CNN Projections

I can see your concerns and see what you mean.

I believe Obama will end up being a mdoerate President who will get things done by uniting the country.

Based on what? His past says otherwise.

And I just had to laugh at what CNN just talked about. Joe Lieberman is so getting kicked out no matter what.

If they kick him out, they certainly won't have their filibuster.
Based on what? His past says otherwise.

If they kick him out, they certainly won't have their filibuster.

They are going to end up with around 58-59. Therefore no filibuster anyway.
Another cool hologram by CNN.

This is surely the future.
And this shall be our Socialist theme song!


I sincerely hope someone who cares about you captures this. 20 years from now, around the Thanksgiving or Christmas table they play it. Sort of like my brother's afro from high school via 1974.
I sincerely hope someone who cares about you captures this. 20 years from now, around the Thanksgiving or Christmas table they play it. Sort of like my brother's afro from high school via 1974.

Like a joke I made is suppose to be bad for me? Calm down Kathianne.
CNN projection:

Obama has been given Viriginia.


Last time it went blue: 1964.
CNN Projection:

[ame=]YouTube - Barack Obama's Fireworks Show at the DNC! Crazy fireworks![/ame]

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