Cons/repubs, what should Obama be doing to create jobs?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Don't say a less regulations - that is not true. Regulations have an insignficant impact on economic growth:

Do regulations curtail job growth? | Decisions Based on Evidence

(The site above cites the Bureau of Labor Statistics)

So now that were able to clear that misconception up, what legislation should be going through Congress right now? If Obama is so incompentant, what would YOU do different as president?
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Lower taxes and ease on regulations...

Stop bailing out private sector labor unions and sticking the taxpayers with the bill...

End the FED...
Lower taxes and ease on regulations...

Stop bailing out private sector labor unions and sticking the taxpayers with the bill...

End the FED...

Tax rates for the wealthy are at their lowest in history. So no, that would not work.
-Lower taxes for the middle class 30-400k/year.
-Cut red tape on regs
-End free trade with China...Make it fair trade that works towards bringing business, corperations back here at home within the US.
-Maybe have a tax credit for each American(no matter the race, cred, sex) employee hired.
-Place a tax on all stuff made outside of the US, which would level the playing field.
-End green cards that favor non-Americans and encourage hiring of Americans into these jobs.
-Drill for our own oil and mine our own coal...Sure, we can build more wind and solar too.
-Build more coal fire plants, nuclear, ect
-Maybe end any thing stopping us from mining for resources off planet. This would fire up our economy big time in the long run. Think this little planet is all the resources? Are you nuts! Lets get more wealth!
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-Lower taxes for the middle class 30-400k/year.
-Cut red tape on regs
-End free trade with China...Make it fair trade that works towards bringing business, corperations back here at home within the US.
-Maybe have a tax credit for each American(no matter the race, cred, sex) employee hired.
-Place a tax on all stuff made outside of the US, which would level the playing field.
-End green cards that favor non-Americans and encourage hiring of Americans into these jobs.
-Drill for our own oil and mine our own coal...Sure, we can build more wind and solar too.
-Build more coal fire plants, nuclear, ect
-Maybe end any thing stopping us from mining for resources off planet. This would fire up our economy big time in the long run. Think this little planet is all the resources? Are you nuts!

That's not a bad list!
Don't say a less regulations - that is not true. Regulations have an insignficant impact on economic growth:

Do regulations curtail job growth? | Decisions Based on Evidence

(The site above cites the Bureau of Labor Statistics)

So now that were able to clear that misconception up, what legislation should be going through Congress right now? If Obama is so incompentant, what would YOU do different as president?

Well, I reject your notion that regulations don't curtail growth.

The first thing I'd do is revisit the whole issue of Free Trade. We really need to distangle ourselves from dependence on China for manufacturing.

He could sign the Keystone Oil Pipeline thing and get some jobs tomorrow.

He could admit Obamacare was a terrible idea and go along with repealing it.
Anyone else?

The Obamas stayed in a multimillion-dollar oceanfront rental on Kailua Beach, near Honolulu, and surrounded themselves with a close-knit group of family and friends. That included Obama's sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, who lives on Oahu, and several of the president's childhood friends.
-Lower taxes for the middle class 30-400k/year.
-Cut red tape on regs
-End free trade with China...Make it fair trade that works towards bringing business, corperations back here at home within the US.
-Maybe have a tax credit for each American(no matter the race, cred, sex) employee hired.
-Place a tax on all stuff made outside of the US, which would level the playing field.
-End green cards that favor non-Americans and encourage hiring of Americans into these jobs.
-Drill for our own oil and mine our own coal...Sure, we can build more wind and solar too.
-Build more coal fire plants, nuclear, ect
-Maybe end any thing stopping us from mining for resources off planet. This would fire up our economy big time in the long run. Think this little planet is all the resources? Are you nuts!

That's not a bad list!

you closet Republican you.

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