Convicted Briton Attacked By ISIL Members In Mogadishu Jail


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
A British national serving term in Mogadishu’s Central Prison c survived an attack by ISIL members Sunday

Anthony Thomas Cox, was wounded on the neck after the two men attacked him with razorblades as he watched a soccer match outside his cell room, according to prison guards who spoke to Radio Dalsan on condition of anononimity.

Mt Cox is serving jailed term after a Mogadishu court convicted him of putting public safety in danger and for failing to reveal possession of the explosive materials in his suitcase to the security forces.
Convicted Briton attacked by ISIL members in Mogadishu jail

Anthony Thomas Cox, who had been working for a private security company in Mogadishu, suffered minor injuries after he was set upon by fellow prisoners said to be loyal to al Shabaab and the Islamic State.

Authorities said the attackers in Mogadishu Central Prison had tried to cut Mr Cox's throat with razor blades but were foiled when guards intervened.

"As one of the suspects was about to cut his [Mr Cox's] neck, we managed to stop him. He sustained a very minor cut. He is doing well," Abdikarim Ali Afra, the deputy governor of the prison, told the BBC's Somali service.

Mr Cox was arrested at Mogadishu airport on January 19 as he was boarding an Ethiopian airlines flight to Addis Abada when security guards found tear gas canisters in his baggage.

He is to be charged with endangering the public by failing to disclose them.

However, it is unclear when he will stand trial and colleagues in the security sector in Mogadishu have expressed alarm that he is being held in the city's central prison alongside hardened terrorists.

The Foreign and Commonwealth office said: “We are in contact with a British man who has been detained in Somalia and our staff are assisting his family.”

A security source in Mogadishu called it "worrying" that authorities had decided to hold Mr Cox in the prison, where many of the country's most violent terrorist suspects are held.

Briton arrested in Somalia survives 'jihadist' razor-blade attack in prison

So, he broke the law and was placed with hardened criminals. He brought tear gas canisters onto a plane.......

I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me
He's just a poor boy from a poor family
Spare him his life from something something something:cheers2:

Sorry, I couldn't help it. I would be concerned about when his trial is as well.

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