Congratulations President Trump on Winning Re-Election TBD by December 24th

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
December 24th is my projection for when President Trump will be officially declared the winner after several states are hand counted due to Election Fraud software being installed on voting machines, and apparently millions of ballots are thrown out due to their being counterfeits.

Watch this other video before it is taken down. It is cross verified with this 4Chan Post.


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4chan??? Seriously? LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
Sorry. That one mistake in Antrim county was a user error. It was caught. It was rectified. Trump got all the votes that were due him. Hell, it even flipped the county back to red.
It wasn't a software issue.
Or it could be today...

And Biden...

December 24th is my projection for when President Trump will be officially declared the winner after several states are hand counted due to Election Fraud software being installed on voting machines, and apparently millions of ballots are thrown out due to their being counterfeits.

Watch this other video before it is taken down. It is cross verified with this 4Chan Post.
View attachment 412605
View attachment 412606

Put this crazy shit in the conspiracy theory forum where it belongs.
December 24th is my projection for when President Trump will be officially declared the winner after several states are hand counted due to Election Fraud software being installed on voting machines, and apparently millions of ballots are thrown out due to their being counterfeits.

Watch this other video before it is taken down. It is cross verified with this 4Chan Post.
View attachment 412605
View attachment 412606

Go back to Nazi germany there is no place for you here or for your kind.
December 24th is my projection for when President Trump will be officially declared the winner after several states are hand counted due to Election Fraud software being installed on voting machines, and apparently millions of ballots are thrown out due to their being counterfeits.

Watch this other video before it is taken down. It is cross verified with this 4Chan Post.
View attachment 412605
View attachment 412606

Put this crazy shit in the conspiracy theory forum where it belongs.

Because anyone who dares to report on the election and possible voter fraud is promoting Conspiracies, Right, Jack Dorsey?

Screw you and your cancel culture you children of Hell.

It is a fact that Democrat Governors Illegally dragged the count out by several days, and it is a fact that people are reporting voter fraud, and it is a fact that this election thanks to corruption by The Democrat Party is going to be decided by God and The Courts.
Or it could be today...

And Biden...

Yep....the same people that claimed Russian collusion was genuine are saying that Biden won.
Sorry, but I'm not buying it.
December 24th is my projection for when President Trump will be officially declared the winner after several states are hand counted due to Election Fraud software being installed on voting machines, and apparently millions of ballots are thrown out due to their being counterfeits.

Watch this other video before it is taken down. It is cross verified with this 4Chan Post.
View attachment 412605
View attachment 412606

Go back to Nazi germany there is no place for you here or for your kind.

We refuse to believe it is 1933 where The Nazis committed massive voter fraud in Germany, Hitler still lost, but the Nazis took over anyone and illegitimately appoint Joe Biden...err Hitler as dictator over Germany.
Or it could be today...

And Biden...

Yep....the same people that claimed Russian collusion was genuine are saying that Biden won.
Sorry, but I'm not buying it.
Don't stop praying for President Trump. There is massive voter fraud. The Democrats had to make up too many ballots and that exposed them both with the election fraud software and counterfeit ballots.
December 24th is my projection for when President Trump will be officially declared the winner after several states are hand counted due to Election Fraud software being installed on voting machines, and apparently millions of ballots are thrown out due to their being counterfeits.
The only problem with that conspiracy theory, is that the EC votes on December 12th. After that, nothing can change that vote count.

There is no way to "unring" that bell, once it has tolled.
December 24th is my projection for when President Trump will be officially declared the winner after several states are hand counted due to Election Fraud software being installed on voting machines, and apparently millions of ballots are thrown out due to their being counterfeits.

Watch this other video before it is taken down. It is cross verified with this 4Chan Post.
View attachment 412605
View attachment 412606

Put this crazy shit in the conspiracy theory forum where it belongs.

Because anyone who dares to report on the election and possible voter fraud is promoting Conspiracies, Right, Jack Dorsey?

Screw you and your cancel culture you children of Hell.

It is a fact that Democrat Governors Illegally dragged the count out by several days, and it is a fact that people are reporting voter fraud, and it is a fact that this election thanks to corruption by The Democrat Party is going to be decided by God and The Courts.

No, because you're quoting 4chan for for fucks sake.

Or it could be today...

And Biden...

Yep....the same people that claimed Russian collusion was genuine are saying that Biden won.
Sorry, but I'm not buying it.
Don't stop praying for President Trump. There is massive voter fraud. The Democrats had to make up too many ballots and that exposed them both with the election fraud software and counterfeit ballots.
There is no massive voter fraud you troll. All you have are lies. These election results will be certified and Biden’s election confirmed. All your ilk can do now is attempt to steal the election. You all need to go back into the shadows from which you came.
President Trump should speak tonight before or after Corrupt Joe to raise the case for the Supreme Court to decide this.
Or it could be today...

And Biden...

Yep....the same people that claimed Russian collusion was genuine are saying that Biden won.
Sorry, but I'm not buying it.
Don't stop praying for President Trump. There is massive voter fraud. The Democrats had to make up too many ballots and that exposed them both with the election fraud software and counterfeit ballots.
There is no massive voter fraud you troll. All you have are lies. These election results will be certified and Biden’s election confirmed. All your ilk can do now is attempt to steal the election. You all need to go back into the shadows from which you came.
That's the reason the corrupt media made this call.
You Democrats cheated....and you got caught....and it will be proven.......and now you're going to say Trump stole this from you.
Note how the media declared Biden the winner minutes before Trump lawyers were about to speak to the public on what evidence they discovered of massive voter fraud in Philly.

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That's the reason the corrupt media made this call.
You Democrats cheated....and you got caught....and it will be proven.......and now you're going to say Trump stole this from you.
Fox News declared Biden the winner.

You're running out of news sources that think Trump can win.

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