
Historically, the charade goes as follows: 1) The Dems make unrealistic campaign promises; 2) After the election, they "compromise" with the GOP; 3) Then they blame the GOP opposing their campaign promises; and 4) make new campaign promises for the next election. When will the GOP get off this merry-go-round?
How many Democrats were forced to sign pledges to not cut spending?

How many Republicans were forced to sign pledges to not raise taxes?

Answer that question and you will find the answer to where the source of rigid obstructionism resides.

You call it obstructionism. But stopping Obama's trillion in deficits was what the People's House of Representatives were elected - and re-elected - to do, and they gave Obama the opportunity to do it with the Compromise of 2011. Obama did not take the Commission seriously, and Obama failed.

I can't see how the House Tea Party types give Boehner an out. All that can be done is perhaps going after 'loopholes' and the like as the 'revenue' which Obama can claim to be a tax increase.

Good luck with that one. 65% of Americans want tax hikes and spending cuts.
Tax hikes are coming. Either via the cliff or via a compromise from the Bohner boys. Whether it goes down hard or whether the blow is cushioned, is up to the Bohner boys. And they are gonna own the decision and live with the consequences.

Time to put the Tea Party nuts on notice that they aren't gonna make all the calls for the GOP anymore anyway. It will help in 2014 and 2016.
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"My number one priorioty is to defeat Barack Obama"
- guess who

My turn?


(Reuters) - President Barack Obama was caught on camera on Monday assuring outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he will have "more flexibility" to deal with contentious issues like missile defense after the U.S. presidential election.
Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election | Reuters

So stating the obvious is now "obstructionism"??????

Sorry, It's STILL your turn.

Saying that not having to run for re-election gives him more flexibility to negotiate with foreign powers has nothing to do with hyper-partisan party politics of obstruction.
Last edited:
"My number one priorioty is to defeat Barack Obama"
- guess who

My turn?


(Reuters) - President Barack Obama was caught on camera on Monday assuring outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he will have "more flexibility" to deal with contentious issues like missile defense after the U.S. presidential election.
Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election | Reuters

So stating the obvious is now "obstructionism"??????

Sorry, It's STILL your turn. lose a turn:

[ame=]Obama Promises To Lower Health Insurance Premiums by $2,500 Per Year - YouTube[/ame]
who has conducted 247 filibusters since 2010?
Answer that question and you will find the root of obstructionism.

Who has sat on over 2000 Republican bills in the Senate? Answer that and you will find the root of obstructionism and evil politics.

It was Harry "fuck-you-in-the-ass" Reid.
My turn?


(Reuters) - President Barack Obama was caught on camera on Monday assuring outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he will have "more flexibility" to deal with contentious issues like missile defense after the U.S. presidential election.
Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election | Reuters

So stating the obvious is now "obstructionism"??????

Sorry, It's STILL your turn. lose a turn:

[ame=]Obama Promises To Lower Health Insurance Premiums by $2,500 Per Year - YouTube[/ame]

Sorry - I was under the impression that the "turns" were supposed to show examples of obstructionism. I could post a Far Side cartoon .... it would be about as relevent to that point.
"My number one priorioty is to defeat Barack Obama"
- guess who

My turn?


(Reuters) - President Barack Obama was caught on camera on Monday assuring outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he will have "more flexibility" to deal with contentious issues like missile defense after the U.S. presidential election.
Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election | Reuters

So stating the obvious is now "obstructionism"??????

Sorry, It's STILL your turn.

Saying that not having to run for re-election gives him more flexibility to negotiate with foreign powers has nothing to do with hyper-partisan party politics of obstruction.

You don't wanna play any more????

Awww..... like that.


"Remember Obama saying Domestic Terrorist, Weatherman Bill Ayers, was “just a guy in the neighborhood?”
Obama Had Long Close Connection to Bill Ayers Father: Obama Slogan ‘Forward’ – Marxist Communist Roots: | Opinion - Conservative
passing a budget resolution (or general guidelines on spending) is not subject to filibuster - but the laws necessary to actually do the spending are subject to the filibuster. And the GOP has taken that (as almost everything these days) to the extreme.

But the GOP has passed and sent along to the Senate, a budget, every year. None have even reached committees.

Budgets are proposed by the House according to the Constitution. If the Senate, (read harry reid) was doing it's duty, they would propose changes acceptable to the House and vote on a revised bill.
passing a budget resolution (or general guidelines on spending) is not subject to filibuster - but the laws necessary to actually do the spending are subject to the filibuster. And the GOP has taken that (as almost everything these days) to the extreme.

But the GOP has passed and sent along to the Senate, a budget, every year. None have even reached committees.

Budgets are proposed by the House according to the Constitution. If the Senate, (read harry reid) was doing it's duty, they would propose changes acceptable to the House and vote on a revised bill.

But it doesn't matter what the budget resolution says - the laws to actually put those guidelines into place take 60 votes to pass.
My turn?


(Reuters) - President Barack Obama was caught on camera on Monday assuring outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he will have "more flexibility" to deal with contentious issues like missile defense after the U.S. presidential election.
Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election | Reuters

So stating the obvious is now "obstructionism"??????

Sorry, It's STILL your turn.

Saying that not having to run for re-election gives him more flexibility to negotiate with foreign powers has nothing to do with hyper-partisan party politics of obstruction.

You don't wanna play any more????

Awww..... like that.


"Remember Obama saying Domestic Terrorist, Weatherman Bill Ayers, was “just a guy in the neighborhood?”
Obama Had Long Close Connection to Bill Ayers Father: Obama Slogan ‘Forward’ – Marxist Communist Roots: | Opinion - Conservative

I would have posted that one for MY side. Good example of Tea Party BS obstructionism.

I quit and I'm still winning.

Ironic, no?
Myself, I'm for spending cuts and tax increases on those who can afford it (that'd include our household). The Middle Class and poor will feel the brunt of the spending cuts and I believe that every American should sacrifice. The deficit is all of ours, not just the Middle Class's or poor's. We have a huge deficit because of spending too much and not bringing in enough revenue.
passing a budget resolution (or general guidelines on spending) is not subject to filibuster - but the laws necessary to actually do the spending are subject to the filibuster. And the GOP has taken that (as almost everything these days) to the extreme.

But the GOP has passed and sent along to the Senate, a budget, every year. None have even reached committees.

Budgets are proposed by the House according to the Constitution. If the Senate, (read harry reid) was doing it's duty, they would propose changes acceptable to the House and vote on a revised bill.

But it doesn't matter what the budget resolution says - the laws to actually put those guidelines into place take 60 votes to pass.
I don't know whether or not you got the memo....Those budget resolutions got ZERO votes.
The bush tax cuts for the top 2% are restored as they should be, and the GOP gets their baby, military spending, but with huge cuts.

That's a fair compromise but the GOP has shown they don't know what that word means,..

The GOP is waiting on the Dumbos to make some sacrifices of their own. Entitlements, perhaps?

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