CNN blames Trump for newspaper shooting that had nothing to do with him


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
CNN Blames Trump For Newspaper Shooting That Had Nothing to Do With Him
CNN’s Asha Rangappa blamed Donald Trump’s rhetoric for the shooting of journalists at the Capital Gazette in Annapolis yesterday despite the fact that the gunman’s vendetta against the newspaper stretched back seven years and had nothing to do with Trump.

Well of course they are that's what narccissitic loons do when they can't get their ways. they are like six year olds who can't have a new toy.
This is your arressted developlement crowd who don't grow up until they're around seventy if even then.
and yet these retards of society actually believe their own lies right along with their cutl followers.
CNN Blames Trump For Newspaper Shooting That Had Nothing to Do With Him
CNN’s Asha Rangappa blamed Donald Trump’s rhetoric for the shooting of journalists at the Capital Gazette in Annapolis yesterday despite the fact that the gunman’s vendetta against the newspaper stretched back seven years and had nothing to do with Trump.

Well of course they are that's what narccissitic loons do when they can't get their ways. they are like six year olds who can't have a new toy.
This is your arressted developlement crowd who don't grow up until they're around seventy if even then.
and yet these retards of society actually believe their own lies right along with their cutl followers.

Wrong , merely a commentator that CNN uses suggested it. I'm surprised many Republicans are jumping up and down over journalists getting shot to death , or are some.
Prime amongst them was CNN legal and national security analyst Asha Rangappa, who suggested that Trump’s “dangerous rhetoric” could have been a motivating factor.
CNN Blames Trump For Newspaper Shooting That Had Nothing to Do With Him
CNN’s Asha Rangappa blamed Donald Trump’s rhetoric for the shooting of journalists at the Capital Gazette in Annapolis yesterday despite the fact that the gunman’s vendetta against the newspaper stretched back seven years and had nothing to do with Trump.

Well of course they are that's what narccissitic loons do when they can't get their ways. they are like six year olds who can't have a new toy.
This is your arressted developlement crowd who don't grow up until they're around seventy if even then.
and yet these retards of society actually believe their own lies right along with their cutl followers.

Actually that is a false heading.
CNN Blames Trump For Newspaper Shooting That Had Nothing to Do With Him
CNN’s Asha Rangappa blamed Donald Trump’s rhetoric for the shooting of journalists at the Capital Gazette in Annapolis yesterday despite the fact that the gunman’s vendetta against the newspaper stretched back seven years and had nothing to do with Trump.

Well of course they are that's what narccissitic loons do when they can't get their ways. they are like six year olds who can't have a new toy.
This is your arressted developlement crowd who don't grow up until they're around seventy if even then.
and yet these retards of society actually believe their own lies right along with their cutl followers.

Well hell. Do you find that surprising??

It is CNN after all.
CNN Blames Trump For Newspaper Shooting That Had Nothing to Do With Him
CNN’s Asha Rangappa blamed Donald Trump’s rhetoric for the shooting of journalists at the Capital Gazette in Annapolis yesterday despite the fact that the gunman’s vendetta against the newspaper stretched back seven years and had nothing to do with Trump.

Well of course they are that's what narccissitic loons do when they can't get their ways. they are like six year olds who can't have a new toy.
This is your arressted developlement crowd who don't grow up until they're around seventy if even then.
and yet these retards of society actually believe their own lies right along with their cutl followers.

The shooter, Jarodd Ramos killed five people and wounded two others over a lost law suit.

It had nothing to do with Trump or anyone else.

Just an idiot looking for revenge.

Good Grief.
Yea blaming Trump for a feud going back 6 years.

If anything, blame it on Obama. At least that's when the feud started.

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