Comrade tells Intel chiefs to push back on Russia probe

They said no, according to the report.

Another account of President Donald Trump attempting to push back on the investigation of his campaign’s ties to the Russian government emerged Monday evening, as The Washington Post reported that the president asked two top intelligence officials to deny any evidence of collusion.

According to the report, Trump asked Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats and National Security Agency Director Michael Rogers to publicly deny that there is any evidence of connections between Trump’s team and Russia. Those requests reportedly came in late March, after then-FBI Director James Comey confirmed that his bureau was looking into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia.

Coats and Rogers reportedly rejected the requests.

The Post also said that White House officials sought to influence Comey directly:

In addition to the requests to Coats and Rogers, senior White House officials sounded out top intelligence officials about the possibility of intervening directly with Comey to encourage the FBI to drop its probe of Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, according to people familiar with the matter. The officials said the White House appeared uncertain about its power to influence the FBI.

“Can we ask him to shut down the investigation? Are you able to assist in this matter?” one official said of the line of questioning from the White House.

More: Trump Reportedly Asked Intel Chiefs To Publicly Deny Russia Ties

Wow, it just gets deeper and deeper. Remember that Trump personally asked them.
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Trump Reportedly Asked Intel Chiefs To Publicly Deny Russia Ties | HuffPost

It is never the crime, rather the cover up that dooms the powerful.
According to Diane Feinstein, Joe Manchin and Maxine Waters there's nothing to cover up.

The innocent never plead the 5th. That is what your, so called, president has said...ohhhh, about five times. Trump is fighting to keep something secret. Mueller will find it.
If Mueller is the man of integrity many think he is, he will close this investigation and acknowledge there never was anything to find. That's the only way to preserve his own integrity and to repair the damage to the FBI and DoJ Comey caused.
The hallmark of every FAKE NEWS story...

"according to two current and two former officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private communications with the president."
Trump Reportedly Asked Intel Chiefs To Publicly Deny Russia Ties | HuffPost

It is never the crime, rather the cover up that dooms the powerful.
According to Diane Feinstein, Joe Manchin and Maxine Waters there's nothing to cover up.

The innocent never plead the 5th. That is what your, so called, president has said...ohhhh, about five times. Trump is fighting to keep something secret. Mueller will find it.

The innocent never plead the 5th? Ever heard of Lois Lerner????

How could Trump's "personal" request to TWO intel chiefs to deny any evidence of Trump-Russia collusion not be obstruction of justice?
Trump Reportedly Asked Intel Chiefs To Publicly Deny Russia Ties | HuffPost

It is never the crime, rather the cover up that dooms the powerful.
According to Diane Feinstein, Joe Manchin and Maxine Waters there's nothing to cover up.

The innocent never plead the 5th. That is what your, so called, president has said...ohhhh, about five times. Trump is fighting to keep something secret. Mueller will find it.

So Lois Lerner is guilt of using the IRS to persecute U.S. citizens she doesn't agree with?

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