Compromise for my fellow Republicans

I am a republican. I am also an Evangelical Christian and member of the Tea Party. Compromise is a function of daily life. In business you compromise. If you do it well, you might be successful (despite everything our own government does to keep you from succeeding). If I was King of America... well then, compromise wouldn't be so necessary, would it?

I have already made up my mind as to who I will vote for in the primary. That would be Mitt Romney. And in the general election, anybody but Barry.

I will cast my primary vote for Romney because of several reasons. First, he's a business man and I think that a business man can help guide this country back to prosperity. He's done it before and he's done it well. If you have an issue with his time at Bain Capital then you don't understand capatlism very well and OWS is tiresome. 17 trillion in debt by the time Barry leaves, and Barry said 9 Trillion in debt was "unpatriotic". I like Romney's stance on the military. Is he as conservative as I like? No, of course not, but Newt has way too much baggage, Santorum is just whiny, and Paul... as long as he stays on the one-liners, he's okay. But really his foreign policy is just nutty. Is Romney the best candidate we could have? No, but I don't see another Ronald Reagan out there right now.

Compromise is a part of daily life. In politics it is a necessity, so long as you don't compromise your basic principles. Thus, the reason for the Tea Party block in the House not playing nice with the Democratic-Socialists led by Nancy. The Democratic-Socialists want to implement things that are contrary to freedom, democracy, and American ideals. We will not be a part of a discussion where the topics discussed are things who's core principles are obviously contrary to American ideals. Raising the debt ceiling without a budget and plan to reduce the deficit is madness. But that's what the Demo-Socialists want to do. Don't ask questions, just raise it. Uh, no.

Barry's done... and that makes me smile.
I am a republican. I am also an Evangelical Christian and member of the Tea Party. Compromise is a function of daily life. In business you compromise. If you do it well, you might be successful (despite everything our own government does to keep you from succeeding). If I was King of America... well then, compromise wouldn't be so necessary, would it?

I have already made up my mind as to who I will vote for in the primary. That would be Mitt Romney. And in the general election, anybody but Barry.

I will cast my primary vote for Romney because of several reasons. First, he's a business man and I think that a business man can help guide this country back to prosperity. He's done it before and he's done it well. If you have an issue with his time at Bain Capital then you don't understand capatlism very well and OWS is tiresome. 17 trillion in debt by the time Barry leaves, and Barry said 9 Trillion in debt was "unpatriotic". I like Romney's stance on the military. Is he as conservative as I like? No, of course not, but Newt has way too much baggage, Santorum is just whiny, and Paul... as long as he stays on the one-liners, he's okay. But really his foreign policy is just nutty. Is Romney the best candidate we could have? No, but I don't see another Ronald Reagan out there right now.

Compromise is a part of daily life. In politics it is a necessity, so long as you don't compromise your basic principles. Thus, the reason for the Tea Party block in the House not playing nice with the Democratic-Socialists led by Nancy. The Democratic-Socialists want to implement things that are contrary to freedom, democracy, and American ideals. We will not be a part of a discussion where the topics discussed are things who's core principles are obviously contrary to American ideals. Raising the debt ceiling without a budget and plan to reduce the deficit is madness. But that's what the Demo-Socialists want to do. Don't ask questions, just raise it. Uh, no.

Barry's done... and that makes me smile.

Thank you but you are over looking one thing you are the sheep and the wolf is the GOP, supper is your vote. Do you as the sheep compromise with the wolf? Remember the wolf has one agenda and the sheep has another agenda. Do you compromise with the wolf? Both have the same objective in mind and that's staying alive.
No, I don't think I'm the sheep. I've voted Democratic several times and I have and will support Democratic candidates. Dan Boren, a blue-dog Democrat Congressman here in Oklahoma is absolutely WONDERFUL. I will support him for governor if he runs and I have contributed to his campaign.

If the Republicans abandon their own principles (GWB did a pretty good job of it), then I will seek out alternatives. If the Republicans abandon their principles, then I hope the group of Tea Partier's that I am a member of, will help someone else out.

The only time you are a sheep is when you do something that is dictated to you. I don't take dictates well. I'm an American. I don't stand in line well either. You can ask me, but when you start dictating to me I start looking for a way to do what I want to do. That is why Obamacare is so contrary to everything I think is basically American.

No, you're only a sheep when you're a party hack... rdean comes to mind.
No, I don't think I'm the sheep. I've voted Democratic several times and I have and will support Democratic candidates. Dan Boren, a blue-dog Democrat Congressman here in Oklahoma is absolutely WONDERFUL. I will support him for governor if he runs and I have contributed to his campaign.

If the Republicans abandon their own principles (GWB did a pretty good job of it), then I will seek out alternatives. If the Republicans abandon their principles, then I hope the group of Tea Partier's that I am a member of, will help someone else out.

The only time you are a sheep is when you do something that is dictated to you. I don't take dictates well. I'm an American. I don't stand in line well either. You can ask me, but when you start dictating to me I start looking for a way to do what I want to do. That is why Obamacare is so contrary to everything I think is basically American.

No, you're only a sheep when you're a party hack... rdean comes to mind.

So you're saying the sheep should compromise with the wolf?
Let me throw a question out there to the members of the Republican party and those who may vote for a Republican.
How does a sheep compromise with a wolf about what's for supper?
For those who are in favor of compromising their values with people they have nothing in common with, think about my question and put yourself in the place of the sheep. The wolf will be played by the GOP and supper will be your vote.

So... the wolf is the GOP, and a vote is what's for supper, and the wolf and sheep have to compromise over the vote?

Who are the sheep?

Why is the wolf the GOP?

Why is a vote something to eat?

Your whole analogy is quite bizarre bigreb, no offense. But if you were simply trying to ask about why someone should "compromise," then the answer will be varied. Some will compromise, some won't, and both will have their reasons.

For me, it's like this...

Let me throw a question out there to the members of the Republican party and those who may vote for a Republican.
How does a sheep compromise with a wolf about what's for supper?
For those who are in favor of compromising their values with people they have nothing in common with, think about my question and put yourself in the place of the sheep. The wolf will be played by the GOP and supper will be your vote.

So... the wolf is the GOP, and a vote is what's for supper, and the wolf and sheep have to compromise over the vote?

Who are the sheep?

Why is the wolf the GOP?

Why is a vote something to eat?

Your whole analogy is quite bizarre bigreb, no offense. But if you were simply trying to ask about why someone should "compromise," then the answer will be varied. Some will compromise, some won't, and both will have their reasons.

For me, it's like this...


Why is this question so complex to some?
The sheep and the wolf have the same goal in mind. That is to survive. But does the sheep compromise with the wolf?
This is not a complex question
It should be simple to answer.
Do you compromise with someone who does not have the same goal you have but that goal does not have the same out come?
Sheep's goal is to survive
The wolves goal is to survive.
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Big Reb... compromise with the wolf? You have to first believe that you're the sheep. I don't run lock-step with anyone. Even the GOP. I'll let you in on a little secret... I go to a Evangelical Christian church. I've been going for years and years. I don't 'buy' everything that comes from the pulpit either.

I don't buy the prospect that we are sheep and the GOP is the wolf wanting to get our vote. I can promise you this... If Ron Paul wins the primary and is nominated as the GOP candidate for President. I could not pull that lever for him. I might just not vote... but I couldn't vote for Ron Paul under any circumstance. He's just too nutty...

Are there sheep in the GOP... of course. Not as many as in the Democratic party, but there are sheep. I have no respect for them either. If you're conservative then you should be thinking about what is best for this country. It sure isn't the path that this country is on now...
Big Reb... compromise with the wolf? You have to first believe that you're the sheep. I don't run lock-step with anyone. Even the GOP. I'll let you in on a little secret... I go to a Evangelical Christian church. I've been going for years and years. I don't 'buy' everything that comes from the pulpit either.

I don't buy the prospect that we are sheep and the GOP is the wolf wanting to get our vote. I can promise you this... If Ron Paul wins the primary and is nominated as the GOP candidate for President. I could not pull that lever for him. I might just not vote... but I couldn't vote for Ron Paul under any circumstance. He's just too nutty...

Are there sheep in the GOP... of course. Not as many as in the Democratic party, but there are sheep. I have no respect for them either. If you're conservative then you should be thinking about what is best for this country. It sure isn't the path that this country is on now...

I see republicans as the sheep who are willing to compromise with the wolf.
What values do you have that say some people should not have healthcare?

What values do you have to say you have the right to force other people to pay for your bills and obligations? What values do you have to say people don't need to accept personal responsibility for their lives? You are no beacon of morality yourself. Robin Hood was still a criminal.

The values that say I care about others getting affordable healthcare even though I, myself have good coverage. The values that recognize healthcare is increasingly unaffordable to other Americans and that a single illness can destroy them. The values that realize you have little control over what medical challenges you face

The values that say we need to attack this problem as a nation and that it is too big for most Americans to handle individually
I am a republican. I am also an Evangelical Christian and member of the Tea Party. Compromise is a function of daily life. In business you compromise. If you do it well, you might be successful (despite everything our own government does to keep you from succeeding). If I was King of America... well then, compromise wouldn't be so necessary, would it?

I have already made up my mind as to who I will vote for in the primary. That would be Mitt Romney. And in the general election, anybody but Barry.

I will cast my primary vote for Romney because of several reasons. First, he's a business man and I think that a business man can help guide this country back to prosperity. He's done it before and he's done it well. If you have an issue with his time at Bain Capital then you don't understand capatlism very well and OWS is tiresome. 17 trillion in debt by the time Barry leaves, and Barry said 9 Trillion in debt was "unpatriotic". I like Romney's stance on the military. Is he as conservative as I like? No, of course not, but Newt has way too much baggage, Santorum is just whiny, and Paul... as long as he stays on the one-liners, he's okay. But really his foreign policy is just nutty. Is Romney the best candidate we could have? No, but I don't see another Ronald Reagan out there right now.

Compromise is a part of daily life. In politics it is a necessity, so long as you don't compromise your basic principles. Thus, the reason for the Tea Party block in the House not playing nice with the Democratic-Socialists led by Nancy. The Democratic-Socialists want to implement things that are contrary to freedom, democracy, and American ideals. We will not be a part of a discussion where the topics discussed are things who's core principles are obviously contrary to American ideals. Raising the debt ceiling without a budget and plan to reduce the deficit is madness. But that's what the Demo-Socialists want to do. Don't ask questions, just raise it. Uh, no.

Barry's done... and that makes me smile.

I pretty much agree with that.

I don't support either party as such... I'm conservative so I'll lean toward the GOP but, more often than not, they're as crap as the Dems. However, on this occasion, if Romney is the GOP nominee, he'll get my vote.
What values do you have that say some people should not have healthcare?

What values do you have to say you have the right to force other people to pay for your bills and obligations? What values do you have to say people don't need to accept personal responsibility for their lives? You are no beacon of morality yourself. Robin Hood was still a criminal.

The values that say I care about others getting affordable healthcare even though I, myself have good coverage. The values that recognize healthcare is increasingly unaffordable to other Americans and that a single illness can destroy them. The values that realize you have little control over what medical challenges you face

The values that say we need to attack this problem as a nation and that it is too big for most Americans to handle individually
The values that say I care about others getting affordable healthcare even though I, myself have good coverage.

No one is stopping you from taking your money and buying everybody healthcare coverage. After all it's your money and are free to do with it as you please as for me LEAVE MY MONEY ALONE.
What values do you have to say you have the right to force other people to pay for your bills and obligations? What values do you have to say people don't need to accept personal responsibility for their lives? You are no beacon of morality yourself. Robin Hood was still a criminal.

The values that say I care about others getting affordable healthcare even though I, myself have good coverage. The values that recognize healthcare is increasingly unaffordable to other Americans and that a single illness can destroy them. The values that realize you have little control over what medical challenges you face

The values that say we need to attack this problem as a nation and that it is too big for most Americans to handle individually
The values that say I care about others getting affordable healthcare even though I, myself have good coverage.

No one is stopping you from taking your money and buying everybody healthcare coverage. After all it's your money and are free to do with it as you please as for me LEAVE MY MONEY ALONE.

Yes, that is the FUCK YOU attitude I have come to expect from Republicans. The "I got mine, the hell with you" policies that have destroyed the middle class
The values that say I care about others getting affordable healthcare even though I, myself have good coverage. The values that recognize healthcare is increasingly unaffordable to other Americans and that a single illness can destroy them. The values that realize you have little control over what medical challenges you face

The values that say we need to attack this problem as a nation and that it is too big for most Americans to handle individually
The values that say I care about others getting affordable healthcare even though I, myself have good coverage.

No one is stopping you from taking your money and buying everybody healthcare coverage. After all it's your money and are free to do with it as you please as for me LEAVE MY MONEY ALONE.

Yes, that is the FUCK YOU attitude I have come to expect from Republicans. The "I got mine, the hell with you" policies that have destroyed the middle class

You want people to have healthcare coverage give them your money. I want people to be able to buy their own healthcare coverage if that's what they choose to do. You are to demanding of other people's money when you aren't willing to share your's with others. I am willing to admit that I do not want to give my hard earned money to other people, You are a hypocrite because you want to take from others without doing it yourself.
I want people to be able to buy their own you want to take from others.
No one is stopping you from taking your money and buying everybody healthcare coverage. After all it's your money and are free to do with it as you please as for me LEAVE MY MONEY ALONE.

Yes, that is the FUCK YOU attitude I have come to expect from Republicans. The "I got mine, the hell with you" policies that have destroyed the middle class

You want people to have healthcare coverage give them your money. I want people to be able to buy their own healthcare coverage if that's what they choose to do. You are to demanding of other people's money when you aren't willing to share your's with others. I am willing to admit that I do not want to give my hard earned money to other people, You are a hypocrite because you want to take from others without doing it yourself.
I want people to be able to buy their own you want to take from others.

And in the world of healthcare from twenty years ago you could. Employers included health insurance as a low cost benefit to employees, usually picking up the whole tab.
With rising costs today, employers want out of the healthcare business. They alter hiring, reduce hours, hire people as independent contractors....all to avoid paying health insurance. The self employed and those who work for small companies cannot compete in the healthcare market

Who is able to step in and fill the void?

Yes.......the Government

Who else do you propose?
Yes, that is the FUCK YOU attitude I have come to expect from Republicans. The "I got mine, the hell with you" policies that have destroyed the middle class

You want people to have healthcare coverage give them your money. I want people to be able to buy their own healthcare coverage if that's what they choose to do. You are to demanding of other people's money when you aren't willing to share your's with others. I am willing to admit that I do not want to give my hard earned money to other people, You are a hypocrite because you want to take from others without doing it yourself.
I want people to be able to buy their own you want to take from others.

And in the world of healthcare from twenty years ago you could. Employers included health insurance as a low cost benefit to employees, usually picking up the whole tab.
With rising costs today, employers want out of the healthcare business. They alter hiring, reduce hours, hire people as independent contractors....all to avoid paying health insurance. The self employed and those who work for small companies cannot compete in the healthcare market

Who is able to step in and fill the void?

Yes.......the Government

Who else do you propose?

Who is able to step in and fill the void?

Yes.......the Government
Not with my money
The values that say I care about others getting affordable healthcare even though I, myself have good coverage. The values that recognize healthcare is increasingly unaffordable to other Americans and that a single illness can destroy them. The values that realize you have little control over what medical challenges you face

The values that say we need to attack this problem as a nation and that it is too big for most Americans to handle individually
The values that say I care about others getting affordable healthcare even though I, myself have good coverage.

No one is stopping you from taking your money and buying everybody healthcare coverage. After all it's your money and are free to do with it as you please as for me LEAVE MY MONEY ALONE.

Yes, that is the FUCK YOU attitude I have come to expect from Republicans. The "I got mine, the hell with you" policies that have destroyed the middle class

Actually, it's the "you got yours and I didn't do shit and now I have nothing so FUCK YOU give me yours" that's destroying the country.
You can gather disciples, campaign, bloviate, make a profit, accuse and belittle with an uncompromising, partisan attitude.

The one thing you cannot do with that type of attitude in America is govern.
You can gather disciples, campaign, bloviate, make a profit, accuse and belittle with an uncompromising, partisan attitude.

The one thing you cannot do with that type of attitude in America is govern.

Sometimes compromise is go sometimes it ain't
Does the sheep compromise with the wolf?

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