College to Ensure 'Correct' View on Race, Whites

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Scary shit...

Teaching plan: America 'an oppressive hellhole'

A program proposed at the University of Minnesota would result in required examinations of teacher candidates on "white privilege" as well as "remedial re-education" for those who hold the "wrong" views, according to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education.

The organization, which promotes civil liberties on the campuses of America's colleges and universities, has dispatched a letter to University of Minnesota President Robert Bruininks asking him to intervene to prevent the adoption of policies proposed in his College of Education and Human Development.

"The university's general counsel should be asked to comment as soon as possible," said the letter from Adam Kissel, an officer with FIRE. "If the Race, Culture, Class, and Gender Task Group achieves its stated goals, the result will be political and ideological screening of applicants, remedial re-education for those with the 'wrong' views and values, [and] withholding of degrees from those upon whom the university's political re-education efforts proved ineffective."
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Also from the article,

She said the plan from the university's Teacher Education Redesign Initiative – a multiyear project to change the way future teachers are trained – "is premised, in part, on the conviction that Minnesota teachers' lack of 'cultural competence' contributes to the poor academic performance of the state's minority students."

"The first step toward 'cultural competence,' says the task group, is for future teachers to recognize – and confess – their own bigotry. Anyone familiar with the re-education camps of China's Cultural Revolution will recognize the modus operandi," she said.

Definately scary.
This is pretty scary... if it's true.

No offense, but I don't trust anything I read on WND without corroboration.

Is there any?
I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Occum's razor has no place in understanding disparate showings in academic achievement. :doubt:

It's absolutely insane to even consider the possibility that differences in achievement across different cultures is... cultural. :lol:

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