Conservatives... should we mark certain elements of our society as "disposables"?


Cows Have Liberal Minds
Nov 6, 2011
Taking the queue from right wing politicians and business owners in countries like Columbia in the past?

There, politicians and business owners have decided to hire death squads to rid their cities and businesses of so called "disposables". Individuals that are unemployed, homeless, thieves, beggars, prostitutes and anybody else deemed a leech and detriment to society.

So they have them killed. Treated like trash and refuse, just cleansed from the city.

Sometimes when I hear conservatives speaking about certain segments of society, I feel that they would be right at home with this kind of approach.

Cities that pass death sentences on the poor: Colombia 'cleanses' its thieves, beggars and prostitutes - World - News - The Independent

[ame=]Living in the Sewers of Colombia - YouTube[/ame]

I only bring this up, because I wonder just how serious they might get about the "dregs" and "thugs" of society some day.

TWICE a week, a council van arrives at Bogota's southern cemetery. It passes the rows of white crosses and stops beside a large pit. Two men unload nine stretchers carrying bodies loosely wrapped in black plastic. Casually, they tip the naked corpses into the waterlogged ditch. There is no priest, no blessing. This is the way the rejects of Colombian society are buried. They are called los desechables, the disposables; treated in death, as in life, as human refuse.

In growing numbers, the unemployed and homeless, thieves, street children, tramps, prostitutes and homosexuals are being murdered by the police and hired death squads. Colombians call it 'social cleansing'. Father Rigoberto, a priest who works with the destitute in Bogota, has watched the toll rise in his district: 'It used to be one every three weeks, but in the past three months it's multiplied. It's now three or four a week.'

The President of Colombia, Cesar Gaviria, acknowledges that the people even he refers to as the disposables are being killed, but says it is a low priority compared with all the other drug and guerrilla violence. 'It is not so important. It is not a high percentage of the 25,000 killings we have in Colombia. It is an important problem, but maybe the country is more worried about other problems.'

That "there are more important problems" thing reminds me of conservatives so much, with no desire to right grievous offenses against society because there are "more important problems".

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