CNN asks 5 women if they believe Judge Brett Kavanaugh's denial

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
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CNN asks 5 women if they believe Judge Brett Kavanaugh's denial that he ever engaged in any kind of sexual misconduct with Christine Blasey Ford. All 5 women say they believe him and they have no problem with him being on the Supreme Court.
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CNN asks 5 women if they believe Judge Brett Kavanaugh's denial that he ever engaged in any kind of sexual misconduct with Christine Blasey Ford. All 5 women say they believe him and they have no problem with him being on the Supreme Court.
In other news, CNN fires senior vetter....Film at 11:00!
Yeah, I have to stop these 18 hour

g'night y'all.
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CNN asks 5 women if they believe Judge Brett Kavanaugh's denial that he ever engaged in any kind of sexual misconduct with Christine Blasey Ford. All 5 women say they believe him and they have no problem with him being on the Supreme Court.
I heard this audio this morning on my way into work. I split a gut.

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