Clone tick that can reproduce on it's own has drained blood from livestock threatens humans


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Powassan virus. Symptoms can include fever, vomiting and seizures, according to the Centers for Disease Control. North Carolina’s Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services put out a press release saying that the death of five cows was linked to acute anemia caused by tick infestations. “The deceased young bull brought to our Northwestern Animal Disease Diagnostic Lab had more than 1,000 ticks on it and the owner had lost four other cattle under the same circumstances,” said the organization. READ MORE
‘Clone tick’ that can reproduce on its own has drained blood from livestock, threatens humans

Oh look more shit not to be concerned about just move along we see this taking place constantly ( no just he morons tell the public that because reality is hard for some mental patients to handle.
Is there anything you ARENT afraid of? Also, EndTimesHeadlines? Really?

Powassan virus. Symptoms can include fever, vomiting and seizures, according to the Centers for Disease Control. North Carolina’s Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services put out a press release saying that the death of five cows was linked to acute anemia caused by tick infestations. “The deceased young bull brought to our Northwestern Animal Disease Diagnostic Lab had more than 1,000 ticks on it and the owner had lost four other cattle under the same circumstances,” said the organization. READ MORE
‘Clone tick’ that can reproduce on its own has drained blood from livestock, threatens humans

Oh look more shit not to be concerned about just move along we see this taking place constantly ( no just he morons tell the public that because reality is hard for some mental patients to handle.
Don't worry about that. Big Corporations will sell their GMO ticks to the government to eradicate these disease spreading ticks. Hmm, it is so funny how they already created something that will solve the problem before the problem get out of hand. Just like how they created GMO mosquitoes to stop west Nile disease spreading mosquitoes.


First-ever transgenic ticks to help fight tick-borne diseases such as Lyme disease

Experimental Transmission of Powassan Virus (Flaviviridae) by Ixodes scapularis Ticks (Acari:Ixodidae) | The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

GMO mosquitoes could be cause of Zika outbreak, critics say

So far in the thread, Buffalo Bob's Peanut Gallery has produced attempts at information-compromised one-upmanship cleverness and reactionary cynicism. duh

OP's report does not mention the Latin name of the tick. duh. Until OP corrects the report's deletion (a deliberate anal-retentive mistake?), for North Carolina we'll pay attention to the genus Haemaphysalis, because OP's report also does not mention what particular North Carolina county.

Surry County, North Carolina
Surry County, North Carolina - Wikipedia

Here is another tick report that keeps American prisoners dumbed down so that Asians and Indians can eventually get their jobs:

9 Jul 2019 North Carolina: Tick Swarms Kill Five Cows
State: Tick swarms kill five cows | Mt. Airy News
'....acute anemia....Asian Longhorned tick.'

Asian Longhorned tick, Haemaphysalis longicornis
Haemaphysalis longicornis - Wikipedia
'....North Carolina....attempts to eradicate the species from New Jersey failed....successfully overwinters....'
Genus Haemaphysalis also vectors Q fever, a rickettsia similar to Los Angeles typhus rickettsiae:

Q Fever
Q fever - Wikipedia

Only two genera vector Powassan:

Powassan Virus
Powassan virus - Wikipedia
'....Ixodes, Dermacentor.'

French-Portuguese, circa 1951.

'Congo Belga

Deux epidemies de fievre Q ont ete observees au Ruanda-Urundi. Des souches de Rickettsia burneti ont ete isolees a partir de l'homme et des tiques Haemaphysalis leachi....La lait des vaches contient l'agent etilogique la fievre Q....H. leachi de la region Musha sont infectees de fievre Q....O exame destes doentes deu-nos muito poucos ensinamentos: estado febril 39 degres, bradicardia relativa nos adultos, lingua carregada, hiperemia moderata da faringe, ligeiros sinais ausculatorios de bronquite nas bases pulmonares do pai, que tinha sido mais gravamente atingido e estava doente ha mais tempo....a infeccao se associou com a existencia de gado e se deu pela inhalacao de poeiras infectadas....Gutscher e Nuer [Ueber eine Queensladfever-Endemie in Bremgarten (Kt. Aargau) Schweiz. Med. Woch 43:1064-66 (1948) Em. Trop. Dis. Bull. 46:134 (1949) fizeram em 1948 o diagnostico retrospectivo de febre Q num operario....como bonco-pneumonia....Coxiella burneti....Italia, Grecia e Corsega, Guine-Portuguesa (Bissau, Cacheu, T Pinto, Mansaba, Buba, Fulacunda, Buruntuma).
(Le fievre Q au Ruanda-Urundi, Ann. Soc. Belg. Med. Trop. (1951) 31: 159-177)

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