Comics Codecs: NSA/EPA [American Directorate?]


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Sep 22, 2013
Does capitalism emerge as a matrix or a sponge?

Anyone a fan of the film Johnny Mnemonic?


Menace: AXF

A real ghoul, Menace (Marvel Comics) creates momentum-lines along social paranoia regarding natural instincts that give rise to anti-establishment terrorism (e.g., 9/11, Boston Marathon bombings, etc.). Menace believes American institutions such as the NSA (National Security Agency) and EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) are simply superficial and not sufficient to provide pedestrians with adequate federalism-optimism or idealism. Menace therefore tells us that terrorism is a natural 'outgrowth' of social buzz/chatter. That's why his digital linguistic call-sign consonant-vowel combination (or DLCCV) is AXF (the strong leader A, followed by the soft but coarse end-consonant X and a early soft consonant F) --- to signify his approach to 'soaring.'


Cyclonus: DXC

Cyclonus is a wolfish first-knight robot of the evil 'Decepticon' army from Hasbro's Transformers entertainment-franchise. Cyclonus is cool, precise, Machiavellian, and relentless in his approach to power-schemes for governance reinvention. Cyclonus is a pure anti-Centurion, espousing betrayal and guerrilla tactics to establish revolutions. He's as cunning as he is perceptive, which makes him a 'diplomat' of terrorism history. His DLCCV is DXC (hard early consonant, followed by soft/coarse ending consonant and early soft consonant) --- to signify his peculiar approach to 'surprise-tactics.' Cyclonus reminds us that 9/11 was a sign of anti-capitalism sentiment flowery in the modern civilization; it was a sign of bureaucratic holes.


Sabretooth: AMQ

Sabretooth is a wily and unruly man-beast who lives in the forest or snowy mountains when he's not aligned to the mutant-leader Magneto who challenges the authority of the patriotic mutant-superhumans known as X-Men (Marvel Comics). Sabretooth is ferocious, ruthless, brutish, punishing, and cruel. His view regarding American 'civics' is one of piracy and capitalism-salaciousness. Sabretooth believes American institutions such as the NSA/EPA only reveal glaring weaknesses in the status-quo organized 'matrix' of human habitation and seeks to reference terrorism as a manual to 'reinvent' speciation itself. Sabretooth's DLCCV is AMQ (early leading constant, followed by mid-range soft M and near-end curving consonant Q) --- to signify his juggernaut-approach to primalism politics. It's no wonder Sabretooth is a fan of Nazi Germany.


Leviathan: RJV

Leviathan is a giant Godzilla-like ocean-abyss habitating lizard-dinosaur whose scales and tail signify a special focus on the gravity of governance and the frailty of man. Leviathan's DLCCV is RJV (latter-end rolling consonant R, followed by early-mid soft J and near-end hard consonant V) --- to signify his 'rolling' aura. Leviathan is a sea-beast of chaos and uncertainty, so he wants to tell us good citizens of TrumpUSA that commerce-consciousness is always linked to shoplifting urges of anti-social behavior. To Leviathan, it's no surprise that Americans are fascinated by Bazooka gum.


Nightcrawler: APW

Nightcrawler is the night-soaring man-beast agile creature of wits and daring who serves the heroic X-Men (Marvel Comics). Nightcrawler's DLCCV is APW (early-leading A, followed by mid-end poppy-consonant P and near-end lifting solemn consonant W) --- to signify his focus on agility and diversification of assets. You see, Nightcrawler is both resourceful and skeptical, which is why he believes the Munich Massacre of 1972 was evidence that societies/cultures always 'behold' the reality of disconcerting betrayals especially at the geopolitical level. Nightcrawler believes the NSA/EPA require American Directorates to create more leadership-purity, but some criticize him for being overly-optimistic about bureaucracy.


Ursa: MNV

Ursa is the evil superwoman from DC Comics who aids General Zod in trying to destroy the world's favorite comic book superhero (the man of steel), Superman. Ursa is beautiful and bad, and her DLCCV is MNV (mid mouth-pinching M, followed by following soft N and near-end hard lyrical consonant V) --- to signify her attention to medians and modes and how they simply roll off the brain when sentient beings contemplate the 'ergonomics' of restless rebelliousness against federalized capitalism. Ursa believes the NSA/EPA, while being very respected, are simply 'tentacles' of governance tedium and prefers creative notions about radically altering governments. Is Ursa a fan of any aspect of TrumpUSA?


Fortunately, there are all kinds of media-diplomats, social-icons, and role-models who make modern media/civilization reflective of pedestrian imagination, IQ, and intelligence. These 'super-heroes' may be journalists, celebrities, librarians, musicians, liberals, cops, doctors, educators, exorcists, or even social activists involved in media (e.g., Leonardo DiCaprio). These 'agents' of civilization hold up Wall Street and the World Bank as sentient minds continue to negotiate the 'ergonomics impact' of modern macro-economics crystallized by democratic commerce (e.g., Hong Kong). It's this 'sea of patriots' (or super-heroes) who create for society all the 'spiritual frills' that help us praise U.S. President Donald Trump (a former capitalism-baron) as a diplomat of consumerism-intellect (rather than a 'token leader' of commercial tailoring). The super-heroes have no DLCCV, but they're considered by the NSA/EPA to be 'Civilization Diarists.'


TRUMP: I'm most disarmed by Menace [DLCCV - AXF], Carter.
CARTER: I'm worried about Cyclonus [DLCCV - DXC], Mr. President!
TRUMP: All of the characters in the modern commercial 'matrix' are totems.
CARTER: This is the age of People Magazine and Consumer Reports!
TRUMP: Are you a fan of the Home Shopping Network?
CARTER: I prefer Amazon and eBay.
TRUMP: It's amazing you can buy groceries online now...
CARTER: You get delivery-services from many shops too.
TRUMP: Remember the Industrial Revolution? This is the e-chip era.
CARTER: Yes, it's all about 'electronic wiring' organics.
TRUMP: I like this electro-freak character Electro (Marvel Comics).
CARTER: He's featured in the recent film The Amazing Spider-Man 2.
TRUMP: The National Security Agency cares about patriotism-communiques.
CARTER: Good journalism keeps civilization afloat.
TRUMP: There's a terrific new journalism film --- The Post (Tom Hanks).
CARTER: There are a host of new 'modernism angels and demons.'
TRUMP: That's why I believe we need media-analysts to decode markets.
CARTER: Commerce makes for good tweeting...



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