Concession (of a kind) and Goodbye.

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Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
I made a bet. I lost. Welching is not cool, at least not the way I was raised. Therefore, I am obligated to honor the bet (Zona's revenge :lol: ): and the terms were simple. I bet that Pres. Obama would NOT get re-elected.

Based on everything I have seen tonight, the election actually is now over. Even if Mitt takes Ohio (which is still kind of up in the air, the "call" notwithstanding) and even if he somehow prevails in FL and VA, he seems to have lost CO. (I blame mal.) The trouble is, he had to end up running that table. And without CO, he didn't. End of story.

The payment terms were simple, too. If I lost the bet, I was to flat out LEAVE USMB.

That time, evidently has come. (Of course, if a miracle happens, and Mitt ends up winning on a recount or three or five, I'll come back upon the same terms!) No. I am not counting on that.

Thus, I am obliged to leave USMB. I have been' assured' by lots of my lib "buddies" that I will come back under some other username. Nope. Gone means gone. They can believe whatever a lib's heart says they should believe. But, I'll still be gone. (I discovered a new place which I like anyway, so I will not be suffering in some arid desert.)

To my lib pals and even those who I never much liked, I will concede the following. Not only was I wrong in my political guess, I was WAY the fuck off. There. You can gloat. I was wrong.

In your favor, I will also say JUST this much more. Your political philosophy is misguided as all hell. But most of you think the way you think for good enough reasons. I admire that. Beats the snot outta the attitude of most Americans who just don't even give thought to the issues of our time.

To my more or less Conservative pals, I urge you to keep up the good fight. It is plainly an uphill battle. But the course you have chosen is the right one. THIS particular electoral loss is a very deep and cutting one. But what can we do? Giving up is not an option. So, keep up your efforts to educate the libs and the majority of indifferent fellow citizens. Someday, conservative political philosophy may yet flower. Time permitting.

That leaves only one thing left to say.

I sincerely hope your lib pals will convince you to welch on one bet---a bet that you never should have made--because you have been a friend and asset to USMB and you will be missed, Liability. What does it profit us or you for you to leave out of some kind of code of honor that means nothing? Okay, none of us should make silly bets that cost one party everything and cost the other party nothing. That was not a smart bet to make. So I'm hoping your friends here will offer you a graceful way out of this one.
I made a bet. I lost. Welching is not cool, at least not the way I was raised. Therefore, I am obligated to honor the bet (Zona's revenge :lol: ): and the terms were simple. I bet that Pres. Obama would NOT get re-elected.

Based on everything I have seen tonight, the election actually is now over. Even if Mitt takes Ohio (which is still kind of up in the air, the "call" notwithstanding) and even if he somehow prevails in FL and VA, he seems to have lost CO. (I blame mal.) The trouble is, he had to end up running that table. And without CO, he didn't. End of story.

The payment terms were simple, too. If I lost the bet, I was to flat out LEAVE USMB.

That time, evidently has come. (Of course, if a miracle happens, and Mitt ends up winning on a recount or three or five, I'll come back upon the same terms!) No. I am not counting on that.

Thus, I am obliged to leave USMB. I have been' assured' by lots of my lib "buddies" that I will come back under some other username. Nope. Gone means gone. They can believe whatever a lib's heart says they should believe. But, I'll still be gone. (I discovered a new place which I like anyway, so I will not be suffering in some arid desert.)

To my lib pals and even those who I never much liked, I will concede the following. Not only was I wrong in my political guess, I was WAY the fuck off. There. You can gloat. I was wrong.

In your favor, I will also say JUST this much more. Your political philosophy is misguided as all hell. But most of you think the way you think for good enough reasons. I admire that. Beats the snot outta the attitude of most Americans who just don't even give thought to the issues of our time.

To my more or less Conservative pals, I urge you to keep up the good fight. It is plainly an uphill battle. But the course you have chosen is the right one. THIS particular electoral loss is a very deep and cutting one. But what can we do? Giving up is not an option. So, keep up your efforts to educate the libs and the majority of indifferent fellow citizens. Someday, conservative political philosophy may yet flower. Time permitting.

That leaves only one thing left to say.


i blame mal, too
If the person with whom you made the bet displayed an ounce of tact they would not hold you to the criteria of leaving the forum. I hope that they choose to alleviate your urge to follow through as you will be missed on the forum, admitted or not, by people of the entire range of political philosophy.

But, should you choose to leave for good I wish you the best and hope you find a good replacement for what you found here at USMB and thank you for your input and participation to the forum.
If the person with whom you made the bet displayed an ounce of tact they would not hold you to the criteria of leaving the forum. I hope that they choose to alleviate your urge to follow through as you will be missed on the forum, admitted or not, by people of the entire range of political philosophy.

But, should you choose to leave for good I wish you the best and hope you find a good replacement for what you found here at USMB and thank you for your input and participation to the forum.

That was actually frame-able Shogun. Thanks, for it made me feel good. I like liability a great deal. He has a good way with words...:D
USMB is what we all make it.

But nobody should be held to a bet that can cost one party everything but the other party risks nothing.
"Welching is not cool".

And to think you all just laid out the red carpet for the ultimate welcher.

Thanks for another four years of nothing.

And no more years of the Liarbility.
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