Connect The Dots: One World Government


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. The big push by the Left at Global Governance, called 'global warming' was aimed at putting the nation under the control of the United Nations has all but petered the fraud became revealed.
"In Obama’s second State of the Union address, he actually seemed to concede the scientific evidence as a weakness. He argued that we need to pursue a more enlightened energy strategy in spite of the doubts about the science of climate change."
Michael Mann 'Disappointed' In Obama's Global Warming Record

2. "[Justice] Ginsburg, whose job on the Supreme Court is to uphold the U.S. Constitution, has a curious but sadly widespread disdain for that document. A recent New York Times article suggested the American Constitution is losing its allure around the world. The main reason is it does not guarantee the right to, among other things, food, health care and education."
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Trashes Constitution; Should She Be Impeached? - Yahoo! News

3. "CIA Director Leon Panetta, President Obama’s nominee for secretary of defense, co-chaired an initiative to regulate U.S. oceans and cede them to United Nations-based international law.
Panetta’s oceans initiative was a key partner of an organization, Citizens for Global Solutions, that promotes world government.
As WND reported, billionaire George Soros is a primary funder and key proponent of the Global Centre for Responsibility to Protect, the main organization pushing the doctrine. The center includes the World Federalist Movement as one of its members and coordinators."
Obama’s DoD nominee caught in 1-world scheme

4. "We want to create what's called a global minimum tax," he [Biden] said, "because American taxpayers shouldn't be providing a larger subsidy for investing abroad than investing at home."... President Obama's National Economic Council director Gene Sperling also used the term "global minimum tax" last month.

But considering this administration's hostility to American exceptionalism, for all we know U.S. businesses could find themselves a couple of years from now subject to taxation dictated by corrupt international bodies like the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank. ObamaCare proves that you never can be sure what this president and his minions are really up to."
Vice President Joe Biden's Gaffes Are Legendary, But The Ideas Behind Them Are Worse -

5. 'What's black and white and "red" all over? The Department of Justice's newly designed website. Gone are the standard red, white, and blue motifs, replaced by an all-black backdrop. And prominently placed on virtually every page of the site is a quote credited to a man who facilitated a greater role for socialists and communists at the U.N., and the global "workers rights movement." ' (...C. Wilfred Jenks, who back in the late 1930s and after World War II was a leading figure in the "international law" movement, which sought to impose a global, common law,...)
The American Spectator : Justice Loses Its Stars and Stripes

But, by now, all know who this President and his minions serve. A vote for Obama is ironically, a vote for unelected bureaucrats to rule the nation and the world.

Guess where his post-election "flexibility" would lead......
The OP has clearly gone over the edge into the realm of political idiocy.

Item two concerning Justice Ginsburg’s comments concerning Egypt’s efforts to compose a constitution, for example, Eugene Volokh correctly noted at the time:

This criticism strikes me as quite misplaced. Justice Ginsburg swore an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution, and I suspect she thinks that the U.S. Constitution, as interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court and U.S. political practice, works pretty well in the U.S. But why should she (or we) think that the 1787 constitutional text, coupled with the 27 amendments that have come in fits and spurts since then, would necessarily work well for a completely different country today?

To be sure, our Constitution has the merit of having endured with only one really huge constitutional crisis — the Civil War — for a long time, and of having produced a very rich and free country; that’s good. But much of that, I suspect, comes not from the constitutional text, but from the constitutional traditions that have emerged since then, both in the courts and elsewhere; adopting the U.S. Constitution would not adopt those traditions.

And it might well be that Egypt might be well-served by a very different approach than the U.S. Constitutions — for instance, with regard to relations between the federal government and more local governments, with regard to whether to have a Presidential system or a parliamentary system, with regard to how hard the constitution would be to amend, with regard to how judges are selected and how long they serve, with regard to how the President is selected, with regard to the relationship between the two chambers of the legislature, with regard to whether all executive officials work for the President or whether some are independently elected or selected, with regard to just how to craft the criminal justice system, and so on. (And here I just speak of the big picture questions, and not more specific details.) Remember that even our own states’ constitutions differ in many respects, especially with regard to separation of powers and the selection and tenure of judges, from the U.S. Constitution. Again, that the constitutional text, coupled with a wide range of extratextual political and legal practices, has worked well for us over 200+ years doesn’t tell us that it would work well for Egypt for the coming years.

Nor do I think that there’s something disloyal or bad for American policy for an American Justice to make such statements to a foreign country. Rather, I think it’s just sensible and sensibly (not excessively or falsely) modest.

And, returning to my first point, none of this tells us whether Justice Ginsburg is committed to following the U.S. Constitution in the U.S. Maybe you think she is so committed and maybe you think she isn’t, but you’d have to figure that out from other sources than from the advice she gives to a different country about whether to adopt the constitutional text in a completely different political and legal requirement.

The Volokh Conspiracy » U.S. Justices’ Foreign Statements About the U.S. Constitution

As for the rest of the OP, it’s too inane for any further consideration.
The OP has clearly gone over the edge into the realm of political idiocy.

Item two concerning Justice Ginsburg’s comments concerning Egypt’s efforts to compose a constitution, for example, Eugene Volokh correctly noted at the time:

This criticism strikes me as quite misplaced. Justice Ginsburg swore an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution, and I suspect she thinks that the U.S. Constitution, as interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court and U.S. political practice, works pretty well in the U.S. But why should she (or we) think that the 1787 constitutional text, coupled with the 27 amendments that have come in fits and spurts since then, would necessarily work well for a completely different country today?

To be sure, our Constitution has the merit of having endured with only one really huge constitutional crisis — the Civil War — for a long time, and of having produced a very rich and free country; that’s good. But much of that, I suspect, comes not from the constitutional text, but from the constitutional traditions that have emerged since then, both in the courts and elsewhere; adopting the U.S. Constitution would not adopt those traditions.

And it might well be that Egypt might be well-served by a very different approach than the U.S. Constitutions — for instance, with regard to relations between the federal government and more local governments, with regard to whether to have a Presidential system or a parliamentary system, with regard to how hard the constitution would be to amend, with regard to how judges are selected and how long they serve, with regard to how the President is selected, with regard to the relationship between the two chambers of the legislature, with regard to whether all executive officials work for the President or whether some are independently elected or selected, with regard to just how to craft the criminal justice system, and so on. (And here I just speak of the big picture questions, and not more specific details.) Remember that even our own states’ constitutions differ in many respects, especially with regard to separation of powers and the selection and tenure of judges, from the U.S. Constitution. Again, that the constitutional text, coupled with a wide range of extratextual political and legal practices, has worked well for us over 200+ years doesn’t tell us that it would work well for Egypt for the coming years.

Nor do I think that there’s something disloyal or bad for American policy for an American Justice to make such statements to a foreign country. Rather, I think it’s just sensible and sensibly (not excessively or falsely) modest.

And, returning to my first point, none of this tells us whether Justice Ginsburg is committed to following the U.S. Constitution in the U.S. Maybe you think she is so committed and maybe you think she isn’t, but you’d have to figure that out from other sources than from the advice she gives to a different country about whether to adopt the constitutional text in a completely different political and legal requirement.

The Volokh Conspiracy » U.S. Justices’ Foreign Statements About the U.S. Constitution

As for the rest of the OP, it’s too inane for any further consideration.

How kind of you to show up just in time to prove that when data accumulates to prove an anti-progressive thesis....

....Liberals can never.....


...connect the dots.

Thanks much, Torte....
"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas." - Brock Adams, Director UN Health Organization

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas.” – G. Brock Chisholm, co-founder of the World Federation for Mental Health, former director of UN World Health Organization

An amazing quote......

Brockman Adams was a Senator.
"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas." - Brock Adams, Director UN Health Organization

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas.” – G. Brock Chisholm, co-founder of the World Federation for Mental Health, former director of UN World Health Organization

An amazing quote......

Brockman Adams was a Senator.

Just because you are paranoid...

It don't mean that they're not after you....
"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas." - Brock Adams, Director UN Health Organization

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas.” – G. Brock Chisholm, co-founder of the World Federation for Mental Health, former director of UN World Health Organization

An amazing quote......

Brockman Adams was a Senator.

Just because you are paranoid...

It don't mean that they're not after you....

Just wonderin'.....was the Prophet Jerrmiah paranoid?

God’s personal message to Jeremiah, “Attack you they will, overcome you they can’t,...
Jeremiah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1. The big push by the Left at Global Governance, called 'global warming' was aimed at putting the nation under the control of the United Nations has all but petered the fraud became revealed.
"In Obama’s second State of the Union address, he actually seemed to concede the scientific evidence as a weakness. He argued that we need to pursue a more enlightened energy strategy in spite of the doubts about the science of climate change."
Michael Mann 'Disappointed' In Obama's Global Warming Record

2. "[Justice] Ginsburg, whose job on the Supreme Court is to uphold the U.S. Constitution, has a curious but sadly widespread disdain for that document. A recent New York Times article suggested the American Constitution is losing its allure around the world. The main reason is it does not guarantee the right to, among other things, food, health care and education."
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Trashes Constitution; Should She Be Impeached? - Yahoo! News

3. "CIA Director Leon Panetta, President Obama’s nominee for secretary of defense, co-chaired an initiative to regulate U.S. oceans and cede them to United Nations-based international law.
Panetta’s oceans initiative was a key partner of an organization, Citizens for Global Solutions, that promotes world government.
As WND reported, billionaire George Soros is a primary funder and key proponent of the Global Centre for Responsibility to Protect, the main organization pushing the doctrine. The center includes the World Federalist Movement as one of its members and coordinators."
Obama’s DoD nominee caught in 1-world scheme

4. "We want to create what's called a global minimum tax," he [Biden] said, "because American taxpayers shouldn't be providing a larger subsidy for investing abroad than investing at home."... President Obama's National Economic Council director Gene Sperling also used the term "global minimum tax" last month.

But considering this administration's hostility to American exceptionalism, for all we know U.S. businesses could find themselves a couple of years from now subject to taxation dictated by corrupt international bodies like the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank. ObamaCare proves that you never can be sure what this president and his minions are really up to."
Vice President Joe Biden's Gaffes Are Legendary, But The Ideas Behind Them Are Worse -

5. 'What's black and white and "red" all over? The Department of Justice's newly designed website. Gone are the standard red, white, and blue motifs, replaced by an all-black backdrop. And prominently placed on virtually every page of the site is a quote credited to a man who facilitated a greater role for socialists and communists at the U.N., and the global "workers rights movement." ' (...C. Wilfred Jenks, who back in the late 1930s and after World War II was a leading figure in the "international law" movement, which sought to impose a global, common law,...)
The American Spectator : Justice Loses Its Stars and Stripes

But, by now, all know who this President and his minions serve. A vote for Obama is ironically, a vote for unelected bureaucrats to rule the nation and the world.

Guess where his post-election "flexibility" would lead......

Your efforts are futile.......

We leftists have established a New World Order and there is nothing your pathetic warnings can do about it

Your only defense PC is to wear tin foil panties
By God, look at what those sneaky liberals have done. Got the atmosphere to do their dirty work. Just cannot trust them thar pointy headed commie pinko librul scientists.

And I bet they imported that weather without proper papers. Just let it cross the border unhindered. See what a bunch of unAmerican bastards they are.

Paul Douglas: A Message From a Republican Meteorologist on Climate Change

Weather 2.0.: "It's a new atmosphere floating overhead."

These are the Dog Days of March. Ham Weather reports 5,299 records in the last 7 days -- some towns 20 to 35 degrees warmer than average; off-the-scale, freakishly warm. 17,360 records since March 1. Sixteen times more warm records than cold records since March 1. The scope, intensity and duration of this early heat wave are historic and unprecedented. And yes, climate change is probably a contributing factor. "Climate is what you expect, weather is what you get." 129,404 weather records in one year, nationwide? You can't point to any one weather extreme and say "that's climate change". But a warmer, wetter atmosphere loads the dice, increasing the potential for historic spikes in temperature and more frequent and bizarre weather extremes. You can't prove that any one of Barry Bond's 762 home runs was sparked by (alleged) steroid use. But it did increase his "base state", raising the overall odds of hitting a home run. A warmer atmosphere holds more water vapor, more fuel for floods, while increased evaporation pushes other regions into drought.

Here's what I suspect: the patient is running a slight fever. Symptoms include violent tornado sneezes, severe sniffles of flooding and raging rashes of jaw-dropping warmth. It's 85 in March. What will July bring? It's as if Mother Nature seized the weather remote, clicked America's seasons on fast-forward, turning the volume on extreme weather up to a deafening 10. This isn't even close to being "normal". Weather Underground's Dr. Jeff Masters put it best. "This is not the atmosphere I grew up with."
1. The big push by the Left at Global Governance, called 'global warming' was aimed at putting the nation under the control of the United Nations has all but petered the fraud became revealed.
"In Obama’s second State of the Union address, he actually seemed to concede the scientific evidence as a weakness. He argued that we need to pursue a more enlightened energy strategy in spite of the doubts about the science of climate change."
Michael Mann 'Disappointed' In Obama's Global Warming Record

2. "[Justice] Ginsburg, whose job on the Supreme Court is to uphold the U.S. Constitution, has a curious but sadly widespread disdain for that document. A recent New York Times article suggested the American Constitution is losing its allure around the world. The main reason is it does not guarantee the right to, among other things, food, health care and education."
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Trashes Constitution; Should She Be Impeached? - Yahoo! News

3. "CIA Director Leon Panetta, President Obama’s nominee for secretary of defense, co-chaired an initiative to regulate U.S. oceans and cede them to United Nations-based international law.
Panetta’s oceans initiative was a key partner of an organization, Citizens for Global Solutions, that promotes world government.
As WND reported, billionaire George Soros is a primary funder and key proponent of the Global Centre for Responsibility to Protect, the main organization pushing the doctrine. The center includes the World Federalist Movement as one of its members and coordinators."
Obama’s DoD nominee caught in 1-world scheme

4. "We want to create what's called a global minimum tax," he [Biden] said, "because American taxpayers shouldn't be providing a larger subsidy for investing abroad than investing at home."... President Obama's National Economic Council director Gene Sperling also used the term "global minimum tax" last month.

But considering this administration's hostility to American exceptionalism, for all we know U.S. businesses could find themselves a couple of years from now subject to taxation dictated by corrupt international bodies like the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank. ObamaCare proves that you never can be sure what this president and his minions are really up to."
Vice President Joe Biden's Gaffes Are Legendary, But The Ideas Behind Them Are Worse -

5. 'What's black and white and "red" all over? The Department of Justice's newly designed website. Gone are the standard red, white, and blue motifs, replaced by an all-black backdrop. And prominently placed on virtually every page of the site is a quote credited to a man who facilitated a greater role for socialists and communists at the U.N., and the global "workers rights movement." ' (...C. Wilfred Jenks, who back in the late 1930s and after World War II was a leading figure in the "international law" movement, which sought to impose a global, common law,...)
The American Spectator : Justice Loses Its Stars and Stripes

But, by now, all know who this President and his minions serve. A vote for Obama is ironically, a vote for unelected bureaucrats to rule the nation and the world.

Guess where his post-election "flexibility" would lead......
Globalism has been gaining strength and nationalism has been slowly dying for over a century and it's irreversible. Cultural, language, and economic barriers have been falling throughout the world. Problems such as global warming, terrorism, recessions, and natural disasters, have widespread global impacts and thus demand global cooperation. This did not start with Obama, but has increased and it will continue to do.

I doubt anyone alive today will ever seen world government, but it's coming.

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