College Speech Codes


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
So, a college professor gives his students an assignment to present a ‘persuasive speech.’

The guy, Jonathan Lopez, speaks about how his Christian faith has informed his views against same sex marriage, and reads the definition of marriage from the dictionary.

The prof has a meltdown, supposedly halts the speech and calls the student a ‘fascist bastard.’ He pops the top on a can of the colleges’ ‘anti-harassment policy’ and ‘causing an offensive environment,’ and threatens the student with expulsion.

Two other students in the class tell how they were offended, as well, by the speech.

And when the student asks for a grade, Professor John Matteson, Speech 101, scrawled. “Ask God what your grade is.”

So, Mr. Lopez sued.

“In July 2009, United States District Judge George H. King granted Lopez a preliminary injunction barring LACCD from enforcing its sexual harassment policy, declaring that the policy violated the First Amendment rights of Lopez and his fellow students by "prohibit[ing] a substantial amount of protected free speech." In September 2009, Judge King denied LACCD's motion for reconsideration of his earlier ruling. Judge King observed that LACCD "ha[d] shown no valid reason" to overturn the injunction, and he characterized LACCD's arguments as "scattershot and disjointed." LACCD then appealed to the Ninth Circuit.” FIRE Urges Ninth Circuit To Defend First Amendment on Campus in ‘Ask God What Your Grade Is’ Lawsuit - FIRE

So how do you think the Ninth Circuit decided the case?

No fair ‘googling.’
Ninth Circuit you say? No Googling you say?


I'd guess they ruled in favor of LACCD. Of course, the Ninth has surprised me from time to time and actually done the right thing.
Ninth Circuit you say? No Googling you say?


I'd guess they ruled in favor of LACCD. Of course, the Ninth has surprised me from time to time and actually done the right thing.

I'll just tell you that I was surprised...but Goodwin Liu didn't get there yet.
I think the court found in favor of Lopez.

I mean, it wasn't as if he wore a sheet and burnt a cross in front of the LACCD Language Arts Building.
The court, in my opinion, should uphold Lopez. Such utterances in that environment is protected speech. Lopez should also file a grievance against the instructor with the college's ethics panel.
I really believe if he was a Muslim and stated that his religion believed in one man and one woman then the professor would have thought that was being diverse but since it was christian then it had to punished.
I honored in the history of literature with my thesis 'Shakespeare was a lesbian feminist who did not write his-or-her own plays'.

Do you know how many showers I have had to take to erase that Uni stain.
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I really believe if he was a Muslim and stated that his religion believed in one man and one woman then the professor would have thought that was being diverse but since it was christian then it had to punished.

You base this off of...?
I really believe if he was a Muslim and stated that his religion believed in one man and one woman then the professor would have thought that was being diverse but since it was christian then it had to punished.

You base this off of...?

obviously it is based on the paucity of cases involving muslims being taking to task for quoting their scriptures and the plethora of christians who are publicly scorned for quoting theirs. the double standard is staggering, to the point that we can't even see the inequity when it is pointed out.
I really believe if he was a Muslim and stated that his religion believed in one man and one woman then the professor would have thought that was being diverse but since it was christian then it had to punished.

You base this off of...?

obviously it is based on the paucity of cases involving muslims being taking to task for quoting their scriptures and the plethora of christians who are publicly scorned for quoting theirs. the double standard is staggering, to the point that we can't even see the inequity when it is pointed out.

Point to a case where a Muslim was sounding off in a similar fashion and the college did nothing.

Given the large difference between Christians and Muslims it'd be no surprise that there be more Christians being affected by dumb codes.
The fact that it had to go to court symbolizes the intellectual bankruptcy of universities. The Left is intolerant of anything contrary to their own narrow beliefs, to the point of wanting to hound them out of existence. The professor should be cashiered out of the system after a stern lecture about freedom of thought and how hearing opposing view points is healthy.
Since when did that man or that university become champions for the left?
You can find nuts and tyrants on every side.

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