Comey's Felonies


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
That pompous sanctimonious hypocritical Ass---James Comey has a long list of potential Felonies. As you consider these, remember he committed some of them while in the high fiduciary capacity of Director of the
F.B.I.---a gross breach of the sacred Public Trust.

1) Tanking the Clinton E-Mail Investigation. If a police inspector hid a piece of evidence because the suspect was a buddy, that would be Obstruction of Justice and that is the gist of what Comey did with his various malfeasances during the investigation---such as writing up her exoneration before he interviewed 16 witnesses including the TARGET; giving them many immunity for no good reason; destroying their computers (evidence); allowing a tanked Interview with Hillary; exonerating her when the Statute did not require Intent.

If the Fix was in, as most people now see that is was---then that is Obstruction of Justice.

2) Leaking Classified Information to a Newspaper. Liberals can delude themselves all they want but, the Memo of a conference between the President and the Director of the F.B.I. is automatically classified. Except for what this felonious turd gave to the New York Times, the Public still has not been allowed to see such Memos.

3) Perjury before Congress. The brazen Liar said flat out under oath that he did not decide to exonerate Hillary Clinton until after her Interview---but the Exoneration Meme was written months before, plus the Strzok/Pages Adulterers said in their LoveTweets that they knew she was going to be exonerated and they said it before the Clinton Interview. They work for Comey---how else would they know?

4) Lying to the President Elect in his Official Duties. He gave Obama his official briefing on January 5th, and was supposed to give Trump the exact same briefing the next day, but it now appears that he left critical information out of Trumps briefing possibly at the behest of Obama.

5) Going along with Loretta' Lynch Lie the the F.B.I. was not investigating Clinton by aceeding to her demand that he refer to it a a Matter. For political purposes, Comey turned the Agency into the Federal Bureau of Matters.

This World-Class Turd should have already been Perp Walked....instead he is about to make 2 million from a book....every nickle ought to be paid back into the Citizen's Treasury.
That pompous sanctimonious hypocritical Ass---James Comey has a long list of potential Felonies. As you consider these, remember he committed some of them while in the high fiduciary capacity of Director of the
F.B.I.---a gross breach of the sacred Public Trust.

1) Tanking the Clinton E-Mail Investigation. If a police inspector hid a piece of evidence because the suspect was a buddy, that would be Obstruction of Justice and that is the gist of what Comey did with his various malfeasances during the investigation---such as writing up her exoneration before he interviewed 16 witnesses including the TARGET; giving them many immunity for no good reason; destroying their computers (evidence); allowing a tanked Interview with Hillary; exonerating her when the Statute did not require Intent.

If the Fix was in, as most people now see that is was---then that is Obstruction of Justice.

2) Leaking Classified Information to a Newspaper. Liberals can delude themselves all they want but, the Memo of a conference between the President and the Director of the F.B.I. is automatically classified. Except for what this felonious turd gave to the New York Times, the Public still has not been allowed to see such Memos.

3) Perjury before Congress. The brazen Liar said flat out under oath that he did not decide to exonerate Hillary Clinton until after her Interview---but the Exoneration Meme was written months before, plus the Strzok/Pages Adulterers said in their LoveTweets that they knew she was going to be exonerated and they said it before the Clinton Interview. They work for Comey---how else would they know?

4) Lying to the President Elect in his Official Duties. He gave Obama his official briefing on January 5th, and was supposed to give Trump the exact same briefing the next day, but it now appears that he left critical information out of Trumps briefing possibly at the behest of Obama.

5) Going along with Loretta' Lynch Lie the the F.B.I. was not investigating Clinton by aceeding to her demand that he refer to it a a Matter. For political purposes, Comey turned the Agency into the Federal Bureau of Matters.

This World-Class Turd should have already been Perp Walked....instead he is about to make 2 million from a book....every nickle ought to be paid back into the Citizen's Treasury.
Lawyer up, Jim Comey

Federal judges have enormous power and they do not like to be lied to.

Jimmy the Weasel Comey may have lied to Judge Rosemary Mayers Collyer, a senior judge on the D.C. Circuit who just happens to be the head of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which just happens to issue those FISA warrants to spy on American citizens.

Obama used FISA warrants to illegally spy on Donald John Trump's presidential campaign.


Joseph diGenova is the former U. S. Attorney for the District of Columbia and a former legal counsel to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

He said new Attorney General Bill Barr will investigate how the FBI got into the business of spying on and trying to infiltrate the Trump campaign. Barr told Congress this weeks ago.

But diGenova also said, "There’s another report that everybody has forgotten about that involves James Comey alone. That will be out in two weeks. That report is going to be a bombshell. It’s going to open the investigation on a very high note.

"The FISA Court abuse is the center of this entire abuse of governmental power. The Chief Judge of that court has already ruled that the FBI broke the law and that the people at the head of the Obama Justice Department — former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, John Carlin, the Assistant Attorney General for National Security, all knew about it and lied to the court, the FISA Court, about it."​

President Trump has known since the election about how Obama and his henchmen (and women) turned the FBI into the KGB.

DiGenova said, "There is a hero in this entire story, and it’s not a lawyer. All the bad people in this story are lawyers. There’s a hero. His name is Admiral Mike Rogers. He was the head of the National Security Agency. He discovered the illegal spying. He went personally to the FISA Court and briefed the Chief Judge and worked with her for months to uncover the people who did it. The FISA Court has already told the Justice department who lied to that court and that has been given to Bill Barr already."

Admiral Rogers met with President-elect Trump in November 2016. Rogers did not tell Obama about the meeting. Obama was outraged.

George Parry is a former prosecutor at both the state and federal levels.

He wrote, "The Watergate burglary was a bungled attempt by the Committee to Re-Elect President Nixon to break into Democrat headquarters to plant listening devices in the telephones. The burglary failed, but the national outrage at the mere attempt drove Nixon from office and sent members of his administration to prison. As bad as that was, at least the Nixon campaign didn’t corrupt the FBI and CIA to do its dirty work. So it is that, if our official law enforcement and intelligence agencies were co-opted by the Obama administration to illegally spy on American citizens and the opposition party, this will be the worst governmental scandal and threat to our civil liberties in the history of the nation.

"If Joe diGenova is right, the very survival of the rule of law and our constitutional republic mandates that these treasonous thugs — no matter how highly placed in the Obama administration — be exposed, charged, and imprisoned."​

We shall see if there is enough evidence to nail Comey and the rest of the pack of rats.

The U.S. attorney working with the Department of Justice's inspector general will soon issue his report. Barr is investigating. And that FISA court report is coming sometime this month.

Of all his possible crimes, lying to Judge Collyer is the most troublesome.

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