Cosmopolitan magazine too racy for Walmart...

Walmart and Cosmo: 9 things to know about the anti-porn group claiming victory

If you’re looking for 6 Ways to Get Rid of a Hickey Fast, you’re going to have to walk a little further into Walmart. The big-box store announced that it is pulling Cosmopolitan magazine from checkout lines at 5,000 locations because of its content, which some have decided is too racy. (Basically, this.) The publication will be sold in the store’s magazine aisle instead.

The move comes after the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) sat down in “collaborative dialogue” with Walmart, per the BBC, and the group is chalking up Walmart’s decision as a big win. “This is what real change looks like in our #MeToo culture,” Dawn Hawkins, the group’s executive director, said in a statement that is sure to go down in the history books as an impressive example of appropriation.

Will these socially conservative groups just crawl into a hold, and die already?
I, for one, embrace what feminism has spawned.





I don't see anything that would warp a poor kidlins brain, but shit like that, vogue and others are more than 70% ads. Waste of money imo.
They had to change their name b/c “Easily Offended Religious Busybodies” wasn’t in fashion anymore.
Didn't know the metooers were fundies

They are attempting to glom onto the MeToo movement in hopes of gaining more support and attention for their anti-porn, anti-obscenity crusade. They think the cover models on are Cosmopolitan are examples of obscenity. :lol:
Knowing Walmart has gone lib I highly doubt they'd bow to genuine fundies....

Did you read the article? The group was established in 1962 by a group of clergymen. They've been in this game for a long time. They're genuine fundies.
‘Each year the group releases a “Dirty Dozen” list of “mainstream contributors to sexual exploitation,” which in 2017 included Amnesty International, the American Library Association, Amazon, Twitter, and Roku.’ ibid

Such is the stupidity of the social right.
The big thing to watch out for with fundies is that they will use opposition to sexual objectification and exploitation, which obviously are bad things, to further their agenda against women exercising sexual agency; i.e. a person exercising control over her own sexuality and make her own choices as to whether or not to have sex at any given moment and with whom. Fundies don't make too big a deal over scantily-clad young women posing for men's magazines or shaking their T&A on football fields, so long as it's for the edification of straight men and the women are portrayed as passive sex objects.

What bothers them about Cosmo are the articles that suggest that women might think that sex is fun and that give some sort of advice about how to pick a partner, how to get him interested, and what to do with him when you've succeeded in getting him alone.

This is why I found the hysteria from these "conservative" sorts about Fifty Shades of Grey "glamorizing" violence against women so interesting. I read the first book during the hype of the first movie.

Far from the "conservatives" portrayal of it as a "damsel in distress," the couple's "romance" begins when she calls him to upbraid him about something and he finds out that she is shit-faced drunk at a bar after her final exams in college, goes to rescue her, and she barfs all over while he holds her hair back and then carries her to his hotel to clean her up and put her to bed. Later when he invites her to his home, he pursues her with a 16-page, detailed consent form before finding out that she is a virgin, having a hissy fit over this fact, and offering to take her home.

Then comes the part that the fundies must hate. She asks him whether his reaction means that they're not going to have sex. She had come there with the specific intent of losing her virginity. Overcoming his reluctance, he consents and does a "bang up" job of it, afterward realizing that he has created a monster. Unfortunately, he then turns into a jealous insecure control freak, living in constant fear that she will leave him. And so on, through pitfalls, until happily ever after and a couple of kids.

A woman? An educated woman making a decision to have sex with a man she has picked out for herself? This idea must be squelched at all costs! This is a basic fundie fear.
The granddaughter of Hearst who is spearheading this drive doesn't want to ban Cosmopolitan, she just wants it labeled porn so it can't be sold to children. Why do you sickos have a problem with that?
The granddaughter of Hearst who is spearheading this drive doesn't want to ban Cosmopolitan, she just wants it labeled porn so it can't be sold to children. Why do you sickos have a problem with that?

You can't just call a magazine with zero nudity porn just because you're a religious nut whose c*nt dried up decades ago. You can see more skin on the beach.
The granddaughter of Hearst who is spearheading this drive doesn't want to ban Cosmopolitan, she just wants it labeled porn so it can't be sold to children. Why do you sickos have a problem with that?
And how is she and this organization qualified to judge what is porn? This magazine does not even have any nudity. Any organization that criticizes Amnesty International, the American Library Association, Amazon, Twitter, and Roku as "contributors to sexual exploitation" has got to be an organization of nutjobs. And who are they to say that hotels shouldn't rent porn videos to guests?

Yet another example of fundies trying to run other peoples' lives. I'm sure that if they don't get their own way, they will scream "persecution!" and cry that anyone who opposes their desires "hates Christians."

Interesting article about the misogyny behind the efforts of groups like this, which I found only after my posting at #28:

If a young woman feels the need to seek out an issue of Cosmo to learn something new about sex, perhaps it’s because her sexual education class still seems to exists in an alternate reality where most people are waiting for marriage—or because women’s magazines are some of the only places these days where she could find affirming, accurate information about women’s sexual health in an accessible format.​

Walmart Can Ban Cosmopolitan From Its Checkouts, but Cosmo Still Wins

Yes, fundies. Women and girls are as entitled as men and boys to discuss sex. Get over it.

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