Company provided sub-par steel for construction of US submarines.

  • Thread starter
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  • #21

"The foundry's director of metallurgy, Elaine Thomas, 66, of Auburn, Washington, also was charged criminally with one count of major fraud against the United States. Thomas, who worked in various capacities at the lab for 40 years, was due to make an initial appearance in federal court June 30."

"The criminal complaint said she fabricated the results of more than 200 productions of steel, representing a substantial percentage of the castings Bradken produced for the Navy."

Bitch needs to spend the rest of her life in prison. But first, send her out on one of those submarines and take it to test depth. I bet the sound of the hull creaking and popping would freak her the fuck out.
I read the article and it says the only test where results were falsified was a hardness test at minus 100 degrees F. That seems like a ridiculous over test to me. The coldest ocean water is around positive 28 degrees F. Am I missing something here?

The steel was verified to be at certain specs. It either is or it isn't.

Also, the testing is done at extremes because there are not tests to simulate diving to deep depths and surfacing again over and over for years. Metal fatigue become a factor that must be accounted for.

And subs do break through Arctic ice. I have been on cruises under the ice. I have my Bluenose certificate (for going inside the Arctic Circle) to prove it.
OK I get that. But it still doesn't make sense to me to impose a Space temperature requirement on a Submarine. If metal fatigue is the issue then design a metal fatigue test. If hardness is the issue then design a test for busting through ice.

I have no idea why the temperature of the testing was set as it was. I am sure it was an extreme for some reason.

But if you accept a contract to provide steel within certain specs, you provide it. If a batch somehow gets screwed up and isn't to spec, you eat that batch rather than pass it on to the shipbuilders.

There were a lot of seemingly minor repair parts that were tested extensively too. In most situations, the manufacturers test a few per batch, or 1 in 1,000. But for submarines some parts manufacturers were required to test as many as 1 in 10. It made the parts much more expensive. But it had to be done. On a surface ship, if something fails you can get help, or at worst, you abandon ship. In a submarine, if things fail, you either fix it quick or everyone dies. There is a small valve on the air system used to blow the ballast tanks. On the USS Thresher, the system was found to not remove the moisture as needed. That resulted in ice forming inside the lines, which plugged them. The reactor had shutdown due to anothe issue. But they could have blown ballast tanks and surfaced. The ice plugs prevents that and 129 lives were lost.

Probably more info than you needed, huh? lol

"The foundry's director of metallurgy, Elaine Thomas, 66, of Auburn, Washington, also was charged criminally with one count of major fraud against the United States. Thomas, who worked in various capacities at the lab for 40 years, was due to make an initial appearance in federal court June 30."

"The criminal complaint said she fabricated the results of more than 200 productions of steel, representing a substantial percentage of the castings Bradken produced for the Navy."

Bitch needs to spend the rest of her life in prison. But first, send her out on one of those submarines and take it to test depth. I bet the sound of the hull creaking and popping would freak her the fuck out.
But wait a minute. I thought women were supposed to be superior to men? Are you telling me this cheating bitch was more interested in making profits over the safety of our military? How can this be?

Your sarcasm is noted. But a penis is not required to put profits above the lives of our military.

And as someone who rode (and drove) in US Naval submarines to test depths, I think this woman should be hung out to dry.
But a penis is not required to put profits above the lives of our military.
The equal rights of women, knows no bounds, it seems...Equally corrupt...

Corruption is about what a person does, not their gender.
But the whole argument about women being equal to men when it comes to work, unless it is in professional sports, then that argument goes out the door, so women wanted to be treated as equal. Soon women started living as long as men, drank like men, smoked like men, get all those diseases, that men got, now they cheat, rob and lie, like men. Yep, congratulations women, you should be all proud of this woman...

"The foundry's director of metallurgy, Elaine Thomas, 66, of Auburn, Washington, also was charged criminally with one count of major fraud against the United States. Thomas, who worked in various capacities at the lab for 40 years, was due to make an initial appearance in federal court June 30."

"The criminal complaint said she fabricated the results of more than 200 productions of steel, representing a substantial percentage of the castings Bradken produced for the Navy."

Bitch needs to spend the rest of her life in prison. But first, send her out on one of those submarines and take it to test depth. I bet the sound of the hull creaking and popping would freak her the fuck out.
But wait a minute. I thought women were supposed to be superior to men? Are you telling me this cheating bitch was more interested in making profits over the safety of our military? How can this be?
Maybe she can get a job at Boeing.......they also love to put the profits over the safety of many many many many other corporations....but its "super sinister" when a woman is caught being a greedy capitalist...

"The foundry's director of metallurgy, Elaine Thomas, 66, of Auburn, Washington, also was charged criminally with one count of major fraud against the United States. Thomas, who worked in various capacities at the lab for 40 years, was due to make an initial appearance in federal court June 30."

"The criminal complaint said she fabricated the results of more than 200 productions of steel, representing a substantial percentage of the castings Bradken produced for the Navy."

Bitch needs to spend the rest of her life in prison. But first, send her out on one of those submarines and take it to test depth. I bet the sound of the hull creaking and popping would freak her the fuck out.
But wait a minute. I thought women were supposed to be superior to men? Are you telling me this cheating bitch was more interested in making profits over the safety of our military? How can this be?
Maybe she can get a job at Boeing.......they also love to put the profits over the safety of many many many many other corporations....but its "super sinister" when a woman is caught being a greedy capitalist...
Yeah, those Boeing people...

Boeing gave to Clinton causes after Hillary steered its Russian contract
Boeing gave heavily to the Clinton Foundation after Hillary Clinton helped it secure a major deal with a Russian airline in 2009, author Pete Schweizer noted in his book, Clinton Cash.
The company was also involved in funding one of Clinton's pet projects at the State Department after the agency reportedly brushed aside ethical guidelines to secure a $2 million contribution.

"The foundry's director of metallurgy, Elaine Thomas, 66, of Auburn, Washington, also was charged criminally with one count of major fraud against the United States. Thomas, who worked in various capacities at the lab for 40 years, was due to make an initial appearance in federal court June 30."

"The criminal complaint said she fabricated the results of more than 200 productions of steel, representing a substantial percentage of the castings Bradken produced for the Navy."

Bitch needs to spend the rest of her life in prison. But first, send her out on one of those submarines and take it to test depth. I bet the sound of the hull creaking and popping would freak her the fuck out.
But wait a minute. I thought women were supposed to be superior to men? Are you telling me this cheating bitch was more interested in making profits over the safety of our military? How can this be?

Your sarcasm is noted. But a penis is not required to put profits above the lives of our military.

And as someone who rode (and drove) in US Naval submarines to test depths, I think this woman should be hung out to dry.
They are supposed to be better. The Prog era has helped to turn tens of millions of males into under educated or no educated cretins. With many of them near or impoverished. Add to that over two million of them in jail and near ten million felons, well you get what I am saying. Cities burn good. Real good.

"The foundry's director of metallurgy, Elaine Thomas, 66, of Auburn, Washington, also was charged criminally with one count of major fraud against the United States. Thomas, who worked in various capacities at the lab for 40 years, was due to make an initial appearance in federal court June 30."

"The criminal complaint said she fabricated the results of more than 200 productions of steel, representing a substantial percentage of the castings Bradken produced for the Navy."

Bitch needs to spend the rest of her life in prison. But first, send her out on one of those submarines and take it to test depth. I bet the sound of the hull creaking and popping would freak her the fuck out.
I used to work QA at a Navy Sub Base.

They had very strict Level 1 requirements on all fasteners, welds and fittings that were subjected to outside water pressure. Everything was marked and traceable to where and when it was manufactured. All parts were X-Rayed and material used was strictly controlled and tests were Government witnessed and signed off.

Hard to believe she got away with it for so long.

Hell,even oil field equipment has to be traceable from beginning to end.
The parts have to have the HEAT #'s on them throughout production. Used to drive me nuts having to rewrite the HEAT # five times throughout the process because you removed the diameter it was written on after the last operation.
But then I look back and that was simple compared to dealing with NASA.
Their reports read like a F'n interrogation!!!

"The foundry's director of metallurgy, Elaine Thomas, 66, of Auburn, Washington, also was charged criminally with one count of major fraud against the United States. Thomas, who worked in various capacities at the lab for 40 years, was due to make an initial appearance in federal court June 30."

"The criminal complaint said she fabricated the results of more than 200 productions of steel, representing a substantial percentage of the castings Bradken produced for the Navy."

Bitch needs to spend the rest of her life in prison. But first, send her out on one of those submarines and take it to test depth. I bet the sound of the hull creaking and popping would freak her the fuck out.

  • Thread starter
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  • #29

"The foundry's director of metallurgy, Elaine Thomas, 66, of Auburn, Washington, also was charged criminally with one count of major fraud against the United States. Thomas, who worked in various capacities at the lab for 40 years, was due to make an initial appearance in federal court June 30."

"The criminal complaint said she fabricated the results of more than 200 productions of steel, representing a substantial percentage of the castings Bradken produced for the Navy."

Bitch needs to spend the rest of her life in prison. But first, send her out on one of those submarines and take it to test depth. I bet the sound of the hull creaking and popping would freak her the fuck out.
But wait a minute. I thought women were supposed to be superior to men? Are you telling me this cheating bitch was more interested in making profits over the safety of our military? How can this be?

Your sarcasm is noted. But a penis is not required to put profits above the lives of our military.

And as someone who rode (and drove) in US Naval submarines to test depths, I think this woman should be hung out to dry.
But a penis is not required to put profits above the lives of our military.
The equal rights of women, knows no bounds, it seems...Equally corrupt...

Corruption is about what a person does, not their gender.
But the whole argument about women being equal to men when it comes to work, unless it is in professional sports, then that argument goes out the door, so women wanted to be treated as equal. Soon women started living as long as men, drank like men, smoked like men, get all those diseases, that men got, now they cheat, rob and lie, like men. Yep, congratulations women, you should be all proud of this woman...

Ridiculous. A woman, just one, falsifies test results, and you want to make it all about feminists? Stupid responses.

"The foundry's director of metallurgy, Elaine Thomas, 66, of Auburn, Washington, also was charged criminally with one count of major fraud against the United States. Thomas, who worked in various capacities at the lab for 40 years, was due to make an initial appearance in federal court June 30."

"The criminal complaint said she fabricated the results of more than 200 productions of steel, representing a substantial percentage of the castings Bradken produced for the Navy."

Bitch needs to spend the rest of her life in prison. But first, send her out on one of those submarines and take it to test depth. I bet the sound of the hull creaking and popping would freak her the fuck out.
But wait a minute. I thought women were supposed to be superior to men? Are you telling me this cheating bitch was more interested in making profits over the safety of our military? How can this be?

Your sarcasm is noted. But a penis is not required to put profits above the lives of our military.

And as someone who rode (and drove) in US Naval submarines to test depths, I think this woman should be hung out to dry.
But a penis is not required to put profits above the lives of our military.
The equal rights of women, knows no bounds, it seems...Equally corrupt...

Corruption is about what a person does, not their gender.
But the whole argument about women being equal to men when it comes to work, unless it is in professional sports, then that argument goes out the door, so women wanted to be treated as equal. Soon women started living as long as men, drank like men, smoked like men, get all those diseases, that men got, now they cheat, rob and lie, like men. Yep, congratulations women, you should be all proud of this woman...

Ridiculous. A woman, just one, falsifies test results, and you want to make it all about feminists? Stupid responses.
A bad cop kills a criminal black man, and the left wants to defund all police. Shall we continue?
  • Thread starter
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  • #31

"The foundry's director of metallurgy, Elaine Thomas, 66, of Auburn, Washington, also was charged criminally with one count of major fraud against the United States. Thomas, who worked in various capacities at the lab for 40 years, was due to make an initial appearance in federal court June 30."

"The criminal complaint said she fabricated the results of more than 200 productions of steel, representing a substantial percentage of the castings Bradken produced for the Navy."

Bitch needs to spend the rest of her life in prison. But first, send her out on one of those submarines and take it to test depth. I bet the sound of the hull creaking and popping would freak her the fuck out.
But wait a minute. I thought women were supposed to be superior to men? Are you telling me this cheating bitch was more interested in making profits over the safety of our military? How can this be?

Your sarcasm is noted. But a penis is not required to put profits above the lives of our military.

And as someone who rode (and drove) in US Naval submarines to test depths, I think this woman should be hung out to dry.
But a penis is not required to put profits above the lives of our military.
The equal rights of women, knows no bounds, it seems...Equally corrupt...

Corruption is about what a person does, not their gender.
But the whole argument about women being equal to men when it comes to work, unless it is in professional sports, then that argument goes out the door, so women wanted to be treated as equal. Soon women started living as long as men, drank like men, smoked like men, get all those diseases, that men got, now they cheat, rob and lie, like men. Yep, congratulations women, you should be all proud of this woman...

Ridiculous. A woman, just one, falsifies test results, and you want to make it all about feminists? Stupid responses.
A bad cop kills a criminal black man, and the left wants to defund all police. Shall we continue?

A? A bad cop? Or have there been more? YOur sarcastic remark earlier about it being a woman tells me it is uncommon.

If you want to continue on the topic, sure. If you want to make insane comparisons, no thanks.

"The foundry's director of metallurgy, Elaine Thomas, 66, of Auburn, Washington, also was charged criminally with one count of major fraud against the United States. Thomas, who worked in various capacities at the lab for 40 years, was due to make an initial appearance in federal court June 30."

"The criminal complaint said she fabricated the results of more than 200 productions of steel, representing a substantial percentage of the castings Bradken produced for the Navy."

Bitch needs to spend the rest of her life in prison. But first, send her out on one of those submarines and take it to test depth. I bet the sound of the hull creaking and popping would freak her the fuck out.
But wait a minute. I thought women were supposed to be superior to men? Are you telling me this cheating bitch was more interested in making profits over the safety of our military? How can this be?

Your sarcasm is noted. But a penis is not required to put profits above the lives of our military.

And as someone who rode (and drove) in US Naval submarines to test depths, I think this woman should be hung out to dry.
But a penis is not required to put profits above the lives of our military.
The equal rights of women, knows no bounds, it seems...Equally corrupt...

Corruption is about what a person does, not their gender.
But the whole argument about women being equal to men when it comes to work, unless it is in professional sports, then that argument goes out the door, so women wanted to be treated as equal. Soon women started living as long as men, drank like men, smoked like men, get all those diseases, that men got, now they cheat, rob and lie, like men. Yep, congratulations women, you should be all proud of this woman...

Ridiculous. A woman, just one, falsifies test results, and you want to make it all about feminists? Stupid responses.
A bad cop kills a criminal black man, and the left wants to defund all police. Shall we continue?

A? A bad cop? Or have there been more? YOur sarcastic remark earlier about it being a woman tells me it is uncommon.

If you want to continue on the topic, sure. If you want to make insane comparisons, no thanks.
A bad cop, those in Atlanta, seemed to follow the law up and until the idiot black man decided to attack the police. So much for civility from the savages of the inner city. Please defund the police, then when there is no law , there is nothing to stop US from going hunting....
  • Thread starter
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  • #33

"The foundry's director of metallurgy, Elaine Thomas, 66, of Auburn, Washington, also was charged criminally with one count of major fraud against the United States. Thomas, who worked in various capacities at the lab for 40 years, was due to make an initial appearance in federal court June 30."

"The criminal complaint said she fabricated the results of more than 200 productions of steel, representing a substantial percentage of the castings Bradken produced for the Navy."

Bitch needs to spend the rest of her life in prison. But first, send her out on one of those submarines and take it to test depth. I bet the sound of the hull creaking and popping would freak her the fuck out.
But wait a minute. I thought women were supposed to be superior to men? Are you telling me this cheating bitch was more interested in making profits over the safety of our military? How can this be?

Your sarcasm is noted. But a penis is not required to put profits above the lives of our military.

And as someone who rode (and drove) in US Naval submarines to test depths, I think this woman should be hung out to dry.
But a penis is not required to put profits above the lives of our military.
The equal rights of women, knows no bounds, it seems...Equally corrupt...

Corruption is about what a person does, not their gender.
But the whole argument about women being equal to men when it comes to work, unless it is in professional sports, then that argument goes out the door, so women wanted to be treated as equal. Soon women started living as long as men, drank like men, smoked like men, get all those diseases, that men got, now they cheat, rob and lie, like men. Yep, congratulations women, you should be all proud of this woman...

Ridiculous. A woman, just one, falsifies test results, and you want to make it all about feminists? Stupid responses.
A bad cop kills a criminal black man, and the left wants to defund all police. Shall we continue?

A? A bad cop? Or have there been more? YOur sarcastic remark earlier about it being a woman tells me it is uncommon.

If you want to continue on the topic, sure. If you want to make insane comparisons, no thanks.
A bad cop, those in Atlanta, seemed to follow the law up and until the idiot black man decided to attack the police. So much for civility from the savages of the inner city. Please defund the police, then when there is no law , there is nothing to stop US from going hunting....

Completely off topic. Take it somewhere else.
Data is usually falsified so as not to lose a production run espeially if it falls short by just a little. I have seen it done lots of times.

And may have just been laziness or incompetence that motivated her to lie

but I’m guessing there are others involved
What did she care if a run was rejected? Unless her job was at stake.

"The foundry's director of metallurgy, Elaine Thomas, 66, of Auburn, Washington, also was charged criminally with one count of major fraud against the United States. Thomas, who worked in various capacities at the lab for 40 years, was due to make an initial appearance in federal court June 30."

"The criminal complaint said she fabricated the results of more than 200 productions of steel, representing a substantial percentage of the castings Bradken produced for the Navy."

Bitch needs to spend the rest of her life in prison. But first, send her out on one of those submarines and take it to test depth. I bet the sound of the hull creaking and popping would freak her the fuck out.
But wait a minute. I thought women were supposed to be superior to men? Are you telling me this cheating bitch was more interested in making profits over the safety of our military? How can this be?
She’s Chinese?
Data is usually falsified so as not to lose a production run espeially if it falls short by just a little. I have seen it done lots of times.

And may have just been laziness or incompetence that motivated her to lie

but I’m guessing there are others involved
What did she care if a run was rejected? Unless her job was at stake.
Maybe she was being bribed to look the other way

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