Cotton: Wall Street CEOs are effectively 'lobbyists for communist China'


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
More and more are calling it out. It must continue, more loudly, more directly and aggressively. Too many have sacrificed for the Western system of individual liberty and freedom for the world to turn their backs on these principles. Too many traitors presented as "honest business people".

For me the idea of globalism isn't going away, it must be based on capitalism. Both socially and economically. If America continues to be weakened both of these vital ideas, the core beliefs of Western society will disappear. It's replacement will be instituted by the hand of the devil.

Top American business leaders have effectively become "lobbyists for communist China," selfishly advocating for the same foreign power that seeks to undermine the United States and its democratic system, Sen. Tom Cotton said Tuesday.

"A lot of these Democrats have been in bed with China and a lot of them have been there for a very long time," Cotton, R-Ark., told "The Story" on Tuesday. "But unfortunately, a lot of America's corporate leaders have been as well."
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More and more are calling it out. It must continue, more loudly, more directly and aggressively. Too many have sacrificed for the Western system of individual liberty and freedom for the world to turn their backs on these principles. Too many traitors presented as "honest business people".

For me the idea of globalism isn't going away, it must be based on capitalism. Both socially and economically. If America continues to be weakened both of these vital ideas, the core of Western society; will disappear. It's replacement will be instituted by the hand of the devil.

Top American business leaders have effectively become "lobbyists for communist China," selfishly advocating for the same foreign power that seeks to undermine the United States and its democratic system, Sen. Tom Cotton said Tuesday.

"A lot of these Democrats have been in bed with China and a lot of them have been there for a very long time," Cotton, R-Ark., told "The Story" on Tuesday. "But unfortunately, a lot of America's corporate leaders have been as well."

And politicians like Tom Cotton have gone right along with it. Wonder where his outrage has been for the last decade? Probably placed somewhere that's secret...along with his integrity. This has been going on for decades. Both parties culpable.

Cotton can shove it as far as I'm concerned. He has been badtalking about every Biden's admin person. Cotton does nothing more than lies as far as I'm concerned.
With the complete blessing of the duopoly I might add. I'm pretty sure Sen. Cotton knew this beforehand, but he joined them anyway.
That makes them traitors and they need to be arrested tried and shot against a wall.

I am sick of these PoS undermining our nation.
More and more are calling it out. It must continue, more loudly, more directly and aggressively. Too many have sacrificed for the Western system of individual liberty and freedom for the world to turn their backs on these principles. Too many traitors presented as "honest business people".

For me the idea of globalism isn't going away, it must be based on capitalism. Both socially and economically. If America continues to be weakened both of these vital ideas, the core of Western society; will disappear. It's replacement will be instituted by the hand of the devil.

Top American business leaders have effectively become "lobbyists for communist China," selfishly advocating for the same foreign power that seeks to undermine the United States and its democratic system, Sen. Tom Cotton said Tuesday.

"A lot of these Democrats have been in bed with China and a lot of them have been there for a very long time," Cotton, R-Ark., told "The Story" on Tuesday. "But unfortunately, a lot of America's corporate leaders have been as well."

And politicians like Tom Cotton have gone right along with it. Wonder where his outrage has been for the last decade? Probably placed somewhere that's secret...along with his integrity. This has been going on for decades. Both parties culpable.

Yes, the West fell for the logic of China and future free markets and democracy, which aren't really free any more. Guys like Milton Friedman promoted libertarian economics, and I agree with them, except for one big difference, which most just assumed would occur but which hasn't; it has to be based on capitalism. With this capitalism will follow as a function, social liberty and accountable government.

Instead, we've seen the selling of our souls and principles to communism. Fooled in the worst ways. Are we so thick to believe what we have seen over the last 25 years, the sample if you will of the data, that we will avoid communism on our own shores? We are already seeing government spend big on Big Businesses, propping them up as they offshore wealth.

We have to get much smarter, It's why I believe in a mixed approach, some of the ideas put forward by even the far left, have some merit. We can't ignore the economic and social costs, we are seeing them play out in real time. From protesters to economic hardship and loss of the Middle Class in the West.
More and more are calling it out. It must continue, more loudly, more directly and aggressively. Too many have sacrificed for the Western system of individual liberty and freedom for the world to turn their backs on these principles. Too many traitors presented as "honest business people".

For me the idea of globalism isn't going away, it must be based on capitalism. Both socially and economically. If America continues to be weakened both of these vital ideas, the core beliefs of Western society will disappear. It's replacement will be instituted by the hand of the devil.

Top American business leaders have effectively become "lobbyists for communist China," selfishly advocating for the same foreign power that seeks to undermine the United States and its democratic system, Sen. Tom Cotton said Tuesday.

"A lot of these Democrats have been in bed with China and a lot of them have been there for a very long time," Cotton, R-Ark., told "The Story" on Tuesday. "But unfortunately, a lot of America's corporate leaders have been as well."
When Mike Bloomberg ran for President he made the startling assertion that China was not a totalitarian dictatorship. Then you see how Beijing Biden and his son had sordid financial dealings with Red China over the years and still won the Oval Office.

This is where the world is heading folks, and all because China turned to capitalism and is now the world's second largest economy.

Capitalism does not mean freedom. Just look at how in the US corporations are censoring free speech with impunity that changed an election. Arguably, since they are all in bed with China, China thwarted the elections in the US, much like the accusations Putin put Trump in power which turned out to be baseless. China would much rather have Biden and end the economic resistance Trump has provided to hold them accountable.
More and more are calling it out. It must continue, more loudly, more directly and aggressively. Too many have sacrificed for the Western system of individual liberty and freedom for the world to turn their backs on these principles. Too many traitors presented as "honest business people".

For me the idea of globalism isn't going away, it must be based on capitalism. Both socially and economically. If America continues to be weakened both of these vital ideas, the core beliefs of Western society will disappear. It's replacement will be instituted by the hand of the devil.

Top American business leaders have effectively become "lobbyists for communist China," selfishly advocating for the same foreign power that seeks to undermine the United States and its democratic system, Sen. Tom Cotton said Tuesday.

"A lot of these Democrats have been in bed with China and a lot of them have been there for a very long time," Cotton, R-Ark., told "The Story" on Tuesday. "But unfortunately, a lot of America's corporate leaders have been as well."
And what fucking sense does that make you fucking idiot. Ya the CEO that currently pulls down millions per tear wants to go to communism. You are fucking hilarious where the fuck do get your dumb ass shit. Lol

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