Clinton 58% Increased in Federal drilling: Bush 116% BUT Obama decrease of -36%


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
According to the Bureau of Land Management there was a 58% increase in the approval of drilling permits during the Clinton Administration
and a 116% increase during the Administration of George W. Bush.

Since Obama became President, the approval of drilling permits has decreased by 36%

Obama is Counting on Voter Stupidity | Lubbock Online | Lubbock Avalanche-Journal

So this idiot President says there is more production now then in 10 years... YEA on private lands... GOVT Lands DECREASED UNDER HIS watch by 36%!!!
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1) Production on Federal Leases is DOWN!
While President Obama has been touting in recent days that his administration is promoting oil drilling in the United States, oil production on federally owned lands has in fact declined by 17,000 barrels per day since he took office in 2009.

Oil Production on Federal Lands Has Declined Under Obama |

In a clear signal that the Obama administration is shifting the government's approach to energy exploration on public lands, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar yesterday canceled oil and gas leases on 77 parcels of federal land after opponents said the drilling would blight Utah's scenic southeastern corner.

Salazar's decision -- which reverses the Bush administration's move to allow drilling on about 130,000 acres near pristine areas such as Nine Mile Canyon, Arches National Park and Dinosaur National Monument -- is one of a series of steps that the new administration and congressional Democrats are planning to reshape federal regulation of drilling, mining, lumbering and other resource-tapping activities.
Salazar Voids Drilling Leases On Public Lands in Utah
Overall produciton is up. And that increase is exported offshore. But still the price of gasoline goes up. So if we were drilling more on Federal Lands, that is just gasoline that would also be exported, and we would have that much less available for the future.
Overall produciton is up. And that increase is exported offshore. But still the price of gasoline goes up. So if we were drilling more on Federal Lands, that is just gasoline that would also be exported, and we would have that much less available for the future.

YOU didn't read did you?
The production is UP on NON FEDERAL LANDS!
Production is down on Federal lands cause Obama's DECREASED leases by 36%

BIT hey something SIMPLER for you totally stupid!

ASSUME there is a gas tanker truck sitting outside your home.
Now assume you can sell the contents of that truck to people begging to buy!
Supply is limited.. demand is increasing.. prices go up!

NOW PLEASE I know this is complicated but..
SAY 10 gas tankers pull up beside the first one.

Supply has increased.. demand still increasing BUT prices don't go up and why ?

I know, I know this is very complicated.. BUT see if there is more of something that
consumers can buy then the sellers lower the prices because THE sellers have bought the gas first!
They have to get their money by selling their gas .

Again complicated but..
THE MORE supply the lower the prices!

That's the way it works! Law of supply and demand!

OH by the way YOUR beloved Obama's EPA forced the closing of a refinery that produces 350,000 barrels of gas a day ... think that has any bearing on the price of gas?
According to the Bureau of Land Management there was a 58% increase in the approval of drilling permits during the Clinton Administration
and a 116% increase during the Administration of George W. Bush.

Since Obama became President, the approval of drilling permits has decreased by 36%

Obama is Counting on Voter Stupidity | Lubbock Online | Lubbock Avalanche-Journal

So this idiot President says there is more production now then in 10 years... YEA on private lands... GOVT Lands DECREASED UNDER HIS watch by 36%!!!

I figured as much.

Time to shat this turd.
Overall produciton is up. And that increase is exported offshore. But still the price of gasoline goes up. So if we were drilling more on Federal Lands, that is just gasoline that would also be exported, and we would have that much less available for the future.

YOU didn't read did you?
The production is UP on NON FEDERAL LANDS!
Production is down on Federal lands cause Obama's DECREASED leases by 36%

BIT hey something SIMPLER for you totally stupid!

ASSUME there is a gas tanker truck sitting outside your home.
Now assume you can sell the contents of that truck to people begging to buy!
Supply is limited.. demand is increasing.. prices go up!

NOW PLEASE I know this is complicated but..
SAY 10 gas tankers pull up beside the first one.

Supply has increased.. demand still increasing BUT prices don't go up and why ?

I know, I know this is very complicated.. BUT see if there is more of something that
consumers can buy then the sellers lower the prices because THE sellers have bought the gas first!
They have to get their money by selling their gas .

Again complicated but..
THE MORE supply the lower the prices!

That's the way it works! Law of supply and demand!

OH by the way YOUR beloved Obama's EPA forced the closing of a refinery that produces 350,000 barrels of gas a day ... think that has any bearing on the price of gas?

Nothing quite so pathetic as someone who is for a global economy but fails to understand how it works or it's implications.
The industry as of a year ago was holding 6500 approved permits for drilling on public lands


ARE YOU a totally Dumb f...K??? I bet you like OBAMA believe that like the
Beverly Hillbillies... . duh..
I'll just buy this land shoot a hole in ground and And up through the ground came a bubblin crude. Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea."[/I]

Obama (June 24): The oil companies already own drilling rights to 68 million acres of federal lands, onshore and offshore, that they haven’t touched. 68 million acres that have the potential to nearly double America’s total oil production.

The charge has been repeated by Nancy Pelosi and others in his party.

So, there are 68 million acres of leased land on which companies aren’t extracting oil,
but Obama went too far when he said oil companies "haven’t touched" them. As Bureau of Land Management Petroleum Engineer Bill Gewecke, who manages the onshore sites, told us, he "wouldn’t say untouched, would say undeveloped."

That’s because these leased lands that don’t contain productive drilling operations likely are not lying idle as Obama implies.
There are a lot of steps and procedures involved in setting up a productive oil well on leased land, both onshore and off. The Bureau of Land Management’s Web site lists the regulatory hurdles that need to be cleared as part of the larger five-step life cycle of a well. The path to setting up an offshore drilling operation is even longer, as shown in a large flow chart developed by the MMS.
And there is a lot of activity occurring on leased lands that does not qualify as "production."
That’s a total of more than 15,000 holes that were being proposed, started or finished that do not count as "productive" holes. : Unused Offshore Potential?
We don't make as many horse whips and carriages as we used to, as well.

Your point?

Oil production is UP under Obama.


Oh, you're just mad that the oil companies aren't getting an automatic free pass when it comes to OUR national wealth that BELONGS TO THE TAXPAYER and not these private extraction companies?

Boo fucking hoo.
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Overall produciton is up. And that increase is exported offshore. But still the price of gasoline goes up. So if we were drilling more on Federal Lands, that is just gasoline that would also be exported, and we would have that much less available for the future.

YOU didn't read did you?
The production is UP on NON FEDERAL LANDS!
Production is down on Federal lands cause Obama's DECREASED leases by 36%

BIT hey something SIMPLER for you totally stupid!

ASSUME there is a gas tanker truck sitting outside your home.
Now assume you can sell the contents of that truck to people begging to buy!
Supply is limited.. demand is increasing.. prices go up!

NOW PLEASE I know this is complicated but..
SAY 10 gas tankers pull up beside the first one.

Supply has increased.. demand still increasing BUT prices don't go up and why ?

I know, I know this is very complicated.. BUT see if there is more of something that
consumers can buy then the sellers lower the prices because THE sellers have bought the gas first!
They have to get their money by selling their gas .

Again complicated but..
THE MORE supply the lower the prices!

That's the way it works! Law of supply and demand!

OH by the way YOUR beloved Obama's EPA forced the closing of a refinery that produces 350,000 barrels of gas a day ... think that has any bearing on the price of gas?

Nothing quite so pathetic as someone who is for a global economy but fails to understand how it works or it's implications.

YOU know it truly is PATHETIC you can't understand "SUPPLY AND DEMAND"!

Why you pathetic ignoramous IS Obama and you other idiots then asking to release oil from the Strategic Oil reserve??
EXPLAIN to me WHAT value that has OTHER THEN WHAT???
INCREASING THE SUPPLY.. and hopefully reducing the PRICE???

Are you that dumb regarding oil speculators to think they are buying contracts today based on gas prices today???? They buy 2 to 3 years or more into the future! Idiot!
So all of a sudden AS IT HaPPENED under Bush...

"soon as the President announced that we were going to end the moratorium on offshore drilling the price of a barrel of oil went down $10,"
Crude oil prices are down about $20 a barrel from their record-setting intra-day high of $147.27 a barrel back on July 11.

President Bush announced on July 14 he was lifting executive ban on offshore drilling, although Congress has yet to act on his call to lift its own drilling ban.
McCain: Give Bush credit for oil price drop – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
YOU didn't read did you?
The production is UP on NON FEDERAL LANDS!
Production is down on Federal lands cause Obama's DECREASED leases by 36%

BIT hey something SIMPLER for you totally stupid!

ASSUME there is a gas tanker truck sitting outside your home.
Now assume you can sell the contents of that truck to people begging to buy!
Supply is limited.. demand is increasing.. prices go up!

NOW PLEASE I know this is complicated but..
SAY 10 gas tankers pull up beside the first one.

Supply has increased.. demand still increasing BUT prices don't go up and why ?

I know, I know this is very complicated.. BUT see if there is more of something that
consumers can buy then the sellers lower the prices because THE sellers have bought the gas first!
They have to get their money by selling their gas .

Again complicated but..
THE MORE supply the lower the prices!

That's the way it works! Law of supply and demand!

OH by the way YOUR beloved Obama's EPA forced the closing of a refinery that produces 350,000 barrels of gas a day ... think that has any bearing on the price of gas?

Nothing quite so pathetic as someone who is for a global economy but fails to understand how it works or it's implications.

YOU know it truly is PATHETIC you can't understand "SUPPLY AND DEMAND"!

Why you pathetic ignoramous IS Obama and you other idiots then asking to release oil from the Strategic Oil reserve??
EXPLAIN to me WHAT value that has OTHER THEN WHAT???
INCREASING THE SUPPLY.. and hopefully reducing the PRICE???

Are you that dumb regarding oil speculators to think they are buying contracts today based on gas prices today???? They buy 2 to 3 years or more into the future! Idiot!
So all of a sudden AS IT HaPPENED under Bush...

"soon as the President announced that we were going to end the moratorium on offshore drilling the price of a barrel of oil went down $10,"
Crude oil prices are down about $20 a barrel from their record-setting intra-day high of $147.27 a barrel back on July 11.

President Bush announced on July 14 he was lifting executive ban on offshore drilling, although Congress has yet to act on his call to lift its own drilling ban.
McCain: Give Bush credit for oil price drop – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

That $10/bbl change was due to speculation, supply and demand does not happen in one day on crude oil.

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