Conservatives --- forget about Mike Brown


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Let us suppose that the cop was justified in using force against Mike Brown and taking his life---that does not give the police a license to assault journalists. That does not permit the police to set up "Free Speech Zones" for "credentialed media" only.

You conservatives are focusing on the most IRRELEVANT ISSUE in the entire Martial Law crisis --- Michael Brown. This is like focusing on the several people who died in the Boston Massacre before the Revolution. As if whether or not the Redcoats should have (or should not have) opened fire on them was actually RELEVANT to the events that took place before and during the revolution.

We're in a post-Ferguson America where the precedent has now been set that Free Speech Zones are accepted as the norm and attacking "uncredentialed" journalists is legal. We're in a America where 99.99% of the police will concentrate themselves on a single block to oppress the non-violent protestors, while not engaging the looters EVERYWHERE ELSE in the city.

K thanks.

Wake the fuck up.

They sent an entire army to arrest Adam Kokesh. They sent an entire army into Boston for two terrorists. They sent an entire army to arrest a man in DC for having a misfired shotgun shell. They sent an entire army to a local school in order to arrest a pedophile.

Why do you conservatives even CARE about the Second Amendment, when it's primary purpose is to LETHALLY RESIST ANY POLICE THAT ENFORCE TYRANNY.

Seriously, you remind me of the conservatives who sided with the Redcoats during the Boston Massacre.

From Boston to Ferguson: Have We Reached a Tipping Point in the Police State? | Tenth Amendment Center Blog
I was just reading this:

Blue porch lights, Darren Wilson T-shirts part of growing support for Ferguson officer

By Jason Sickles, Yahoo August 19, 2014 7:00 PM Yahoo News

Support Darren Wilson Facebook page. “I'll take this as a magnificent sign of support!”
While protests and unrest sparked by the death of Michael Brown have captured the nation’s attention, grass-roots campaigns backing the officer who killed him are gaining ground.
At least a half-dozen pro-Wilson pages have popped up on Facebook in recent days. Combined, the pages are approaching 100,000 likes. An online campaign to help the Wilson family with “any financial needs they may have including legal fees” has taken in nearly $40,000 in two days.
I Support Officer Wilson surpassed 39,000 Facebook likes on Tuesday. The page was launched by the wife of a Missouri police officer who said it could have been her husband or any other officer instead of Wilson.

ALL of it here:
Blue porch lights, Darren Wilson T-shirts part of growing support for Ferguson officer - Yahoo News
Let us suppose that the cop was justified in using force against Mike Brown and taking his life---that does not give the police a license to assault journalists. That does not permit the police to set up "Free Speech Zones" for "credentialed media" only.
The Riot Cop that pointed his weapon at a few Journalists and said "I'm gonna' f*ckin' kill you!" is on Admin leave.
Whining about aggressive journalists who were inconvenienced by a little tear gas in Missouri seems rather frivolous in light of what happened to James Foley in the Mid east.
Let us suppose that the cop was justified in using force against Mike Brown and taking his life---that does not give the police a license to assault journalists. That does not permit the police to set up "Free Speech Zones" for "credentialed media" only.

You conservatives are focusing on the most IRRELEVANT ISSUE in the entire Martial Law crisis --- Michael Brown. This is like focusing on the several people who died in the Boston Massacre before the Revolution. As if whether or not the Redcoats should have (or should not have) opened fire on them was actually RELEVANT to the events that took place before and during the revolution.

We're in a post-Ferguson America where the precedent has now been set that Free Speech Zones are accepted as the norm and attacking "uncredentialed" journalists is legal. We're in a America where 99.99% of the police will concentrate themselves on a single block to oppress the non-violent protestors, while not engaging the looters EVERYWHERE ELSE in the city.

K thanks.

Wake the fuck up.

They sent an entire army to arrest Adam Kokesh. They sent an entire army into Boston for two terrorists. They sent an entire army to arrest a man in DC for having a misfired shotgun shell. They sent an entire army to a local school in order to arrest a pedophile.

Why do you conservatives even CARE about the Second Amendment, when it's primary purpose is to LETHALLY RESIST ANY POLICE THAT ENFORCE TYRANNY.

Seriously, you remind me of the conservatives who sided with the Redcoats during the Boston Massacre.

From Boston to Ferguson: Have We Reached a Tipping Point in the Police State? | Tenth Amendment Center Blog
The media perpetuate the violence and looting. Take their 1st amendment protection away. They're liberal lapdogs and anti-white bigots.
If anyone assaults a journalist they are charged with a crime.
Journalists have no special rights under the Constitution and are to be treated as any other ordinary citizen.
I know that pisses their milk weak asses off but hey go cry to mama.
Whining about aggressive journalists who were inconvenienced by a little tear gas in Missouri seems rather frivolous in light of what happened to James Foley in the Mid east.

Did you know tear gas it outlawed in warfare all around the world, but you think it's perfectly fine for our government to gas our fellow Americans with it?

More proof conservatives love the authoritarian police state. You guys just keep ending up on the wrong side of just about every issue anymore. No wonder you're losing the war.

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