Controlling Labor Replaced Controlling Production


Sep 23, 2010
Parasites have been developing their political philosophy for thousands of years. Benign totalitarian government is the objective parasites sought through all of those centuries. Parasite ideology is now very close to a victory over a once-free people. The XVI Amendment provides the implementation machinery. In practice, the partial victories they won to date with lies and stealth are not benign any more than they were harmless in the defunct Soviet Union, or in today’s China, Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam and so on.

An informative piece by Janice Shaw Crouse opened my eyes to just how close parasites are to realizing a complete victory with the ACA.

If you have been following the gunfights being fought in Washington you have to conclude that unconditional surrender in the ACA war is the one thing standing in the way of parasites winning a total victory. The plural of gunfight is not a typo.

1. Senate Democrats are shooting at Tea Party conservatives

2. Senate Democrats are shooting at the Republican party.

3. Senate Democrats are shooting at the House of Representatives.

4. Senate Democrats and the Administration are shooting at the America people.

5. The president and Harry Reid are shooting at the Constitution.

The decision of the House of Representatives determines independently where money is to be spent. It is called “legislation by appropriation.”


. . . the Senate chose to shut down the government rather than delay funding for Obamacare. And, even if the Senate had voted the same as the House, the President said he would veto that vote. The bottom line is that neither the Senate nor the President would accept the appropriations authority of the House.

Community Organizer Runs Amok
By Janice Shaw Crouse on 10.9.13 @ 6:08AM
The shutdown reveals our president at his most unbalanced.

The American Spectator : Community Organizer Runs Amok

One point before moving on: Harry Reid —— NOT THE SENATE —— chose to shutdown the government. Harry Reid pisses and moans about Senator Cruz controlling the House of Representatives while he, Reid, tightens his stranglehold on the country.

Historical perspective

Parasites throughout history believed that their governments should take care of them. Until Socialism/Communism reared its ugly head parasites concentrated on obtaining soft-touch government jobs; their methods are still used today. Thomas More’s speech about the law in the following video is the more famous scene. Move the cursor to 7:40 to watch a more important scene in which Richard Rich practices the tried and true method —— selling one’s soul —— still used by today’s parasites seeking a government job:

[ame=]Great Movie Scenes - Episode 17: A Man for All Seasons - YouTube[/ame]​

It goes without saying that parasites never wanted to work too hard. On the other hand they never demanded tax dollars for doing absolutely nothing if you can call that a plus.

The XVI Amendment moved the parasite movement to a level medieval parasites could only dream about. The ancient foundation of parasitic government jobs was combined with free services, direct payments for not working at all, and, most importantly, parasites in control of the government.

Community organizing is the structured result of centuries-old parasite ideology rather than a new innovation. Instead of direct control over the means of production and distribution:

socialism (noun)

1. a. A social system in which the means of producing and distributing goods are owned collectively and political power is exercised by the whole community. b. The theory or practice of those who support such a social system.

2. The building of the material base for communism under the dictatorship of the proletariat in Marxist-Leninist theory.

American parasites control everyone’s income via the XVI Amendment. Control over income amounted to a quantum leap for parasite doctrine. A doctrine codified by community organizers manipulating the welfare stare. No parasite class, no organized religion, in history ever came close to giving parasites the upper hand in government.

NOTE: It is my belief that parasites, working from within, brought down every empire, every culture, every government in history because they did not get what they wanted. They will destroy America after they get what they want.

Without the tax on income funding the parasite class their ideology would be seen for what it is; a crackpot political movement championed by priests, do-gooder freakazoids, charity hustlers, and angry charlatans looking for lifetime tenured government jobs. Tax dollar funding satisfies the demands of all four.

Follow the money

I want the people of America to be able to work less for the government and more for themselves. I want them to have the rewards of their own industry.

That is the chief meaning of freedom. Until we can re-establish a condition under which the earnings of the people can be kept by the people, we are bound to suffer a very distinct curtailment of our liberty. Calvin Coolidge

Silent Cal became president ten years after the XVI Amendment was implemented. He served until 1930. Dirty little moralist parasites have had a century to hone their belief:

We just think people will be too focused on saving money and they won’t get the care for their children and themselves that they need. We think the government, by saying, ‘You have to make this schedule. You have to have your kids in for inoculations here, you have to do a pre-screening here, you have to do this’ — the government will make better decisions than the people will make, and people will be healthier because of it. Hilary Rodham Clinton


“We just can't trust the American people to make those types of choices.... Government has to make those choices for people.” Hilary Rodham Clinton

Bill was more succinct:

We could give it all back to you and hope you spend it right. William J. Clinton

And the grand prize winner is Steny Hoyer:

Hoyer Says Constitution’s ‘General Welfare’ Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance
October 21, 2009

Hoyer Says Constitution?s ?General Welfare? Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance | CNS News

Let me point out that every piece of garbage cleverly enriches the parasite class and the wealthiest members of the ruling class whenever they justify their Right to tell Americans how to spend the money they earn. The “common good,” and the “general welfare,” are but two phrases used to make society’s wealth-creators feel good when they end up seeing fewer real benefits from their labors. Whenever scum like the three I cited talk about benefits they always mean the philosophical kind. Ditto when they send Americans off to fight and die in foreign lands for philosophical reasons, but never for defense of the nation.

American parasites were too goddamned lazy to work for themselves in a free society. Instead of working they whined about the government until they arrived at where they are today. If the ACA is not repealed millions of lazy bum parasites will join all of those equally lazy airport screeners at the public trough.

Incidentally, media sneaks are pushing a one year delay on implementing the individual mandate. Even if Republicans get it they get nothing, while the Democrats can load up the system with millions of parasites in that year —— which is exactly what they want. If defunding is not doable because of RINO then conservatives should insist on stopping all hiring connected to the ACA until after the midterms.

Finally, labor is converted to money. Taxes are paid with money. Thanks to the concept of community organizing parasites truly believe that every dollar ——every bit of labor performed —— belongs to them to spend on themselves.
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Interesting, if lengthy, post. Income disparity and redistribution are curious topics in that they represent divergent logical and practical values. On the one hand, there is no logical justification for taking from one person in order to give to another person. On the other hand, even the perception of unjust disparity in income or wealth can foment civil unrest and political instability. The trick seems to be in mollifying the masses while preserving the engines of economic production. Bread and circuses, anyone?
Interesting, if lengthy, post.

To jwoodie: In some cases more is necessary.

On the one hand, there is no logical justification for taking from one person in order to give to another person.

To jwoodie: You’ve hit on the basic reason for repealing the ACA.

There is one aspect of the ACA that is being overlooked in the fight to repeal it. Five members of the Supreme Court voted to take from a lot of people and give to a few. Four of the justices who voted for it have provable character defects.

Elena Kagan should have recused herself.

All this comes hard on the heels of those calling on Justice Elena Kagan to disqualify herself in the ObamaCare litigation because of her role, as Solicitor General, in preparing its constitutional defense. These calls have intensified with the release of recent emails. Justice Kagan’s supporters respond that she testified in her confirmation hearings that she had nothing to do with ObamaCare.

First, her phraseology was much more precise. She said she would only recuse herself from any case in which she “officially formally approved something,” or “served as counsel of record” or “played any substantial role.” But the statute requires disqualification if Kagan, as a federal employee (she was the former Solicitor General) “participated” as an “adviser” on a matter, even if she did not give any formal advice. She also must disqualify herself if her impartiality might reasonably be questioned.

Evidence Mounts Against Justice Kagan For Recusal In ObamaCare Suit
By Ronald Rotunda
Published January 26, 2012

Evidence Mounts Against Justice Kagan For Recusal In ObamaCare Suit | Fox News

Stephen Breyer often said that his judicial philosophy rested on the unwavering values of the Founding Fathers applied in today’s world. Assuming Breyer knows what the Founding Fathers thought about tyrannical government, and the public purse, it’s impossible to see how he concluded they would approve of Hillarycare II. One good thing did come out of Breyer’s vote. He can no longer wrap himself in the unwavering values of the Founding Fathers every time he wants to justify an unconstitutional decision.

Ruth Ginsburg upholding the Constitution is two bridges too far. She had no trouble taking constitutional Rights away from productive Americans and giving them to a utopian definition of human Rights.

[ame=]SC Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg ~ to Egypt: "I would not look to the US constitution" - YouTube[/ame]​

Click on the link and move the cursor to 1:30 to hear John Roberts say:

“If the Constitution says that the little guy should win, the little guy’s going to win in court before me, but if the Constitution says that the big guy should win, well, then the big guy’s going to win.”

Roberts says he's not an ideologue - US news - The Changing Court | NBC News

After Roberts’ contorted decision it was obvious his little guys are dwarfs because he sure as hell didn’t vote for economic little guys.

On the other hand, even the perception of unjust disparity in income or wealth can foment civil unrest and political instability.

To jwoodie: That’s interesting in that civil unrest usually comes from below. In the case of the ACA it’s topsy-turvy time. The government —— the president and Democrats in Congress —— are engaging in civil unrest.

Bread and circuses, anyone?

To jwoodie: When the natives get restless Socialists will provide soup kitchens and television?

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