CNN Poll: 73% Oppose Health Care Bill


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
February 24th, 2010

Washington (CNN) –

Full results [PDF]

Twenty-five percent of people questioned in the poll say Congress should pass legislation similar to the bills passed by both chambers, with 48 percent saying lawmakers should work on an entirely new bill and a quarter saying Congress should stop all work on health care reform.



The survey indicates nearly half of all Democrats say Congress should pass legislation similar to the bills passed by both chambers, with nearly 4 in 10 Democrats saying Congress should start from scratch and just 1 in 10 saying lawmakers should stop all work on health care.

A majority of Republicans questioned, 54 percent, want Congress to start from scratch, with just under 4 in 10 saying lawmakers should halt work on health care reform and just 6 percent saying Congress should pass into law the current legislation.

Fifty-two percent of Independents want Congress to start work on a new bill, with 27 percent saying lawmakers should stop all work, and 18 percent saying that the current legislation should be passed into law.

No wonder Harry said "No one is talking about reconciliation."

Americans want Health Care Reform...not this 2,000 page monstrosity.
Right, but I don't think Obama cares, question is will the Democrat politicians running this year care?

Alexander: Health Care Reform a 'Political Kamikaze Mission' for Democrats - The Note

Alexander: Health Care Reform a 'Political Kamikaze Mission' for Democrats
February 28, 2010 10:24 AM

Senate Republican Conference Chairman Lamar Alexander says pushing health care reform through Congress by a simple majority using the reconciliation process would be political suicide for Democrats and vowed to campaign for the repeal the bill if it passes. On “This Week”, Sen. Alexander to told Elizabeth Vargas, “It would be a political kamikaze mission for the Democratic Party if they jam this through after the American people have been saying.”

Alexander also said, if Democrats do pass a health care reform bill, “for the rest of the year, we're going to be involved in a campaign to repeal it.” He added that democrats would pay a political price for passing health care. “Every Democratic candidate in the country is going to be defined by this unpopular health care bill at a time when the real issues are jobs, terror and debt.”...
The biggest beneficiary is going to be Hillary Clinton. Watch her run against Obama in 2012 if/when this thing totally blows up.
I think Hillary wouldn't get anywhere.

Probably what would happen is Dennis Kusinich would run and give him a scare.
The Congress is always doing things that nobody wants, but usually, it's behind the scenes or under the table.

This is quite amazing. The whole Democrat Party is aiming at political suicide. Scott Brown positioned himself as the 41st vote. Every Senator running against a Democrat is going to do the same.

There will be someone in the house that casts the vote that puts it over the top if this succeeds, and if he does, regardless of who he is, every sitting Democrat will be that vote. Political suicide.

The Dems must read the polls that say this is unpopular and actually opposed by an overwhelming majority. Are they just trying to get it done well before the election in hopes that it will be forgotten? It's mystifying.

At least if they jump off the cliff, it will show that they are voting their beliefs rather than their hope to be re-elected.
It's very interesting to watch the Clintons right now. Bill is encouraging Obama to do the exact opposite of what he did when HillaryCare backfired. At that time, Bill tacked to the middle and assumed the moderate positions upon which he ran for office.

Obama also ran as a moderate; the huge drop in his approval levels is due to his governing from the far left. Bill and the war horses from his administration (Carville, Begala) are encouraging the Obamunists to take even harder far left stances. It looks like they are working to cause Obama to fail, thus setting up Hillary as a candidate in 2012 or 2016.

Her lack of visibility right now is very telling as well.
Right, but I don't think Obama cares, question is will the Democrat politicians running this year care?

Alexander: Health Care Reform a 'Political Kamikaze Mission' for Democrats - The Note

Alexander: Health Care Reform a 'Political Kamikaze Mission' for Democrats
February 28, 2010 10:24 AM

Senate Republican Conference Chairman Lamar Alexander says pushing health care reform through Congress by a simple majority using the reconciliation process would be political suicide for Democrats and vowed to campaign for the repeal the bill if it passes. On &#8220;This Week&#8221;, Sen. Alexander to told Elizabeth Vargas, &#8220;It would be a political kamikaze mission for the Democratic Party if they jam this through after the American people have been saying.&#8221;

Alexander also said, if Democrats do pass a health care reform bill, &#8220;for the rest of the year, we're going to be involved in a campaign to repeal it.&#8221; He added that democrats would pay a political price for passing health care. &#8220;Every Democratic candidate in the country is going to be defined by this unpopular health care bill at a time when the real issues are jobs, terror and debt.&#8221;...

It is worst than political is ignoring the will of the constituency that they are elected to represent!

They arrogantly believe that they know what's best and the will of the people be damned.

The most telling results of the CNN poll were among Democrats and Independents.

..........In Favor.........Start Over or Stop Work




Notice that even the majority of Democrats are opposed to Obamacare in it's current form.

Also of note is that CNN seems to go to great lengths to obscure that fact.

In an unbiased news agency, with all the talk of Democrats using reconciliation...that would (and should) be the focus of the story.
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The fact that the majority wants them to start over again will have no impact on Obama, Pelosi, and Reid. They are part of the Progressive Elite who think they know what is best for us and who think of average Americans as being too stupid to make their own decisions.
Referring to the "Public Option":

Now, 55 percent say they like the idea, but the notion continues to attract intense objection:

Opposition to Obama's Health-Reform Plan Is High, but Easing -

Isn't that odd. The other idea Americas seem to like was expanding Medicare.

Both things Republicans don't want. Odd, they supported the "Public Option" in the Iraqi Constitution, but are against it here. Very odd.

Article 31:
First: Every citizen has the right to health care. The state takes care of public health and provide the means of prevention and treatment by building different types of hospitals and medical institutions.

Full Text of Iraqi Constitution -

It's almost as if they like them more than they like us.
I'm not aware that the GOP had supported the Public Option in the Iraqi Constitution. Please provide a source for that claim.
Referring to the "Public Option":

Now, 55 percent say they like the idea, but the notion continues to attract intense objection:

Opposition to Obama's Health-Reform Plan Is High, but Easing -

Isn't that odd. The other idea Americas seem to like was expanding Medicare.

Both things Republicans don't want. Odd, they supported the "Public Option" in the Iraqi Constitution, but are against it here. Very odd.

Article 31:
First: Every citizen has the right to health care. The state takes care of public health and provide the means of prevention and treatment by building different types of hospitals and medical institutions.

Full Text of Iraqi Constitution -

It's almost as if they like them more than they like us.

That's blatant deflection Dean.

This thread highlights the fact that:

73% of Americans

79% of Independents
50% of Democrats
...are opposed to the current Healthcare Bill that Obama and the Democrats want to shove down America's throat.

If you wish to discuss the public option in Iraq...please start a thread about it.

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