Conservative, Libertarians bash Obamacare lite" replacement bill


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Conservative and libertarian-leaning lawmakers are bashing “Obamacare Lite,” the recently revealed Obamacare replacement bill drafted behind closed doors by establishment Republican leadership.
GOP globalists protect Obama's legacy from Trump

Conservatives, Libertarians Bash “Obamacare Lite” Replacement Bill

From what I remember of Rand P. speaking today on infowars there is some bs in this package where the insurance company does some wazoooo bs. Trump is trying to get rid of this bs but asshole Obama has it so heavily cemented/rooted around everything we'll be lucky to see any of his bs healthcare go.
Rand Paul is I suspect a member of the Freedom Caucus, the ultra right wing conservatives, crazy right wing nuts. I hope it all blows apart and the ACA needs 60 votes to repeal and replace so its not going to happen, esp come 2018, and new Democrats in the seat. They totally ignore the town hall meetings of 1 and 2 weeks ago, they will not get re elected,

your daddy and father figure is going to be a one term president if that.

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