Coldest December on Record in UK... Damned Global Warming Strikes Again!

How does this have anything to do with global warming Old rocks or Christ...Now I don't believe this is the coldest weather in 1,000 years or even 500. but this is cold for europe. Can you post some information showing where it is warm and above avg?
It is the extremes...
Big freeze: Temperatures plummet to -10C bringing travel chaos across Britain | Mail Online

^I'm Certain that somewhere in the World they are Enjoying Record High Temps...

And algore will probably point to that...

Or Blame a New Ice Age on Global Warming...

What a Dipshit he is.



This December in Indy has been cooler and more snowy than the average of the last 20 or so years. I moved here in '92 and usually, december is a little mild and then we get smacked in January.

I've had to shovel twice this December so far. Usually, and last year was typical, no real snow until around the first of the year and i think i only shoveled 3 times all year.

We've had a couple days down around zero and usually we are up around 40 for highs and 20 for lows. To help things out, I've got my car idling in the driveway right now.

C'mon, CO2! Do your stuff!
Last year was no picnic either, all across europe.

What was really funny was that the global warming summit in Copenhagen (Usually quite nice in the wintertime) got record cold temps and snow and ice that year.
Don't confuse weather with climate

The weather is short term. Like a bitter Dec or a record hot summer.

Sadly the climatologist won't publically admit they were wrong, to the point demwits admit this is horseshit.

thankfully we got enough of those idiots out that cap and trade won't be passed to crush the economy.
These Fuckheads couldn't predict 6" of Snow in Denver the other day... 24 hours and they were Wrong...

No Snow.

I Trust their 50 or 100 year Predictions about as much as I Trust a Jersey Whore.



I don't believe there is a chance in hell it will be 4c warmer then today in 90 years...But 1c maybe?

And 1C warmer would be nice don't you think? Personally I would like to see a 3C warming like we had here during the MWP (this part of the desert bloomed during that time evidently) but I'll be happy with anything warm.
Hi Mal:

Big freeze: Temperatures plummet to -10C bringing travel chaos across Britain | Mail Online

^I'm Certain that somewhere in the World they are Enjoying Record High Temps...

And algore will probably point to that...

Or Blame a New Ice Age on Global Warming...

What a Dipshit he is.


The explanation for the colder temperatures is easy to understand once you realize that the "Oceanic Conveyor Belt" ( is slowing down. Global warming caused the ice caps to melt at increasing rates (picture), which decreases the capacity for melting ice later down the road. The smaller northern ice caps means less cold water to feed the Oceanic Conveyor Belt, which slows down the Oceanic Currents and sends less warm water to the north pole. Less warm water going north means the colder winter temperatures, until the ice caps begin to grow again.

We are now entering a miniature Ice Age that must run its course for the ice caps to grow and accumulate sufficient ice reserves to eventually melt and speed up the circulating ocean currents again.


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Who couldnt see mental cases like Old Rocks and Chris walking naked down the middle of Mulberry Street in London, waving a frozen bananna back and forth screaming, "THE END IS NEAR>>>>WE MUST STOP THE WARMING!!"
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They dont understand teh sceince.

That is why Fox can manipulate their opinions, they are too uninformed on the iusse to see through the silly bullshit like the OP.
What I've read is that Northwestern Europe, with climate change, will begin to experience more extremes in its seasons. Hotter summers, and winters less moderated, and more befitting its Northern latitude. London England is at the 51 Latitude, the same as Southern Canada.
Big freeze: Temperatures plummet to -10C bringing travel chaos across Britain | Mail Online

^I'm Certain that somewhere in the World they are Enjoying Record High Temps...

And algore will probably point to that...

Or Blame a New Ice Age on Global Warming...

What a Dipshit he is.


This would not constitute evidence of climate change?

No in point of fact it doesn't. The North Atlantic Oscilation is the primary operator here and the world cycles through a warm period then a cold period on a approximate 30 year cycle. That would explain why the warmists today were screaming about how we were entering into a new ice age back in the 1970's. Now the cycle is repeating.
What I've read is that Northwestern Europe, with climate change, will begin to experience more extremes in its seasons. Hotter summers, and winters less moderated, and more befitting its Northern latitude. London England is at the 51 Latitude, the same as Southern Canada.

As the world warms (overall we are still warming from the last ice age of 11,000 years ago) the weather actually moderates. To get bad storms you have to have collisions of cold and warm air.
They dont understand teh sceince.

That is why Fox can manipulate their opinions, they are too uninformed on the iusse to see through the silly bullshit like the OP.

Sure truthiness, so why is it your "scientists" are altering the past temperature record to make the past colder? Hmmm?

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