Coronavirus: What did China do about early outbreak?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Notice a few key decisions and dates below in this timeline, especially their drive to silence and destroy facts from getting out. Also consider, at least from the timeline of this BBC article that the W.H.O declared this a "Public Health Emergency of Global Concern" after only 82 cases were confirmed outside of China.

So, what were they trying to protect themselves from at that point? What did they know after telling the world not to worry only a couple of weeks earlier? Even Fauci himself, like so many other governments, suggested it wasn't a big deal as they relied on the W.H.O and China to be transparent.

How many times will the world be fooled?

So what do we know about what happened in China, and what did it say and do about the outbreak?

Here's our timeline:

"there is a very real threat of a rapidly moving, highly lethal pandemic of a respiratory pathogen killing 50 to 80 million people and wiping out nearly 5 percent of the world's economy."


That's from September, well before even the first onset of symptoms out of China. So, how would this estimation even be possible? This is a general prediction, not a specific alert to this virus.
o, how would this estimation even be possible? This is a general prediction, not a specific alert to this virus.


"there is a very real threat of a rapidly moving, highly lethal pandemic of a respiratory pathogen killing 50 to 80 million people and wiping out nearly 5 percent of the world's economy."

o, how would this estimation even be possible? This is a general prediction, not a specific alert to this virus.


"there is a very real threat of a rapidly moving, highly lethal pandemic of a respiratory pathogen killing 50 to 80 million people and wiping out nearly 5 percent of the world's economy."

So..............Yellowstone park could erupt tomorrow..........and kill everyone on the planet. A asteroid could come and smoke our asses tomorrow unless Bruce Willis can save the planet like in the movies.

or and Earthquake......LOCUSTS............OMFG...........

So..............NO ONE on this planet really planned for this ..........YOUR POINT.

Now back to the OP..............China HID THIS SHIT and could have asked for help and isolated early instead of Lying............Given what it has done to the World they are GUILTY to the point that the World should be saying...........outlaw your wet markets or we are going to shoot you.
"there is a very real threat of a rapidly moving, highly lethal pandemic of a respiratory pathogen killing 50 to 80 million people and wiping out nearly 5 percent of the world's economy."
Or we can have an outbreak that kills a million people and wipes out 90% of the world's economy.........

Cause 30 million here to lose their jobs.........and allows the assholes of the Federal Reserve and IMF to hit the enter button on MONEY LAUNDERING............and get whatever they want while they say to the people ...........WE ARE HERE TO HELP you.........PLEASE DON'T KILL US FOR BEING we take tens of trillions of fake enter elecronic currency and give it to our buddies.
and allows the assholes of the Federal Reserve and IMF to hit the enter button on MONEY LAUNDERING............and get whatever they want while they say to the people ...........WE ARE HERE TO HELP you.

close, the GPMB is recently organized from world health officials ,and the world bank

and yes.....they're here to help us

.China HID THIS SHIT and could have asked for help and isolated early instead of Lying

Hid C-19 , while working with the WHO, CDC, Facci, and the entire GPMB hierarchy FUNDING it?

Tell that to Taiwan who was trying to Warn the world early...........WHO was so deep in the Chinese pockets that they called Taiwan.............Taiwan, China.............They knew it was spreading and hid it.............We now know it was in California before it was even reported by the numbers who have the antibodies...............

They LIED.........PEOPLE AND ECONOMIES DIED............And WHO was off the dang charts on how LETHAL this virus was early on.....................And now as we see more data....................

The WHO is WRONG with their Data again.
and allows the assholes of the Federal Reserve and IMF to hit the enter button on MONEY LAUNDERING............and get whatever they want while they say to the people ...........WE ARE HERE TO HELP you.

close, the GPMB is recently organized from world health officials ,and the world bank

and yes.....they're here to help us

BS............they are here to control us............we took more loses in 1957 and 1968 with a lower population..............and we didn't destroy the economy.........and both the back doors of the money launderers.............Reserve and IMF are having a field day with IMAGINARY MONEY...........

Hit the ENTER KEY.......use our currency..........without shit to back it up..........Al Capone would be proud.............Wipe out Small Business............destroy the little man with no job...........and then start with BS rules and laws and farmers to try and start a food panic........

This is all the Globalist and the people on this planet that I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire.......

You agree with them...........then BAHHHHHHHHHHH.. because you are their sheep.
China, Russia, terrorists whomever.. know now the American weakness, America no longer comes together and Democrats will sell their souls to win an election.

I thinkin this condition only leads to more pandemics...
The lower party red mandarins were afraid of the Red Emperor, Xi, so tried to hide it from his wrath.

And then it all went bad, not only for China but all humanity.
Maybe, maybe not?

No one can trust the breath of the Red Dragon.

At least America is honest about her failure before the virus, if still in denial.
Maybe, maybe not?

No one can trust the breath of the Red Dragon.

At least America is honest about her failure before the virus, if still in denial.
Ignorance is bliss..............You are blissful.

Whenever we went to a foreign port of call way back got the CRUD.........the first time you went into that country.........because each country has it's OWN VIRUSES........and you get sick for a few days and the next visit you don't get sick..........

Asians are used to eating and being around crazy ass food................we aren' we get nailed by it worse......................Just like the Spanish wiping out the Indians via pandemic in the Americas long ago...........................Europe already had the pox......indians.......not so much as they died in droves.

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