Congress Finally Passes Tik Tok Ban, 28 Months After Trump's Original Ban Which Biden Cancelled

Your phone is listening all the time.
Why do you think you have to say, "Hey, Siri" before you ask a question or run a function?
Tim Tok is spying on us? Who the fuck isn’t spying on us? The Cops and Feds track all the phones. The NSA routes our email to overseas servers so we can have our messages and mail read “legally”. Word search algorithms are watching us all the time to see if we are using code words for some sort of attack. Amazon has Alexa listening so she can suggest things in our email that we might like.

Mapping software is directing us to businesses that buy advertising on the service. Twitter and YouTube are both tracking us. Hell our porn sites track what we watch so it can recommend similar videos that we will watch with more advertising.

Everything is spying on us constantly. And if we want to get wound up about it. Fine. Let’s do that. But why don’t we start with the FBI and NSA reading and tracking us? We are paying them to do it. At least Tik Tok is charging the advertising accounts for the funds to spy on us. It isn’t out tax dollars.
Tim Tok is spying on us? Who the fuck isn’t spying on us? The Cops and Feds track all the phones. The NSA routes our email to overseas servers so we can have our messages and mail read “legally”. Word search algorithms are watching us all the time to see if we are using code words for some sort of attack. Amazon has Alexa listening so she can suggest things in our email that we might like.

Mapping software is directing us to businesses that buy advertising on the service. Twitter and YouTube are both tracking us. Hell our porn sites track what we watch so it can recommend similar videos that we will watch with more advertising.

Everything is spying on us constantly. And if we want to get wound up about it. Fine. Let’s do that. But why don’t we start with the FBI and NSA reading and tracking us? We are paying them to do it. At least Tik Tok is charging the advertising accounts for the funds to spy on us. It isn’t out tax dollars.
It's obvious TikTok is taking revenue away from YouTube.
Tim Tok is spying on us? Who the fuck isn’t spying on us? The Cops and Feds track all the phones. The NSA routes our email to overseas servers so we can have our messages and mail read “legally”. Word search algorithms are watching us all the time to see if we are using code words for some sort of attack. Amazon has Alexa listening so she can suggest things in our email that we might like.

Mapping software is directing us to businesses that buy advertising on the service. Twitter and YouTube are both tracking us. Hell our porn sites track what we watch so it can recommend similar videos that we will watch with more advertising.

Everything is spying on us constantly. And if we want to get wound up about it. Fine. Let’s do that. But why don’t we start with the FBI and NSA reading and tracking us? We are paying them to do it. At least Tik Tok is charging the advertising accounts for the funds to spy on us. It isn’t out tax dollars.
True, there isn't a lot of difference between the FBI, the NSA and the CCP anymore so yeah who cares if TikTok is capturing all of your personal data and anyone with ties to your account.
Biden and the crooked MSM that defend everything he does are all idiots. Time continues to prove exactly how right Trump was about almost everything.

Trump was and is wrong about everything. That's why his businesses have all failed, and he's lost money at everything he's tried, except being a conman.

Yep...just like when Trump brought down the price of insulin and biden shit canned the plan only to come up with his own plan so he could take credit.

Except Trump’s plan didn’t really lower the price of insulin. So there is that.

Trump claimed he did a LOT of things he didn’t do. Smart people weren’t fooled. You obviously believed his lies.
Trump was and is wrong about everything. That's why his businesses have all failed, and he's lost money at everything he's tried, except being a conman.

Except Trump’s plan didn’t really lower the price of insulin. So there is that.

Trump claimed he did a LOT of things he didn’t do. Smart people weren’t fooled. You obviously believed his lies.

God you're a complete dumbass!!!
Which of the hundreds of Trumps businesses have failed?
True, there isn't a lot of difference between the FBI, the NSA and the CCP anymore so yeah who cares if TikTok is capturing all of your personal data and anyone with ties to your account.

So is Google, Amazon, Apple, and every other company. Are we going to ban them as well? I’m not sure if you remember the discussions during the PATRIOT ACT era. The Feds wanted authority to track a target and all his associates. All off of one NSL, not even a warrant.

Privacy advocates pointed out that would mean everyone was an associate of a Terrorist or Suspected supporter. Everyone was about six steps from a terrorist using known associates the way the Government was.

I’m not sure if you remember this.

Yes. It is Parody. And yes. It like all good parody is based upon a lot of truth.

If the nation was serious about restoring our right to privacy. I’d be cheering. If we were seriously looking to establish privacy online. I’d applaud. But we aren’t. Like most things, we are being hypocritical.
So is Google, Amazon, Apple, and every other company. Are we going to ban them as well? I’m not sure if you remember the discussions during the PATRIOT ACT era. The Feds wanted authority to track a target and all his associates. All off of one NSL, not even a warrant.
I think the difference is that China owns the App, China is viewed as an adversary, and China is collecting data and perhaps spying in the literal sense on American citizens.
I think the difference is that China owns the App, China is viewed as an adversary, and China is collecting data and perhaps spying in the literal sense on American citizens.

I had at least fifty text messages from various groups telling me I needed to vote for Walker. Many were from the NRA. I’m a member. Every once in a while I’d text them back and tell them no I wouldn’t vote for Walker if he was running for director of sanitation.

As the election ended. I’m getting text messages from scammers trying to get me to click a link for my free TV or whatever. The only answer to explain this sudden flurry is the NRA sold my info, or the Republicans did when I donated to Romney.

Tik Tok isn’t doing that to me. It’s the people I am trying to support.

If I use Waze to direct me around slow traffic or cops, then I get hit with a flurry of ads telling me to turn here if I want a great deal on a coffee maker or some such shit. So their algorithm tracks me and suggests businesses I can go to. Businesses that pay them.

What the fuck can Tik Tok do that everyone else isn’t already doing? Morons call wanting to buy my land. I tell them to strain my shit for recycled corn and fuck off.

The Army trained me to make explosives out of nothing. They taught me to be a Guerrilla Warfare Specialist. And since I got out I’m on all sorts of watchlists and have been since 1997. It takes an hour for my license renewal to go through. It takes an extra week for my TWIC card for work. It takes at least an hour for an instant background check. My name triggers the computer and someone has to stop surfing porn sites long enough to approve whatever it is this time.

What the fuck is Tik Tok going to do? What are they going to use the information for? The same as the other businesses. Unless you think Tik Tok is going to mastermind the overthrow of the nation based upon our Porn Watching preferences.

If you don’t like it. Blame Congress. They are the ones who required GPS chips in our phones for our safety. The excuse was this would allow 911 operators to pinpoint our location. Odd that it doesn’t work very well for that isn’t it? That’s why 911 wants you to use what three words, another mapping app, to help them find you.

Everyone is tracking all of us. Every web search is tracked. Everything you do or say is monitored. The only way to avoid that is to eschew technology. If the people posting in this form is really believed that we wouldn’t hear from them. They would be assimilating into their new lives as Amish Farmers.
God you're a complete dumbass!!!
Which of the hundreds of Trumps businesses have failed?

The shorter answer is which ones were profitable? And the answer is Trump Tower. It’s his only success story. And Fred had a lot to do with that.

Trump’s father bailed out his losses in the 1980’s. American banks, which still won’t lend to Trump, keep him afloat in the 1990’s until they stopped lending to him.

The Aporentice and selling expensive condos to Russians kept him going since 2000.

Trump would still be broke if not for the $240 REIT that was set up from Fred’s properties before his death, to reduce estate taxes. Trump’s siblings refused to sell so income from the REIT will keep Donnie until that trust is broken up.

You can Google all of it.
The shorter answer is which ones were profitable? And the answer is Trump Tower. It’s his only success story. And Fred had a lot to do with that.

Trump’s father bailed out his losses in the 1980’s. American banks, which still won’t lend to Trump, keep him afloat in the 1990’s until they stopped lending to him.

The Aporentice and selling expensive condos to Russians kept him going since 2000.

Trump would still be broke if not for the $240 REIT that was set up from Fred’s properties before his death, to reduce estate taxes. Trump’s siblings refused to sell so income from the REIT will keep Donnie until that trust is broken up.

You can Google all of it.
Trump had his name associated with somewhere around 500 businesses,

Approximately 20 with went bankrupt or failed.

Once again. you're letting your opinion bias your posts.
What the fuck can Tik Tok do that everyone else isn’t already doing? Morons call wanting to buy my land. I tell them to strain my shit for recycled corn and fuck off.
Well, one point is that TikTok reads one's messages, even those not shared.

Another point is that it's probably a little dangerous to have so much influence on the information Americans receive. We saw what happened with Twitter, and the Nazis running it were Americans (so they claim :)).

HR2617 [Link] does not state the reasons for the ban; it simply bans it.

I don't get spam texts on my phone - only a couple of apps like my bank and house temp. I deleted the apps my phone came with like YouTube.
I get spam emails on my computer. I don't read them, can tell by the subject header, just delete.
Home phone gets spam calls - I don't answer if I don't recognize.
I don't see ads anywhere on any device. Ad blocker.

I bet some people who don't think the TikTok thing is a big deal would feel differently if Russia owned the company.
Well, one point is that TikTok reads one's messages, even those not shared.

Another point is that it's probably a little dangerous to have so much influence on the information Americans receive. We saw what happened with Twitter, and the Nazis running it were Americans (so they claim :)).

HR2617 [Link] does not state the reasons for the ban; it simply bans it.

I don't get spam texts on my phone - only a couple of apps like my bank and house temp. I deleted the apps my phone came with like YouTube.
I get spam emails on my computer. I don't read them, can tell by the subject header, just delete.
Home phone gets spam calls - I don't answer if I don't recognize.
I don't see ads anywhere on any device. Ad blocker.

I bet some people who don't think the TikTok thing is a big deal would feel differently if Russia owned the company.

Nah. What is Russia going to do with the information? It’s the same problem. The Russians would just have the same information that everyone else has.
Why are people so bent out of shape about their privacy? Shop on Amazon, get free coupons for something or do damn near anything online, and they've got your name, address, what your shopping habits are, sometimes your birthday, etc. etc. etc.

If you're really concerned about privacy, become a Luddite and get rid of all your technology, smartphones included.

Me? Spent most of my adult life in the military, and privacy wasn't something to be overly concerned about, as they wanted your name, rank and SSN for damn near everything you did, as well as supervisors and officers could access your service record to find out about you.

To tell you the truth, I didn't have a smartphone until about a little over a year ago (my landlord/room mate was a bit of a Luddite herself), and wouldn't allow one in her house. After she died, I got a smartphone and am now wondering how I did without it. I LIKE map apps, YouTube music, and being able to access the internet while on the go. Yeah, I sacrificed my privacy for convenience, but the trade off seems to be worth it to me.

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