Confession of snipers, who killed both police and protestors in Kiev 2014 in the new Italian film

Another great example of how Western Media has been lying to its audience about Ukrainian coup in 2014. Hidden truth from the snipers, shooting both sides in Kiev in the new Italian documentary.

"Ukraine-the hidden truth" an Italian film about snipers on the Maidan in Ukraine (20 minutes)

^English subtitles

Long story of the Italian documentary short:

Feb 20, 2014: a group of unknown snipers starts shooting both at police and protesters, pretty soon almost 80 killed.. Until today the official version is about slaughter conducted by order of Kremlin-backed government.

Minister of foreign affairs of Estonia: evidence shows that the people who were killed by snipers from both sides (policemen and people from the street) that they were the same snipers who killed the people from both sides. It’s not Yanuckovitch who stands behind snipers but somebody from the new coalition.

They were Georgian citizens who were among provokers acting on the protester’s side. One of them says: “The story starts in Tbilisi and there are many personalities who are hidden behind the scenes, first of them is ex-president of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili. He’s the main hero of the short bloody war against Russia in 2008. The second was his military adviser Mamuka Mamulashvili. Afterwards he becomes the leader of “Georgian Legion”, a Georgian volunteer group to combat against pro-Russian protesters in Donbass. This group was organized by Saakashvili, he gave $1000, promised to give $1500 later to each group member and ordered to go to Kiev.


“We had to make provocations, to provoke policemen to turn against the crowd and to attack the people. Mamulashvili presented an American military guy [Brian Christopher Boyenger, a sniper from 101 Airborne division USA] and told us he would be our instructor. After Maidan he went to Donbass where he would fight in “Georgian Legion”, he was the one who gave them orders

The first suspicions that the protestors were using small arms were connected to Sergey Pashinsky, who was one of Maidan leaders and later became a deputy of Ukrainian parliament.

” In February one could see Parubiy, Pashinsky and Brian in hotel “Ukraine” very often and they were bringing bags with weapons (Makarov pistols, Kalashnikovs automatic rifles, carabines and packs of cartridges. Pashinsky said: “We have to start shooting, we can’t allow early presidential elections”. We had to shoot to make more chaos, mess and panic. There were two Lithuanians in our group too.”

“Pashinsky told us to take our things and to follow him to Conservatory building, the group was masked. We were ordered to shoot both policemen (“Berkut”) and protesters without making any difference. Only lated I realized: we were used, it was a set up.”

While there was shooting at the crowd from “Ukraine” hotel, the protesters were trying to hide inside the hotel. Thus the victims were next to their killers.

At the end of the documentary those snipers told why they decided to tell about this now, not 3 years ago.

That is the ugly Ukrainian "democracy" the West was and is supporting.

It would be nice if this was done with a voice over in English as a lot of people would find it easier to listen rather than read the subtitles.

I agree, Rodishi. However from my experience all those foreign documentaries come with subtitles.

It would be nice if American or British journalist started investigating Ukrainian events and and all the crimes connected to them and made their own documentaries in English (it's plenty of material, one has to have a will to do it!), but it looks like the real journalism is dead in the West, the "journalists" have been only doing what they were ordered and paid to do. And the result is: fake news, only fake news and nothing but fake news. Shame.

I have seen errors or misleading comments in all of the major news sources including RT. It is time for everyone to come together and quit playing destructive games all of the way around. There is enough in the world for everyone to prosper if people will come together in one accord and quit bickering and being divisive. What many do not realize is they will be here as this planet was created for humans to live in/on. The more they mess it up the worse their lives will be in the future.

Yes, it would be very comfortable to live on the Earth where each country lives and lets the others live. However there is a rather small but very powerful group of people who keeps causing conflicts in other countries, dividing the people and thus ruling. Looks like it is called Deep State.
Pictures showing US politicians stirring the coup in Ukraine: Nuland, Pyatt, McCain and later Biden sitting in the chair of Ukrainian president. And this is only a tip of the ugly and dirty iceberg of USA interference in Ukraine.

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That is REAL interference, unlike all that nose from nothing about alleged Russian interference in US election.

IT is not interference, but 'export of democracy'
Like in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria etc.
Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and all [historical] Russia:

Evil always likes to dress in white clothes and always uses kind arguments appealing to human freedoms. However in reality Evil imprisons human freedom with its scary and sinful preconceptions, turning the people into a very easy trophy for Evil forces, into a very easy to manipulate mass of people.

It’s impossible for a human being to resist all that and to say “NO, I don’t accept all that!” Where to find strength, wisdom and criteria? It’s only possible with God’s help and with support of God’s Law. If something contradicts God's Law, don't go for it!

Yep, I completely agree with, only God and its Law matters.Folks try to live without God, what can we see after theit empty struggles: everywhere devastation, sacrifice to Satan, lie, demonism, free masonry. Only God and his Holy Bible can save us from perdition.
Democrats have been intentionally eliminating God from their supporters' life because it opens a wide way to promote all kinds of Evil and to legitimatize it. God's Law would be always in their way.
Pictures showing US politicians stirring the coup in Ukraine: Nuland, Pyatt, McCain and later Biden sitting in the chair of Ukrainian president. And this is only a tip of the ugly and dirty iceberg of USA interference in Ukraine.

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That is REAL interference, unlike all that nose from nothing about alleged Russian interference in US election.

IT is not interference, but 'export of democracy'
Like in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria etc.
Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and all [historical] Russia:

Evil always likes to dress in white clothes and always uses kind arguments appealing to human freedoms. However in reality Evil imprisons human freedom with its scary and sinful preconceptions, turning the people into a very easy trophy for Evil forces, into a very easy to manipulate mass of people.

It’s impossible for a human being to resist all that and to say “NO, I don’t accept all that!” Where to find strength, wisdom and criteria? It’s only possible with God’s help and with support of God’s Law. If something contradicts God's Law, don't go for it!

Yep, I completely agree with, only God and its Law matters.Folks try to live without God, what can we see after theit empty struggles: everywhere devastation, sacrifice to Satan, lie, demonism, free masonry. Only God and his Holy Bible can save us from perdition.
Democrats have been intentionally eliminating God from their supporters' life because it opens a wide way to promote all kinds of Evil and to legitimatize it. God's Law would be always in their way.

Democrats are from Evil, just read Dostojewskyi's 'Possessed'.
Pictures showing US politicians stirring the coup in Ukraine: Nuland, Pyatt, McCain and later Biden sitting in the chair of Ukrainian president. And this is only a tip of the ugly and dirty iceberg of USA interference in Ukraine.

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That is REAL interference, unlike all that nose from nothing about alleged Russian interference in US election.

IT is not interference, but 'export of democracy'
Like in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria etc.
Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and all [historical] Russia:

Evil always likes to dress in white clothes and always uses kind arguments appealing to human freedoms. However in reality Evil imprisons human freedom with its scary and sinful preconceptions, turning the people into a very easy trophy for Evil forces, into a very easy to manipulate mass of people.

It’s impossible for a human being to resist all that and to say “NO, I don’t accept all that!” Where to find strength, wisdom and criteria? It’s only possible with God’s help and with support of God’s Law. If something contradicts God's Law, don't go for it!

Yep, I completely agree with, only God and its Law matters.Folks try to live without God, what can we see after theit empty struggles: everywhere devastation, sacrifice to Satan, lie, demonism, free masonry. Only God and his Holy Bible can save us from perdition.
Democrats have been intentionally eliminating God from their supporters' life because it opens a wide way to promote all kinds of Evil and to legitimatize it. God's Law would be always in their way.

Democrats are from Evil, just read Dostojewskyi's 'Possessed'.
The real Evil are Soros and his Deep State buddies, Dems are only their miserable brainwashed sheep. As well as those Ukrainians who believed in kind uncle Sam.

IT is not interference, but 'export of democracy'
Like in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria etc.
Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and all [historical] Russia:

Evil always likes to dress in white clothes and always uses kind arguments appealing to human freedoms. However in reality Evil imprisons human freedom with its scary and sinful preconceptions, turning the people into a very easy trophy for Evil forces, into a very easy to manipulate mass of people.

It’s impossible for a human being to resist all that and to say “NO, I don’t accept all that!” Where to find strength, wisdom and criteria? It’s only possible with God’s help and with support of God’s Law. If something contradicts God's Law, don't go for it!

Yep, I completely agree with, only God and its Law matters.Folks try to live without God, what can we see after theit empty struggles: everywhere devastation, sacrifice to Satan, lie, demonism, free masonry. Only God and his Holy Bible can save us from perdition.
Democrats have been intentionally eliminating God from their supporters' life because it opens a wide way to promote all kinds of Evil and to legitimatize it. God's Law would be always in their way.

Democrats are from Evil, just read Dostojewskyi's 'Possessed'.
The real Evil are Soros and his Deep State buddies, Dems are only their miserable brainwashed sheep. As well as those Ukrainians who believed in kind uncle Sam.

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Most of Ukrainians are grasp now they are fooled by Deep State, What they gained after Maidan?Down-failed wages, de-industrialization, war and Nazism. Only Deep State and International banksters are profiteers after 2014
Is this thread an amateur version of Russian fake news propaganda?
Is this thread an amateur version of Russian fake news propaganda?
Last year Frenchmen also tried to attract attention to Ukrainian "democracy" and released the documentary "Ukraine. Masks of Revolution".

This French documentary lifts the veil on the deception of the US/Europe/NATO elites and their ever faithful media bullhorns. It informs us of a planned coup, described by the head of Stratfor as the most blatant ever, of the butchering of innocent people in the Odessa Trades Hall at the behest of politicians and oligarchs, and the continuing presence of heavily armed neo-Nazi thugs controlling the streets and occupying politically powerful positions in government.
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

It covers the hidden story behind massacre of protesters in Odessa on May 2, 2014 when over 100 people were bunt alive just because they disagreed with the coup. The author asks one of those who participated in that massacre: "Are you sorry about that now?" His response was shocking, he said: "I'm sorry we haven't burnt more separatists!"

And NOBODY has been punished for that in "democratic" Ukraine except for those "separatists" who managed to escape from burning House of Trade Unions.
Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and all [historical] Russia:

Evil always likes to dress in white clothes and always uses kind arguments appealing to human freedoms. However in reality Evil imprisons human freedom with its scary and sinful preconceptions, turning the people into a very easy trophy for Evil forces, into a very easy to manipulate mass of people.

It’s impossible for a human being to resist all that and to say “NO, I don’t accept all that!” Where to find strength, wisdom and criteria? It’s only possible with God’s help and with support of God’s Law. If something contradicts God's Law, don't go for it!

Yep, I completely agree with, only God and its Law matters.Folks try to live without God, what can we see after theit empty struggles: everywhere devastation, sacrifice to Satan, lie, demonism, free masonry. Only God and his Holy Bible can save us from perdition.
Democrats have been intentionally eliminating God from their supporters' life because it opens a wide way to promote all kinds of Evil and to legitimatize it. God's Law would be always in their way.

Democrats are from Evil, just read Dostojewskyi's 'Possessed'.
The real Evil are Soros and his Deep State buddies, Dems are only their miserable brainwashed sheep. As well as those Ukrainians who believed in kind uncle Sam.

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Most of Ukrainians are grasp now they are fooled by Deep State, What they gained after Maidan?Down-failed wages, de-industrialization, war and Nazism. Only Deep State and International banksters are profiteers after 2014

Those are Ukrainian “achievements” since the coup:

Azarov, ex-Prime Minister of Ukraine made a report about human rights violation in Ukraine (Nov 2017). All opposition has been liquidated. At least 1500 political prisoners. The main right, the right for living, has been violated in Ukraine. According to State statistics Committee of Ukraine there were 14 million of retired citizens in Ukraine in 20013, now there are only 11.2 million. Where are 2.8 million? In the graves. This is the real genocide and Holodomor. Nobody in Ukraine can survive having $50 per month as a retirement payment.

This is what some Maidan activists are writing after 4 years of flourishing “democracy”in Ukraine:

Maxim Konovalets, immigrated from Ukraine to China: During Maidan I was on revolution and changes side. Now I’m strongly disappointed in it. Because now in Ukraine if you are against the current rulers you are “not a patriot!”, if you have a different point of view you are “not a patriot!”, if you hate all Russians then “ok, you are a patriot!”. It’s idolism!

Valeria Danchenko, immigrated from Ukraine to Britain: I love Ukraine, but it was difficult to always borrow money. I couldn't afford to pay for the transportation and for utilities.
"У власти люди, причастные к разгону Майдана". Как активисты Революции стали эмигрантами

From 8 to 10 million of Ukrainian citizens left Ukraine to work abroad. From 2.5 to 5 million went to work to Russia, whom Kiev calls “an aggressor”.
Is this thread an amateur version of Russian fake news propaganda?

In difference to Western Presstitute 'Medias' there is no one proof Russians perform 'fake news propaganda'

Can you probably show one case of such 'propaganda' by RT?
If not, than shut up!
Is this thread an amateur version of Russian fake news propaganda?

In difference to Western Presstitute 'Medias' there is no one proof Russians perform 'fake news propaganda'

Can you probably show one case of such 'propaganda' by RT?
If not, than shut up!
Yes, I can show; Begin with this thread.
Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and all [historical] Russia:

Evil always likes to dress in white clothes and always uses kind arguments appealing to human freedoms. However in reality Evil imprisons human freedom with its scary and sinful preconceptions, turning the people into a very easy trophy for Evil forces, into a very easy to manipulate mass of people.

It’s impossible for a human being to resist all that and to say “NO, I don’t accept all that!” Where to find strength, wisdom and criteria? It’s only possible with God’s help and with support of God’s Law. If something contradicts God's Law, don't go for it!

Yep, I completely agree with, only God and its Law matters.Folks try to live without God, what can we see after theit empty struggles: everywhere devastation, sacrifice to Satan, lie, demonism, free masonry. Only God and his Holy Bible can save us from perdition.
Democrats have been intentionally eliminating God from their supporters' life because it opens a wide way to promote all kinds of Evil and to legitimatize it. God's Law would be always in their way.

Democrats are from Evil, just read Dostojewskyi's 'Possessed'.
The real Evil are Soros and his Deep State buddies, Dems are only their miserable brainwashed sheep. As well as those Ukrainians who believed in kind uncle Sam.

View attachment 162493

Most of Ukrainians are grasp now they are fooled by Deep State, What they gained after Maidan?Down-failed wages, de-industrialization, war and Nazism. Only Deep State and International banksters are profiteers after 2014

During last 4 years in post-coup Ukraine the national currency depreciated more than 3 times and utilities raised 10 times.

Post Soviet countries Statistics. Average salaries in post-Soviet states in 2016:
Russia: $549
Kazakhstan: $418
Armenia: $363
Belarus: $361
Azerbaijan: $313
Moldova: $251
Kirghizia : $212
Ukraine : $203
Tajikistan : $123

Top 4 countries on this list have been members of custom union with Russia.
Yep, I completely agree with, only God and its Law matters.Folks try to live without God, what can we see after theit empty struggles: everywhere devastation, sacrifice to Satan, lie, demonism, free masonry. Only God and his Holy Bible can save us from perdition.
Democrats have been intentionally eliminating God from their supporters' life because it opens a wide way to promote all kinds of Evil and to legitimatize it. God's Law would be always in their way.

Democrats are from Evil, just read Dostojewskyi's 'Possessed'.
The real Evil are Soros and his Deep State buddies, Dems are only their miserable brainwashed sheep. As well as those Ukrainians who believed in kind uncle Sam.

View attachment 162493

Most of Ukrainians are grasp now they are fooled by Deep State, What they gained after Maidan?Down-failed wages, de-industrialization, war and Nazism. Only Deep State and International banksters are profiteers after 2014

During last 4 years in post-coup Ukraine the national currency depreciated more than 3 times and utilities raised 10 times.

Post Soviet countries Statistics. Average salaries in post-Soviet states in 2016:
Russia: $549
Kazakhstan: $418
Armenia: $363
Belarus: $361
Azerbaijan: $313
Moldova: $251
Kirghizia : $212
Ukraine : $203
Tajikistan : $123

Top 4 countries on this list have been members of custom union with Russia.

According to Ukrainian propaganda Putin is responsible for anything wrong in this country.
Democrats have been intentionally eliminating God from their supporters' life because it opens a wide way to promote all kinds of Evil and to legitimatize it. God's Law would be always in their way.

Democrats are from Evil, just read Dostojewskyi's 'Possessed'.
The real Evil are Soros and his Deep State buddies, Dems are only their miserable brainwashed sheep. As well as those Ukrainians who believed in kind uncle Sam.

View attachment 162493

Most of Ukrainians are grasp now they are fooled by Deep State, What they gained after Maidan?Down-failed wages, de-industrialization, war and Nazism. Only Deep State and International banksters are profiteers after 2014

During last 4 years in post-coup Ukraine the national currency depreciated more than 3 times and utilities raised 10 times.

Post Soviet countries Statistics. Average salaries in post-Soviet states in 2016:
Russia: $549
Kazakhstan: $418
Armenia: $363
Belarus: $361
Azerbaijan: $313
Moldova: $251
Kirghizia : $212
Ukraine : $203
Tajikistan : $123

Top 4 countries on this list have been members of custom union with Russia.

According to Ukrainian propaganda Putin is responsible for anything wrong in this country.
Ukrainian propaganda comes from Washington. As everybody knows, according to Soros owned Media in USA Putin is responsible for everything in USA too. Putin must be a Mighty Mouse.
Democrats are from Evil, just read Dostojewskyi's 'Possessed'.
The real Evil are Soros and his Deep State buddies, Dems are only their miserable brainwashed sheep. As well as those Ukrainians who believed in kind uncle Sam.

View attachment 162493

Most of Ukrainians are grasp now they are fooled by Deep State, What they gained after Maidan?Down-failed wages, de-industrialization, war and Nazism. Only Deep State and International banksters are profiteers after 2014

During last 4 years in post-coup Ukraine the national currency depreciated more than 3 times and utilities raised 10 times.

Post Soviet countries Statistics. Average salaries in post-Soviet states in 2016:
Russia: $549
Kazakhstan: $418
Armenia: $363
Belarus: $361
Azerbaijan: $313
Moldova: $251
Kirghizia : $212
Ukraine : $203
Tajikistan : $123

Top 4 countries on this list have been members of custom union with Russia.

According to Ukrainian propaganda Putin is responsible for anything wrong in this country.
Ukrainian propaganda comes from Washington. As everybody knows, according to Soros owned Media in USA Putin is responsible for everything in USA too. Putin must be a Mighty Mouse.

Not only from Washington. Lying MSM western presstitutes are widely spreading
Cohen: Trump should have spoken out against what many see as Ukraine’s troubling glorification of Nazi collaborators. Trump should have broadened the agenda to call out Kiev for its official state policy of honoring controversial figures from World War Two.

The latest example: local authorities in the capital recentlyvoted to rename a major street after a former Nazi collaborator and anti-Semite named Roman Shukhevych.

Shukhevych led the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), an organization responsible for the mass slaughter of Poles and Jews during the war. Even inside Ukraine the renaming is a disputed move, with hundreds of people taking to the streets last Friday to protest the decision – only to be attacked by an ultra-nationalist neo-Nazi group called C14.

Commentary: How Trump can show he’s tough on anti-Semitism
Fresh news:

The lawyer of ex-Berkut officers suspected in the shooting of protesters during the revolution of dignity in 2014, Alexandr Gorodinski said that he talked with two citizens of Georgia, who said that he participated in the events on the Euromaidan.

The snipers live in Armenia and are ready to testify via videoconference. He has not provided the court with a transcript of a survey of Georgians and data about the place of their stay, noting that they fear for their lives.

Gorodinski recalled that November 15 MP, leader of the party “For life” Vadym Rabinovich on air of TV channel NewsOne said that snipers who shot protesters on the Euromaidan, arrived in Ukraine on the orders of ex-President of Georgia Mikheil Saakshvili.

“General of the Georgian army Tristan, Tsitelashvili said that the snipers who shot at us on the Maidan, belonged to Saakashvili. The Minister of internal Affairs Alexander Chikaidze said that he personally knows the names of the snipers who here drove Saakashvili” – said the Deputy.

The lawyer of ex-Berkut officers were asked to interrogate two citizens of Georgia, which, he said, are witnesses of the shooting of protesters on Maidan |
Fresh news:

The lawyer of ex-Berkut officers suspected in the shooting of protesters during the revolution of dignity in 2014, Alexandr Gorodinski said that he talked with two citizens of Georgia, who said that he participated in the events on the Euromaidan.

The snipers live in Armenia and are ready to testify via videoconference. He has not provided the court with a transcript of a survey of Georgians and data about the place of their stay, noting that they fear for their lives.

Gorodinski recalled that November 15 MP, leader of the party “For life” Vadym Rabinovich on air of TV channel NewsOne said that snipers who shot protesters on the Euromaidan, arrived in Ukraine on the orders of ex-President of Georgia Mikheil Saakshvili.

“General of the Georgian army Tristan, Tsitelashvili said that the snipers who shot at us on the Maidan, belonged to Saakashvili. The Minister of internal Affairs Alexander Chikaidze said that he personally knows the names of the snipers who here drove Saakashvili” – said the Deputy.

The lawyer of ex-Berkut officers were asked to interrogate two citizens of Georgia, which, he said, are witnesses of the shooting of protesters on Maidan |

Deep State rejects all witnesses if they testify for Russia.BTW all Ukrainian shootings were organized by Deep State.
Fresh news:

The lawyer of ex-Berkut officers suspected in the shooting of protesters during the revolution of dignity in 2014, Alexandr Gorodinski said that he talked with two citizens of Georgia, who said that he participated in the events on the Euromaidan.

The snipers live in Armenia and are ready to testify via videoconference. He has not provided the court with a transcript of a survey of Georgians and data about the place of their stay, noting that they fear for their lives.

Gorodinski recalled that November 15 MP, leader of the party “For life” Vadym Rabinovich on air of TV channel NewsOne said that snipers who shot protesters on the Euromaidan, arrived in Ukraine on the orders of ex-President of Georgia Mikheil Saakshvili.

“General of the Georgian army Tristan, Tsitelashvili said that the snipers who shot at us on the Maidan, belonged to Saakashvili. The Minister of internal Affairs Alexander Chikaidze said that he personally knows the names of the snipers who here drove Saakashvili” – said the Deputy.

The lawyer of ex-Berkut officers were asked to interrogate two citizens of Georgia, which, he said, are witnesses of the shooting of protesters on Maidan |

Deep State rejects all witnesses if they testify for Russia.BTW all Ukrainian shootings were organized by Deep State.
No doubt about it. Deep State bi*ch Saakshvili (an ex-Georgian president who's now running on Kiev roofs and yelling: I'm Ukrainian citizen!) hired the snipers.

Putin has mentioned him during his news conference on Thursday: "Now about Saakashvili. I think that what Saakashvili is doing is a slap in the face to both the Georgian and Ukrainian people. How can Ukrainians still tolerate this? Here is a man who was the president of the independent Georgian state, and now he is running from square to square yelling for the whole world to hear: I am a Ukrainian! Are there no genuine Ukrainians in Ukraine? And Ukraine puts up with all this. It is such a pity to see. My heart bleeds."

Vladimir Putin’s annual news conference
^ full text on Kremlin site

Last edited:
Fresh news:

The lawyer of ex-Berkut officers suspected in the shooting of protesters during the revolution of dignity in 2014, Alexandr Gorodinski said that he talked with two citizens of Georgia, who said that he participated in the events on the Euromaidan.

The snipers live in Armenia and are ready to testify via videoconference. He has not provided the court with a transcript of a survey of Georgians and data about the place of their stay, noting that they fear for their lives.

Gorodinski recalled that November 15 MP, leader of the party “For life” Vadym Rabinovich on air of TV channel NewsOne said that snipers who shot protesters on the Euromaidan, arrived in Ukraine on the orders of ex-President of Georgia Mikheil Saakshvili.

“General of the Georgian army Tristan, Tsitelashvili said that the snipers who shot at us on the Maidan, belonged to Saakashvili. The Minister of internal Affairs Alexander Chikaidze said that he personally knows the names of the snipers who here drove Saakashvili” – said the Deputy.

The lawyer of ex-Berkut officers were asked to interrogate two citizens of Georgia, which, he said, are witnesses of the shooting of protesters on Maidan |

Deep State rejects all witnesses if they testify for Russia.BTW all Ukrainian shootings were organized by Deep State.
. How can Ukrainians still tolerate this?

Because Ukrainians are too stupid to grasp it.

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