Congress OKs watered-down bill on US-Israel ties

Israel wants the benefits without reciprocating.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Congress approved legislation Wednesday deepening U.S.-Israeli cooperation after softening a push to grant Israelis visa-free travel rights to the United States even as the Jewish state persists in blocking some Arab and Muslim Americans from its territory.

Congress OKs watered-down bill on US-Israel ties - Yahoo News

I guess you could call that a victory if you didn't read the important part of the article:
"Beyond the visa provisions, the U.S.-Israel Strategic Partnership Act increases the value of emergency U.S. weaponry kept in Israel by $200 million, to a total of $1.8 billion. It promotes closer U.S.-Israeli links in energy, water, homeland security, alternative fuel technology and cybersecurity. It offers a verbal guarantee of Israel maintaining a qualitative military edge over its neighbors."
Israel wants the benefits without reciprocating.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Congress approved legislation Wednesday deepening U.S.-Israeli cooperation after softening a push to grant Israelis visa-free travel rights to the United States even as the Jewish state persists in blocking some Arab and Muslim Americans from its territory.

Congress OKs watered-down bill on US-Israel ties - Yahoo News

AND the US blocks some arab and muslim from its territories, it is called immigration controls. Is it any different from Islamic nations blocking Jewish and American persons from their territories ?

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