Contaminated chemo drugs, the FDA and Chemical warfare against the public


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Chemo drugs are highly poisonous to begin with. But suppose, on top of that, they’re contaminated and tainted?

Welcome to the FDA: the handmaiden to Big Pharma; the promoter of destructive medicines; the opponent of natural health; the agency that should have been disbanded and fumigated decades ago. Corruption Central.

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Org. article from

Contaminated chemo drugs, the FDA, and chemical warfare against the public

Take it or leave it the information is there the mission choose to be stupid by believing everything and anything that comes out of the medical gods mouths, or research the information from sites that just might know what they are talking about because making millions off your health isn't in their best interest.
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The FDA is all about protecting Big Pharma, yet the American people pay for it. Why has everything in our central government become a racket?

Answer: because it is all about the money.

The revolving door between industry and government and media is a huge scam, that is entirely ignored. The central government is preying on the American people.

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