Comedians beware...Amy Shumer attacks should teach you to bow to totalitarian left...

PC dweebs don t get Amy Schumer s jokes New York Post

It reached a fever pitch Tuesday. In The Washington Post, Stacey Patton and David Leonard called Schumer a racist on par with Donald Trump. They closed with this haymaker:

“While black families are burying their dead, churches are burning, black women church pastors are receiving death threats and the KKK is planning rallies in South Carolina, Schumer is ‘playing’ with race. While Latinos are being deported in record numbers, while ‘80 percent of Central American girls and women crossing Mexico en route to the United States are raped,’ while children are languishing in camps in the Southwest, Schumer has got jokes, and only white America is laughing.”

Isn’t that just a bit . . . dramatic?

Schumer’s comedy can hardly be called conservative.

Her on-stage persona is decidedly New York urban: F-bombs are dropped on a regular basis; she happily extols — often in graphic detail — the highlights of her sex life.

Like her generational cohort Lena Dunham, Schumer is edgy, sometimes just to be edgy — but also to make serious points.

Indeed, even the Washington Post writers admit that her sketches skewering “rape culture” or “fat shaming” are excellent examples of social satire.

Patton and Leonard have their own handy rule: “[T]he motivation of the joke-teller and what compels laughter is not at issue. What matters is the costs and consequences of these ‘jokes’ to those being objectified.”

Call this the “disparate impact” theory of joke-writing. Intent doesn’t matter, only effect.
oh my, publicity over an article about an article about an opinion piece caused a feverish thread on the internets. :lol:
PC dweebs don t get Amy Schumer s jokes New York Post

It reached a fever pitch Tuesday. In The Washington Post, Stacey Patton and David Leonard called Schumer a racist on par with Donald Trump. They closed with this haymaker:

“While black families are burying their dead, churches are burning, black women church pastors are receiving death threats and the KKK is planning rallies in South Carolina, Schumer is ‘playing’ with race. While Latinos are being deported in record numbers, while ‘80 percent of Central American girls and women crossing Mexico en route to the United States are raped,’ while children are languishing in camps in the Southwest, Schumer has got jokes, and only white America is laughing.”

Isn’t that just a bit . . . dramatic?

Schumer’s comedy can hardly be called conservative.

Her on-stage persona is decidedly New York urban: F-bombs are dropped on a regular basis; she happily extols — often in graphic detail — the highlights of her sex life.

Like her generational cohort Lena Dunham, Schumer is edgy, sometimes just to be edgy — but also to make serious points.

Indeed, even the Washington Post writers admit that her sketches skewering “rape culture” or “fat shaming” are excellent examples of social satire.

Patton and Leonard have their own handy rule: “[T]he motivation of the joke-teller and what compels laughter is not at issue. What matters is the costs and consequences of these ‘jokes’ to those being objectified.”

Call this the “disparate impact” theory of joke-writing. Intent doesn’t matter, only effect.

Isn’t that just a bit . . . dramatic?

A is meant to shut down people like Shumer......and to engage the left wing groups against ants who spray hormone on an enemy ant so the warriors in the nest know who to attack......
Don't you know that smiling is RACIST?

Unless it's basking in the sunlight that shines out of Our Kenyan Emperor's Imperial Ass!

I already humor part of "White Privilege?"
PC dweebs don t get Amy Schumer s jokes New York Post

It reached a fever pitch Tuesday. In The Washington Post, Stacey Patton and David Leonard called Schumer a racist on par with Donald Trump. They closed with this haymaker:

“While black families are burying their dead, churches are burning, black women church pastors are receiving death threats and the KKK is planning rallies in South Carolina, Schumer is ‘playing’ with race. While Latinos are being deported in record numbers, while ‘80 percent of Central American girls and women crossing Mexico en route to the United States are raped,’ while children are languishing in camps in the Southwest, Schumer has got jokes, and only white America is laughing.”

Isn’t that just a bit . . . dramatic?

Schumer’s comedy can hardly be called conservative.

Her on-stage persona is decidedly New York urban: F-bombs are dropped on a regular basis; she happily extols — often in graphic detail — the highlights of her sex life.

Like her generational cohort Lena Dunham, Schumer is edgy, sometimes just to be edgy — but also to make serious points.

Indeed, even the Washington Post writers admit that her sketches skewering “rape culture” or “fat shaming” are excellent examples of social satire.

Patton and Leonard have their own handy rule: “[T]he motivation of the joke-teller and what compels laughter is not at issue. What matters is the costs and consequences of these ‘jokes’ to those being objectified.”

Call this the “disparate impact” theory of joke-writing. Intent doesn’t matter, only effect.

Isn’t that just a bit . . . dramatic?

A is meant to shut down people like Shumer......and to engage the left wing groups against ants who spray hormone on an enemy ant so the warriors in the nest know who to attack......

Fuck um.
Weeeeeeeeee! The nastiest little shit here thinks Coulter is a comedian.

I mean, she no Catherine Madigan with that IQ of 30... But Coulter, being brilliant, is delicious when she takes Communists apart. About as funny as it gets. BECAUSE her humor is at your expense, you don't get the joke and just sit around butt-hurt...

Taxes are like abortion, and not just because both are grotesque procedures supported by Democrats. You're for them or against them. Taxes go up or down; government raises taxes or lowers them. But Democrats will not let the words 'abortion' or 'tax hikes' pass their lips.
Ann Coulter

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My favorite.,..when she wrote...if the Press insists we call islam the religion of peace, it would be a big help if they stopped killing people....

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