her members want...she believes she has the same same standing as the President and won't budge...unless she's shoved out of the way and the gavel ripped from her cold arthritic fingers. :shock:


So you say.
A Coup? Really?

Try reading the Constitution!

Which article, moron?

Here's a link to an index of articles related to impeachment and removal from office:

Constitution of the United States - We the People

The House can impeach Trump all they want - with no real restriction - but it take 67 members of the Senate to remove him from office.

The 25th amendment can't be used to permanently remove the President unless 3/4 of both the House and the Senate repeatedly vote to keep him out.

So, a coup by the House of representatives is not possible without extreme support by Republicans in the Senate at least.

You may want to read the rest of the U.S. Constitution sometime....
Speaker Pelosi continues to declare 'I won' (thanks to those who broke away from her), and vowing to never ever negotiate / compromise with the GOP and/or President again. Democrats see this is a very bad thing, not just for the party but for the country.

Exactly....he's going to build the Wall from DOD funds and the Rats don't get DACA, TPS, or jack shit....including an infrastructure bill that Pelosi would appropriate....Trump is finished with her.
Here's a link to an index of articles related to impeachment and removal from office:

Constitution of the United States - We the People

The House can impeach Trump all they want - with no real restriction - but it take 67 members of the Senate to remove him from office.

The 25th amendment can't be used to permanently remove the President unless 3/4 of both the House and the Senate repeatedly vote to keep him out.

So, a coup by the House of representatives is not possible without extreme support by Republicans in the Senate at least.

You may want to read the rest of the U.S. Constitution sometime....

Try reading the OP next time ya blithering moron.

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