Colin Powell


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
“There is no pure competitor of the United States of America,” Powell said. “All the problems we talk about in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran … they count about 700 million people in a world of seven billion. What are the rest of them doing? They’re increasing their economies, they’re building wealth, they’re educating their kids, they’re building their infrastructure. That’s what we need to be doing.”


Colin Powell Condemns Romney's Foreign Policy: 'Come On Mitt, Think' | TPM Livewire
Colin Powell pokes his head up now and then with some carefully contrived commentary in the hope that time has faded the dishonor and stigma of his disgraceful crime.

Colin Powell was the military Commander in Operation Desert Storm and he rose to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He had access to more intelligence on Iraq than did anyone else and so was in a better position than anyone else to know Iraq had no so-called Weapons of Mass Destruction and was barely able to defend itself against a minimal ground assault. He had to know it.

There is considerable evidence to show that Bush knew it, too. But Bush is a sleazy politician and a degenerate human being. Anyone who believes anything that man says has only himself to blame. Powell, however, had managed over the years to construct an upright persona as a citizen and an honorable reputation as a career soldier. The American People and the troops he commanded had no cause to distrust him. And for that reason Bush relied on Powell's testimony to convince the Congress it was necessary to invade Iraq. And every Congressman who has since been interviewed about his vote to approve the invasion has unhesitatingly stated it was Powell's testimony that convinced him.

Colin Powell came before the world with a prop vial of white powder, which could have been talcum, and a cartoon drawing of a supposed missile launcher, which actually did not exist, and prostituted his reputation as an honorable soldier in exchange for promotion to Secretary of State. He lied, not only to the American People who believed him but to the troops who trusted him -- 5,800 of whom needlessly died and tens of thousands more who were maimed as the direct consequence of his cynical, self-serving deception.

The following Rense article tells the tale much more clearly than I can:

Colin Powell Has Lied Before - Do You Believe Him Now? The War Party's Huckster

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