Corrupt Media Is Complicit in Obama’s Fiscal Lies – It’s Time to Call Them Out


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Corrupt Media Is Complicit in Obama’s Fiscal Lies – It’s Time to Call Them Out​

by Jim Hoft
November 30, 2012

Obama’s solution to the fiscal catastrophe that lies ahead is to raise taxes on the rich.
That doesn’t even begin to fix the problem.


According to the Obama’s own Treasury Department, the tax increases he is advocating would generate $85 billion in new revenue next year. By comparison, the total deficit for fiscal year 2012 was roughly $1.1 trillion. In other words, the proposed tax hikes would still leave us with a trillion-dollar deficit. And his tax hikes do nothing to solve the fiscal cliff of unfunded liabilities.

President Obama knows his plan is not a solution.
And the media is complicit in this lie.

[ame=]Democrat-Media Complex Begs Republicans to Raise Taxes - YouTube[/ame]​

It’s time to call them out.
Via Ace of Spades:

Obama was permitted by the media to claim, or at least strongly imply, that the painful cuts Romney was talking about (and Obama, the Great Leader, was not talking about) could be averted simply by levying a small tax on the “richest 1%.” It was a lie. It was further a lie the media assisted in. All those Fact Checks and not a single column noting that the central pillar of Barack Obama’s Re-Election Strategy was a baldfaced lie that only the uninformed or innumerate could possibly believe.​

In actuality we all know that the Lame Stream Media and the Journ0lists have implicitly been complicit in All of Oblamers Lies and criminal acts.

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