Conservatives, what pisses you off the most about Democrats

They don't believe the government should mandate people to help take care of others. They see that as a serious encroachment on freedom.
the fact they they have lawmakers in DC with an IQ lower than Barney The Dinasour
High taxes
High taxes
You hate America
You hate the Constitution


Please clarify and justify.

High taxes see California, Illinois,New York

Hate America see your hatred for the EC, kneeling before the flag, hate cops, see Obama's apologie tour

Hate the Constitution see the 2nd amendment

Thanks. I think I understand you better now. I disagree, but I understand.

You're welcome
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.
Democrats lie all the time.
Democrats cheat all the time.
Democrats tell you to save the planet, then they jet off in their private jets.
Democrats ban everything, straws, plastic bags, now buildings made of glass and steel.
Democrat women are ugly as sin.
Democrats think "Men with Boobs" are actually women and force the rest of US to accept them as normal.
Democrats tell US that when it is hot outside it is global warming, then when it is cold outside it is weather.
Democrats want to fundamentally transform this country into a 3rd world shit hole, like what is happening to California.
Democrats are either "misguided" and need to wake up, or they are just EVIL as can be.
Democrats try to tell everyone else that conservatives are bad, while they are doing all those I have listed before.

in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.
Democrats lie all the time.
Democrats cheat all the time.
Democrats tell you to save the planet, then they jet off in their private jets.
Democrats ban everything, straws, plastic bags, now buildings made of glass and steel.
Democrat women are ugly as sin.
Democrats think "Men with Boobs" are actually women and force the rest of US to accept them as normal.
Democrats tell US that when it is hot outside it is global warming, then when it is cold outside it is weather.
Democrats want to fundamentally transform this country into a 3rd world shit hole, like what is happening to California.
Democrats are either "misguided" and need to wake up, or they are just EVIL as can be.
Democrats try to tell everyone else that conservatives are bad, while they are doing all those I have listed before.

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Since when is lying and cheating been bad things? Sure, before 2016, but the dynamic has changed.

Your other reasons seem to me to be rather silly. But thanks!
Freedom to do what exactly?

The freedom to choose not to do that. They don't believe they should have to live by your morality. They want to exist and grow in the world without the government telling them a portion of their success is owed to people less capable or less hard working than they are.
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.

When a conservative doesn't like something, he or she usually ignores it. When a Democrat doesn't like something, they petition their legislators to make it illegal or tax the hell out of it so nobody would like it.

Conservatives believe the key to success is for those at the bottom to work hard and strive to get to the top. The Democrat philosophy is to bring those at the top down to the bottom.

Democrats look at this country as one giant commune. It takes a village. Some work, some don't, some just sit home having kids, and we are all supposed to contribute to keep this commune afloat. Conservatives believe that work should equal reward. The more you create, the more financial success you should have.

Conservatives believe that there is a superior being that created and controls this planet. Liberals think man controls the climate.

Liberals believe in killing babies. Conservatives believe in killing murderers.

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