Conservative gains at Supreme Court leading to anger, frustration and 'peeks behind the curtain


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

President Trumps legacy will include turning the federal judiciary from left to right and center.

What the public sees of the Supreme Court is mostly above-the-belt – literally and figuratively. When the justices rise to leave the bench, Thomas often extends a hand to Ginsburg, who at 86 walks carefully while recovering from lung cancer.

But in their written opinions and dissents, things have gotten a bit snippy.

The court's four liberals have displayed irritation at its new, more conservative majority – including once in the middle of the night. And some of the five conservatives are showing impatience with the incremental pace of change.

"We are seeing more expression of frustration and anger from the justices this term," said Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the University of California-Berkeley School of Law.

The high court has been through other periods of fear and loathing, particularly after its December 2000 ruling that handed the presidency to George W. Bush. This time, ill tempers are colliding with Chief Justice John Roberts's effort to lower the temperature following last fall's contentious confirmation of Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Much more @ Conservative gains at Supreme Court leading to anger, frustration and 'peeks behind the curtain'

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