Copyright rules on this forum


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Having been a poster for many years, I've always been aware and rightfully so as to copyright rules. Maybe even more so from my 20 year stint in the music business. I know and understand the laws more than most.

Lay it out for all of us please. I want you to get it down to the exact moment.

Lee over at Hannity puts it at 150 words. I don't want that you see. I want the exact so no one can jack my chain.

Not kidding. I want the exact amount of words and or spaces.

Please give me the exact amount of "words" I can post before you have the ability to toss me and others for copyright infringement.

I would appreciate this. I like this forum, and I don't want to cross any lines.

Just give me the exact parameters to deal with it. Oh and by the way, while I'm in here bitching :D why are all my posts moderated?

I find it strange.
Having been a poster for many years, I've always been aware and rightfully so as to copyright rules. Maybe even more so from my 20 year stint in the music business. I know and understand the laws more than most.

Lay it out for all of us please. I want you to get it down to the exact moment.

Lee over at Hannity puts it at 150 words. I don't want that you see. I want the exact so no one can jack my chain.

Not kidding. I want the exact amount of words and or spaces.

Please give me the exact amount of "words" I can post before you have the ability to toss me and others for copyright infringement.

I would appreciate this. I like this forum, and I don't want to cross any lines.

Just give me the exact parameters to deal with it. Oh and by the way, while I'm in here bitching :D why are all my posts moderated?

I find it strange.
Copyright law is written out at the Library of Congress, tinydancer: U.S. Copyright Office
When I was designing appliques and quilts, I could almost cite you chapter and verse. It wasn't until later that I got a computer. Generally, if you wish to post a thought it's a good idea to insert the words "royalty free" in your search engine with the type of image you are searching for. Many people just want people to see something pretty that will make people happy, and they don't care if it's shared. Others are possessive about their works because it is their bread and butter, so they put up bans on transferring images, plus they obfuscate the copied image with an identifying "watermark" that is generally not pleasing to see, no matter how beautiful the subject matter is. Some are reasonably priced, others want $40 or more, figuring in their fame and how mad their paying customers would be if they gave their work away for nothing.

Schools employing teachers at $50,000 or more a year no longer go after starving artists' work and establish their own copy-right free areas for people interested in learning.

It's so complex now, though, you can read the law or basics and you would then probably know more than me.
The link is here: U.S. Copyright Office

Hope that answers any questions you might have that would save yourself and the mods here grief.

In deepest regard,

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We don't go by exact wording, TD. What we ask of the poster is to post 2-3 paragraphs and link the rest of the article. As for "all your posts moderated" why don't you PM me and state your issue instead of the open board. Because I really find that hard to believe.

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