CONFIRMED: Coal, Natural Gas, Nuclear Facilities Are. “Main Cause” Of Texas Power Outages

"The ability of some companies that generate the power has been frozen. This includes the natural gas & coal generators," Abbott wrote...

"The largest oil refinery in the United States, in Port Arthur, is shutting down due to the freezing weather."

thx for the assist, not that it was necessary.

An oil refinery isn't providing electric service.

Wind turbines only work very spottily, the wind needs to be within a certain MPH-range or they don't work.

Natural gas or nuclear power plants can work 24/7 for weeks and weeks on end. They can provide their nameplate capacity days on end while neither wind nor solar can except for a few hours once in a while.

This, however, is a hoot.

Power outages in Texas can largely be blamed on frozen instruments at coal, natural gas and nuclear facilities, a Bloomberg report confirmed on Tuesday.

In recent days, conservatives have attacked green energy as the cause of the power disruption.

sorry, too late. the bat signal was switched on, telling all the useless idiots that wind turbines are to blame. that is now settled "common sense" among the independent and critical american thinkers.

if you point to shut down refineries, ng and coal plants, that's deemed to be "out of context".
This is laughable..

Wind generator froze up, solar panels covered in snow and the remaining grid power systems are to small to deal with the full load due to Obama and Biden green energy bull shit rules... Now your going to blame the Fossil fuel plants for that failure when they were the only things running because your wacko green energy shit failed.... Priceless..
how were they running when they were shut down? is that TrumpLogicTM?
You don't know much about wind turbines in freezing temps. They can not stop rotating because it places to much pressure on the rotor bearings and cracks them. Here in Wyoming where temps get below -30 on a regular basis our turbines are built heavier and with metals that do not contract so badly.. Even with that, sever cold makes us use motors to rotate them to keep them from cracking the main bearings.

Most blades are actually carbon fiber and if they get water in a small crack it will make them unstable and break. Keeping them rotating keeps this water out of the blades and gives longer life. Cold is a wind turbines enemy just as high winds are.

Betting most of the wind turbines will be inspected and a good number will be left offline until they are repaired.
blablabla. you are stuck on the turbines. how about addressing the impact of the weather on natural gas plants, coal plants, oil refineries. you know, the topic. moronic poser.
exactly. read past the first three words.

"The ability of some companies that generate the power has been frozen. This includes the natural gas & coal generators," Abbott wrote...

"The largest oil refinery in the United States, in Port Arthur, is shutting down due to the freezing weather."

thx for the assist, not that it was necessary.
Think about what you just wrote, if that was true canada, Russia and every other cold place on earth would never have electricity you dumb fuck

The article is fake news
everything you don't like/understand is fake news. boring.

what is clear to non-spazzers is that the weather brought all parts of your infrastructure down, not only wind turbines.

how about investing in your infrastructure and not in a retarded wall. you are obviously living in a shit hole
You are truly a moron. The irony of using petroleum powered vehicles to spray petrochemical deicer on your "green energy" is laughable. BTW--Texas didn't build the wall, although they supported its construction, it is a FEDERAL project. Leftist morons don't understand the difference.
So minnesota and New York goes the entire winter with no power plants?

I call bullshit article
The power plants in Minnesota and New York are prepared for cold weather. Texas’s are not.
What they get different controls from granger?

I call bullshit

Here are three nuclear power plants in canada why don't they freeze up?

View attachment 457994
Frozen nuclear power plants--you guys are a hoot. Ever hear of the China Syndrome?

The seasons changing should put the Climate Change bots to a corner. Cause they don't know what their talking about. It's a scam!
Actually fossil fuel burning devices are going to fix the problem. These monstrosities aren't going to hum back to life once the ice falls off. It's going to take a little army of maintenance workers in fossil fuel vehicles using fossil fuel generators and replacement parts made in fossil fuel factories to get these contraptions running again. At least endangered migratory birds get a break while the crap is down.
Wind turbines froze up, no sun.... that's about it for goofy green, eh?

And the goof who breathlessly posted the OP.

The main source of power in Norway, Finland, and Sweden is wind.

I guess Texas had much worse winters than the Baltic’s huh?


God Damn you people are dumb as shit. Even ERCOT, the power owners admitted it wasn’t the turbines. Which by the way has been a huge success for power generation in West Texas. It accounts for 20% of generation in the state.

I guess ERCOT paid for all of those turbines because they’re such money losers right?

Shoot yourself now, and save your future generations the embarrassment.
I think the problem seems to be this Global Warming. Houston usually doesn't get as cold as God Damned Norway, Finland, or Sweden.
In those countries they have wood burning stoves to keep the place heated...and their homes aren't made out of 2X4s and plastic siding. Most of them make their homes well insulated.
Power outages in Texas can largely be blamed on frozen instruments at coal, natural gas and nuclear facilities, a Bloomberg report confirmed on Tuesday.

In recent days, conservatives have attacked green energy as the cause of the power disruption.

sorry, too late. the bat signal was switched on, telling all the useless idiots that wind turbines are to blame. that is now settled "common sense" among the independent and critical american thinkers.

if you point to shut down refineries, ng and coal plants, that's deemed to be "out of context".
This is laughable..

Wind generator froze up, solar panels covered in snow and the remaining grid power systems are to small to deal with the full load due to Obama and Biden green energy bull shit rules... Now your going to blame the Fossil fuel plants for that failure when they were the only things running because your wacko green energy shit failed.... Priceless..
how were they running when they were shut down? is that TrumpLogicTM?
You don't know much about wind turbines in freezing temps. They can not stop rotating because it places to much pressure on the rotor bearings and cracks them. Here in Wyoming where temps get below -30 on a regular basis our turbines are built heavier and with metals that do not contract so badly.. Even with that, sever cold makes us use motors to rotate them to keep them from cracking the main bearings.

Most blades are actually carbon fiber and if they get water in a small crack it will make them unstable and break. Keeping them rotating keeps this water out of the blades and gives longer life. Cold is a wind turbines enemy just as high winds are.

Betting most of the wind turbines will be inspected and a good number will be left offline until they are repaired.
blablabla. you are stuck on the turbines. how about addressing the impact of the weather on natural gas plants, coal plants, oil refineries. you know, the topic. moronic poser.
exactly. read past the first three words.

"The ability of some companies that generate the power has been frozen. This includes the natural gas & coal generators," Abbott wrote...

"The largest oil refinery in the United States, in Port Arthur, is shutting down due to the freezing weather."

thx for the assist, not that it was necessary.
Think about what you just wrote, if that was true canada, Russia and every other cold place on earth would never have electricity you dumb fuck

The article is fake news
everything you don't like/understand is fake news. boring.

what is clear to non-spazzers is that the weather brought all parts of your infrastructure down, not only wind turbines.

how about investing in your infrastructure and not in a retarded wall. you are obviously living in a shit hole
I am a semi retired industrial maintenance guy I no more about fucking electricity then most
But not English grammar, eh?
Power outages in Texas can largely be blamed on frozen instruments at coal, natural gas and nuclear facilities, a Bloomberg report confirmed on Tuesday.

In recent days, conservatives have attacked green energy as the cause of the power disruption.

sorry, too late. the bat signal was switched on, telling all the useless idiots that wind turbines are to blame. that is now settled "common sense" among the independent and critical american thinkers.

if you point to shut down refineries, ng and coal plants, that's deemed to be "out of context".
This is laughable..

Wind generator froze up, solar panels covered in snow and the remaining grid power systems are to small to deal with the full load due to Obama and Biden green energy bull shit rules... Now your going to blame the Fossil fuel plants for that failure when they were the only things running because your wacko green energy shit failed.... Priceless..
how were they running when they were shut down? is that TrumpLogicTM?
You don't know much about wind turbines in freezing temps. They can not stop rotating because it places to much pressure on the rotor bearings and cracks them. Here in Wyoming where temps get below -30 on a regular basis our turbines are built heavier and with metals that do not contract so badly.. Even with that, sever cold makes us use motors to rotate them to keep them from cracking the main bearings.

Most blades are actually carbon fiber and if they get water in a small crack it will make them unstable and break. Keeping them rotating keeps this water out of the blades and gives longer life. Cold is a wind turbines enemy just as high winds are.

Betting most of the wind turbines will be inspected and a good number will be left offline until they are repaired.
blablabla. you are stuck on the turbines. how about addressing the impact of the weather on natural gas plants, coal plants, oil refineries. you know, the topic. moronic poser.
exactly. read past the first three words.

"The ability of some companies that generate the power has been frozen. This includes the natural gas & coal generators," Abbott wrote...

"The largest oil refinery in the United States, in Port Arthur, is shutting down due to the freezing weather."

thx for the assist, not that it was necessary.
Think about what you just wrote, if that was true canada, Russia and every other cold place on earth would never have electricity you dumb fuck

The article is fake news
everything you don't like/understand is fake news. boring.

what is clear to non-spazzers is that the weather brought all parts of your infrastructure down, not only wind turbines.

how about investing in your infrastructure and not in a retarded wall. you are obviously living in a shit hole
I am a semi retired industrial maintenance guy I no more about fucking electricity then most
But not English grammar, eh?
Power outages in Texas can largely be blamed on frozen instruments at coal, natural gas and nuclear facilities, a Bloomberg report confirmed on Tuesday.

In recent days, conservatives have attacked green energy as the cause of the power disruption.

sorry, too late. the bat signal was switched on, telling all the useless idiots that wind turbines are to blame. that is now settled "common sense" among the independent and critical american thinkers.

if you point to shut down refineries, ng and coal plants, that's deemed to be "out of context".
This is laughable..

Wind generator froze up, solar panels covered in snow and the remaining grid power systems are to small to deal with the full load due to Obama and Biden green energy bull shit rules... Now your going to blame the Fossil fuel plants for that failure when they were the only things running because your wacko green energy shit failed.... Priceless..
how were they running when they were shut down? is that TrumpLogicTM?
You don't know much about wind turbines in freezing temps. They can not stop rotating because it places to much pressure on the rotor bearings and cracks them. Here in Wyoming where temps get below -30 on a regular basis our turbines are built heavier and with metals that do not contract so badly.. Even with that, sever cold makes us use motors to rotate them to keep them from cracking the main bearings.

Most blades are actually carbon fiber and if they get water in a small crack it will make them unstable and break. Keeping them rotating keeps this water out of the blades and gives longer life. Cold is a wind turbines enemy just as high winds are.

Betting most of the wind turbines will be inspected and a good number will be left offline until they are repaired.
blablabla. you are stuck on the turbines. how about addressing the impact of the weather on natural gas plants, coal plants, oil refineries. you know, the topic. moronic poser.
exactly. read past the first three words.

"The ability of some companies that generate the power has been frozen. This includes the natural gas & coal generators," Abbott wrote...

"The largest oil refinery in the United States, in Port Arthur, is shutting down due to the freezing weather."

thx for the assist, not that it was necessary.
Think about what you just wrote, if that was true canada, Russia and every other cold place on earth would never have electricity you dumb fuck

The article is fake news
everything you don't like/understand is fake news. boring.

what is clear to non-spazzers is that the weather brought all parts of your infrastructure down, not only wind turbines.

how about investing in your infrastructure and not in a retarded wall. you are obviously living in a shit hole
I am a semi retired industrial maintenance guy I no more about fucking electricity then most
But not English grammar, eh?
I don't think grammar was the topic, please stay on it. BTW, English grammar does not condone replies in sentence fragments either.
How long before we hear that this storm is worse because of global warming..
They tried it earlier... They got schooled when real meteorologist and atmospheric physicists showed them that 67% of the northern hemisphere is 5 deg C BELOW the 30 year average.. The Artic cold pool is so massive it represents massive cooling of the Northern Hemisphere. Their warming boogey man went away with frost bite.
Wind turbines froze up, no sun.... that's about it for goofy green, eh?

The wind turbines apparently do work in cold weather... every where in the world. Except Texas.
70% of electricity in Texas is supplied by fossil fuels. 10% is supplied by nuclear. 10% is solar and 10% is wind.
We have windmills all over the central and eastern part of my state.

In the area that gets below freezing weather for months on end from December to April.

None of the windmills here have frozen. Ever.

I wonder how the windmills here withstand decade after decade of below freezing weather for 3 to 4 months solid without freezing but Texas windmills freeze after a couple days of cold weather.


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