Colors At The Ivy League (Green & White)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
With Cambridge, MA, so much in fashion--Befriended by our "Post-Reagan" kind of White House--was it by accident that Obama said that the White cop acted "stupidly," or that commedian Jackie Mason called Obama a "Schvartze?" (Can colored shoe laces be far behind. . . .again?!)

The "Ivy League" is the name generally reserved for eight universities in the United States. We can post the names in alphabetical order, Brown, (97 Blacks, 1600 Jews), Columbia, (114 Blacks, 6000 Jews), Cornell, (175 Blacks, 3000 Jews), Dartmouth, (81 Blacks, 500 Jews), Harvard, (153 Blacks, 4500 Jews), Penn U., (193 Blacks, 7000 Jews), Princeton, 116 Blacks, 800 Jews), Yale, (112 Blacks, 3000 Jews). The Schvartze Ivy League, MIT and Stanford, (800 Blacks, 2875 Jews): Also pale in comparisons. There actually are other people enrolled at each of the locations, listed.

Cambridge, MA, police seem to understand Ivy League "Diversity." Harvard University Head Leader In Charge, Lawrence A Lowell, (decades ago), is not only famous for advocating a quota of Jews at Harvard University, but the Harvard administration is also famous for noting "a strong race feeling on the part of the Jews," that contribut(ed) to basic feelings of anti-Semitisim in the United States.

In other words, even South Chicago, laity and clergy alike: Can understand just who brought what onto whom! Apparently Harvard University, distinguished scholars: Also understand how that came about--now that the West Wing, known to the Prophet, Jeremiah Wright: Has become involved the local incident matter.

Now toss in the salient lesson of the last two years. That lesson is that any economy, based at its core on the belief and outcome that, "The Rich Get Richer, And The Poor Get Poorer:" Really doesn't work very well for anyone, even from the Ivy League.

The corollary is that clearly: They Are Wrong!

So now the Asians are complaining. Mainland, (Centrist), China wants the United States to generate a stronger dollar. "Wrong" happens everywhere, in the absence of understanding of law, of arithmetic, and of outcomes from the combination of the two. The common practice of "Green" and "White," so evident in the United States: Still doesn't work very well, worldwide.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(The Obama West Wing will now become a Beer Garden(?)! Somehow, that probably makes some sense(?). . . .In the West Wing, (not that the West Wing is likely, all that "heavily," into beer)!)
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