Colonoscopy thread Pt 2. OK I had one, so here is some info.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
My PCP convinced me to have a colonoscopy so I went and did it. It wasn't horrible and it wasn't great either. But I'll pass along some info for those of you considering one:

The Prep: Yuk! Two days before, I had to drink a 10 oz bottle of Magnesium Citrate which had a gross citrus taste. It was Really cheap OTC, about 3 bucks. That basically induces diarrhea for a day. You also stop eating solid foods when you go to bed that night. After that it's only clear liquids, coffee, popsicles, soup broth and hard candy. Yeah that blows. :cranky:

But that was just the pre-prep! The prep was this stuff called PlenVu which comes in a box with mixing packets and a mixing bottle. My insurance covered it but it costs like $120 without insurance. The first "dose" was a nastier more syrupy version of the Magnesium Citrate and begins the day before the procedure. Dose 1 was Pretty hard to get down :47: and (for me) made for a very difficult nights sleep running to the bathroom every half hour. Dose 2 is taken just a few hours before your procedure and isn't as nasty as Dose 1. Dose 2 is for the final "flush out". There should be nothing but yellowy liquid in the toilet, anything else in there and you ain't flushed out.

The Procedure: It was a little weird to not meet the doctor until I was just about to be put under. This guy must do about 10 procedures a day, no small talk for him! Now For some reason they give continuous oxygen :confused-84: through your nose. I told them I was a runner but they said it's SOP for them. OK fine. Then they put me out with a Propofol drip. Man I gotta get me some of that! The nurse said "OK I'm going to start the drip, you will have a funny taste in your mouth, do you taste it? I said "Yeah" then she said something like "it's a "twightlight dose you might hear some.......". :bigbed:The next thing I heard was "OK you're done!" I guess it took about a half hour and I was "clean" except for the beginning of diverticulitis which means I need to hit the high fiber. No biggee.

Now the other aspect I didn't think of was this: As nasty as the prep is, maybe it's beneficial to do the big flush out. I'm not a doctor but intuitively it seems to be a good thing to do.

I'm Not sure if I will do another one. Maybe I'll just buy a couple bottles of Magnesium Citrate every few years and keep doing my Cologuard tests. I REALLY don't like doctors and hospitals, but again that's just me. All in all, it wasn't bad you just have to invest a couple days prepping and getting doped and probed. And hey you get pictures of your colon in the report, where else would you get that?
My PCP convinced me to have a colonoscopy so I went and did it. It wasn't horrible and it wasn't great either. But I'll pass along some info for those of you considering one:

The Prep: Yuk! Two days before, I had to drink a 10 oz bottle of Magnesium Citrate which had a gross citrus taste. It was Really cheap OTC, about 3 bucks. That basically induces diarrhea for a day. You also stop eating solid foods when you go to bed that night. After that it's only clear liquids, coffee, popsicles, soup broth and hard candy. Yeah that blows. :cranky:

But that was just the pre-prep! The prep was this stuff called PlenVu which comes in a box with mixing packets and a mixing bottle. My insurance covered it but it costs like $120 without insurance. The first "dose" was a nastier more syrupy version of the Magnesium Citrate and begins the day before the procedure. Dose 1 was Pretty hard to get down :47: and (for me) made for a very difficult nights sleep running to the bathroom every half hour. Dose 2 is taken just a few hours before your procedure and isn't as nasty as Dose 1. Dose 2 is for the final "flush out". There should be nothing but yellowy liquid in the toilet, anything else in there and you ain't flushed out.

The Procedure: It was a little weird to not meet the doctor until I was just about to be put under. This guy must do about 10 procedures a day, no small talk for him! Now For some reason they give continuous oxygen :confused-84: through your nose. I told them I was a runner but they said it's SOP for them. OK fine. Then they put me out with a Propofol drip. Man I gotta get me some of that! The nurse said "OK I'm going to start the drip, you will have a funny taste in your mouth, do you taste it? I said "Yeah" then she said something like "it's a "twightlight dose you might hear some.......". :bigbed:The next thing I heard was "OK you're done!" I guess it took about a half hour and I was "clean" except for the beginning of diverticulitis which means I need to hit the high fiber. No biggee.

Now the other aspect I didn't think of was this: As nasty as the prep is, maybe it's beneficial to do the big flush out. I'm not a doctor but intuitively it seems to be a good thing to do.

I'm Not sure if I will do another one. Maybe I'll just buy a couple bottles of Magnesium Citrate every few years and keep doing my Cologuard tests. I REALLY don't like doctors and hospitals, but again that's just me. All in all, it wasn't bad you just have to invest a couple days prepping and getting doped and probed. And hey you get pictures of your colon in the report, where else would you get that?
But I'll pass along some info for those of you considering one:
That was what the doctor said.:9:
Whatever drug they gave me before my procedure makes it worth doing it....I smiled all the way
Whatever drug they gave me before my procedure makes it worth doing it....I smiled all the way
I got mine because I had a fat mass on my arm, the doctor who specialized in those types of removal, eagerly wanted to know if I had a colonoscopy. I told him I hadn't and he wanted to know if I wanted one. I said to him will you respect me in the morning? He got a good chuckle out of that one.
Rod told his dr. no way. She told him no problem and did a blood stool test which she said is just as effective in finding out if there are any issues that may need to be addressed.
Whatever drug they gave me before my procedure makes it worth doing it....I smiled all the way
I got mine because I had a fat mass on my arm, the doctor who specialized in those types of removal, eagerly wanted to know if I had a colonoscopy. I told him I hadn't and he wanted to know if I wanted one. I said to him will you respect me in the morning? He got a good chuckle out of that one.
When they put me on the table I said...What...No candles and Campaign?...He didn't
My PCP convinced me to have a colonoscopy so I went and did it. It wasn't horrible and it wasn't great either. But I'll pass along some info for those of you considering one:

The Prep: Yuk! Two days before, I had to drink a 10 oz bottle of Magnesium Citrate which had a gross citrus taste. It was Really cheap OTC, about 3 bucks. That basically induces diarrhea for a day. You also stop eating solid foods when you go to bed that night. After that it's only clear liquids, coffee, popsicles, soup broth and hard candy. Yeah that blows. :cranky:

But that was just the pre-prep! The prep was this stuff called PlenVu which comes in a box with mixing packets and a mixing bottle. My insurance covered it but it costs like $120 without insurance. The first "dose" was a nastier more syrupy version of the Magnesium Citrate and begins the day before the procedure. Dose 1 was Pretty hard to get down :47: and (for me) made for a very difficult nights sleep running to the bathroom every half hour. Dose 2 is taken just a few hours before your procedure and isn't as nasty as Dose 1. Dose 2 is for the final "flush out". There should be nothing but yellowy liquid in the toilet, anything else in there and you ain't flushed out.

The Procedure: It was a little weird to not meet the doctor until I was just about to be put under. This guy must do about 10 procedures a day, no small talk for him! Now For some reason they give continuous oxygen :confused-84: through your nose. I told them I was a runner but they said it's SOP for them. OK fine. Then they put me out with a Propofol drip. Man I gotta get me some of that! The nurse said "OK I'm going to start the drip, you will have a funny taste in your mouth, do you taste it? I said "Yeah" then she said something like "it's a "twightlight dose you might hear some.......". :bigbed:The next thing I heard was "OK you're done!" I guess it took about a half hour and I was "clean" except for the beginning of diverticulitis which means I need to hit the high fiber. No biggee.

Now the other aspect I didn't think of was this: As nasty as the prep is, maybe it's beneficial to do the big flush out. I'm not a doctor but intuitively it seems to be a good thing to do.

I'm Not sure if I will do another one. Maybe I'll just buy a couple bottles of Magnesium Citrate every few years and keep doing my Cologuard tests. I REALLY don't like doctors and hospitals, but again that's just me. All in all, it wasn't bad you just have to invest a couple days prepping and getting doped and probed. And hey you get pictures of your colon in the report, where else would you get that?

HAd 1 4yrs ago, didnt have to shell big cash for anything in prep, wonder if they came up with something new to crank cost up.
There's a new crarnial colonoscopy for liberals. It clears the shit out but leaves only a less harmful total void. Any independent thoughts found are snipped away and the wound cauterized.
I’ve been putting it off despite my GF (a doctor) saying I should have one.

We did talk about some funny things to write on my cheeks for the staff. :)
I’ve been putting it off despite my GF (a doctor) saying I should have one.

We did talk about some funny things to write on my cheeks for the staff. :)
What good idea. LOL

This end up! muauauahahahahahaha....
Did mine last year and got a clean bill for 10 years till next recommended.
The prep was nasty and I felt starved, but the procedure was nothing.
Whatever drug they gave me before my procedure makes it worth doing it....I smiled all the way
I got mine because I had a fat mass on my arm, the doctor who specialized in those types of removal, eagerly wanted to know if I had a colonoscopy. I told him I hadn't and he wanted to know if I wanted one. I said to him will you respect me in the morning? He got a good chuckle out of that one.
When they put me on the table I said...What...No candles and Campaign?...He didn't
I did get a little nervous when they lowered the lights in the ER. As I trailed off to Propofol lala land, was that Barry White music I heard playing? :shock:
not me . I check myself looking at 'bm's' every once and a while and at 70 I figure , what the heck , something is going to get me . .
I had a colonoscopy done when I was 10. I thought it was weird that my dentist performed the procedure, but it's good to know I'm healthy, and I got a lollipop afterwards. :thup:
not me . I check myself looking at 'bm's' every once and a while and at 70 I figure , what the heck , something is going to get me . .
I hear you. But you can get those FIT kits over the counter cheap. They're really easy, no touching the dookie.
------------------------------------------- yep , I know , Doctors office called a few days ago reminding me that they are all ready to go . No real reason not to except , just except or because . I figure that the phone call was just to get me saying NO once again due to liability or something . Thanks for the info M.Mike .
My PCP convinced me to have a colonoscopy so I went and did it. It wasn't horrible and it wasn't great either. But I'll pass along some info for those of you considering one:

The Prep: Yuk! Two days before, I had to drink a 10 oz bottle of Magnesium Citrate which had a gross citrus taste. It was Really cheap OTC, about 3 bucks. That basically induces diarrhea for a day. You also stop eating solid foods when you go to bed that night. After that it's only clear liquids, coffee, popsicles, soup broth and hard candy. Yeah that blows. :cranky:

But that was just the pre-prep! The prep was this stuff called PlenVu which comes in a box with mixing packets and a mixing bottle. My insurance covered it but it costs like $120 without insurance. The first "dose" was a nastier more syrupy version of the Magnesium Citrate and begins the day before the procedure. Dose 1 was Pretty hard to get down :47: and (for me) made for a very difficult nights sleep running to the bathroom every half hour. Dose 2 is taken just a few hours before your procedure and isn't as nasty as Dose 1. Dose 2 is for the final "flush out". There should be nothing but yellowy liquid in the toilet, anything else in there and you ain't flushed out.

The Procedure: It was a little weird to not meet the doctor until I was just about to be put under. This guy must do about 10 procedures a day, no small talk for him! Now For some reason they give continuous oxygen :confused-84: through your nose. I told them I was a runner but they said it's SOP for them. OK fine. Then they put me out with a Propofol drip. Man I gotta get me some of that! The nurse said "OK I'm going to start the drip, you will have a funny taste in your mouth, do you taste it? I said "Yeah" then she said something like "it's a "twightlight dose you might hear some.......". :bigbed:The next thing I heard was "OK you're done!" I guess it took about a half hour and I was "clean" except for the beginning of diverticulitis which means I need to hit the high fiber. No biggee.

Now the other aspect I didn't think of was this: As nasty as the prep is, maybe it's beneficial to do the big flush out. I'm not a doctor but intuitively it seems to be a good thing to do.

I'm Not sure if I will do another one. Maybe I'll just buy a couple bottles of Magnesium Citrate every few years and keep doing my Cologuard tests. I REALLY don't like doctors and hospitals, but again that's just me. All in all, it wasn't bad you just have to invest a couple days prepping and getting doped and probed. And hey you get pictures of your colon in the report, where else would you get that?

Mine was much the same, except there were 2 doses of the OTC prep. I was sitting at my desk after taking the prep stuff, just waiting for the storm. A few rumbles, but no feeling of having to go. Then I sneezed. Just a word of warning, DO NOT sneeze after taking that stuff. The bathroom is less than 10 feet from my desk. That is a good thing. I wore out the floor during the rest of the night.

I was not given oxygen, but I did like the meds in the drip. "Twilight" is a good word for it. "Stoned" is another.

One plus was that the Dr had the big tv right beside my bed, so I got to see what he saw. Granted, he wasn't stoned like me. Or at least I hope not. But it was cool to see all my shiny pink insides.

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