Common Sense, Not Censorship


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Links, yeah, but not the most important at this point:
July 27, 2005
In The Pages Of The Guardian

The Guardian- London's liberal paper- is displeased with my post "Guardian Employs Known Member of Terrorist Organization," although its headline and content remain accurate.

In a story (linked above) responding to Scott Burgess' and The Independent's revelation that Guardian reporter Dilpazier Aslam was demonstrably a member of the terrorist organization Hizb Ut Tahrir, the paper blames American conservatives, including me.

But meanwhile, New Jersey undergraduate Joe Malchow [aka Joe's Dartblog] was writing on his own blog: "Guardian employs known member of terrorist organisation."

Fantasies like this zoomed round the world and soon seeped into the paper's mainstream rivals.

Contrary to the assertions of the anonymous Guardian defender, Aslam did not belong merely to an "anti-Semetic" political group. Although it would be politically correct to call all Islamic Fundamentalist groups that, it is a deadly misnomer. In these times, eastern Islamic Fundamentalist groups which preach anti-Jewish sentiment and call for the deaths of all Jews are actively pursuing that goal. The Guardian seems content to whisper to itself, "It's just talk... just politics," but anyone who had one eye open on 7/7 knows otherwise.

This post from Scott Burgess offers a complete read-through but, in short, Hizb Ut Tahrir advocates an inevitable "clash of civilizations" and, according to the BBC, "promotes racism and anti-Semitic hatred, calls suicide bombers martyrs, and urges Muslims to kill Jewish people."

And the Guardian's man, Dilpazier Aslam, actually worked for that organization's underground publication as recently as last year and also owns an e-mail address at that organization's domain.

Aslam was promptly fired from the Guardian after this news broke.

I'll note one more thing: my post was not titled, "Guardian Employs Known Terrorist" for a reason. Aslam has not, to my knowledge, been convicted of terrorist activity. It is, however, eminently clear that he belonged to Hizb Ut Tahrir. (Which, incidentally, is on the verge of being- finally- outlawed in Britain as it has been in Holland and Germany.) The Guardian admits as much.

Posted on July 27, 2005 09:57 AM.

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