Clinton: Prez Race Only Close Because 'Impatient' Americans 'Don't Understand' Econom


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by Noel Sheppard

The only reason the presidential race is close is because Americans are too impatient and don't understand that the economy is actually doing better than they feel it is.

So said former President Bill Clinton at an Obama campaign event in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Friday.

read more @ Clinton: Prez Race Only Close Because 'Impatient' Americans 'Don't Understand' Economy's Improving |

In other words, if you do not support King Barry and the Dumbocrats you're simply ignorant and too stupid to try to lead this nation.

At last, Billary is showing his true liberal beliefs of the American people!!
by Noel Sheppard

The only reason the presidential race is close is because Americans are too impatient and don't understand that the economy is actually doing better than they feel it is.

So said former President Bill Clinton at an Obama campaign event in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Friday.

read more @ Clinton: Prez Race Only Close Because 'Impatient' Americans 'Don't Understand' Economy's Improving |

In other words, if you do not support King Barry and the Dumbocrats you're simply ignorant and too stupid to try to lead this nation.

At last, Billary is showing his true liberal beliefs of the American people!!

Which raises the question, does Clinton understand anything about the economy or did he just accidentally step into a pile of economic growth and prosperity when he was in the WH? Each year the growth of real GDP has dropped from 2.375% in 2010 to 2% in 2011 to an annual rate of 1.65% in the first two quarters of 2012. This is not a measure of slow success that calls for more patience, it is a measure of failure of the Obama administration's economic policies, and as long as the rate of growth of the economy continues to fall there are no solutions to the problems of high unemployment and trillion dollar + annual deficits.

Eventually the Fed is going to have to allow interest rates to rise and at 5%, roughly the normal rate for US government debt before the crisis, the interest on the Obama debt of $5.4 trillion will be $270 billion a year, forever, or $2.7 trillion a decade, forever, or $900 a year for every man, woman and child in the US, forever, or $3,600 a year for a family of four, forever.
by Noel Sheppard

The only reason the presidential race is close is because Americans are too impatient and don't understand that the economy is actually doing better than they feel it is.

So said former President Bill Clinton at an Obama campaign event in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Friday.

read more @ Clinton: Prez Race Only Close Because 'Impatient' Americans 'Don't Understand' Economy's Improving |

In other words, if you do not support King Barry and the Dumbocrats you're simply ignorant and too stupid to try to lead this nation.

At last, Billary is showing his true liberal beliefs of the American people!!

Which raises the question, does Clinton understand anything about the economy or did he just accidentally step into a pile of economic growth and prosperity when he was in the WH? Each year the growth of real GDP has dropped from 2.375% in 2010 to 2% in 2011 to an annual rate of 1.65% in the first two quarters of 2012. This is not a measure of slow success that calls for more patience, it is a measure of failure of the Obama administration's economic policies, and as long as the rate of growth of the economy continues to fall there are no solutions to the problems of high unemployment and trillion dollar + annual deficits.

Eventually the Fed is going to have to allow interest rates to rise and at 5%, roughly the normal rate for US government debt before the crisis, the interest on the Obama debt of $5.4 trillion will be $270 billion a year, forever, or $2.7 trillion a decade, forever, or $900 a year for every man, woman and child in the US, forever, or $3,600 a year for a family of four, forever.

Clinton accidentally stepped into a pile of economic growth and prosperity.

And then he did his best to pop the internet bubble by going after Microsoft because Bill Gates wounded his ego.

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