Climate Scientist: We Don't Need Data, You Can See Global Warming on TV

The world's climate scientists, the world's scientists of all other genre and everyone whose slightly above your Dumb-as-Fuck level, disagree.
The world's climate scientists, the world's scientists of all other genre and everyone whose slightly above your Dumb-as-Fuck level, disagree.
sorry, that isn't evidence, try again.
You don't even know what evidence is. It IS evidence - that you're an ignorant fool.
You don't even know what evidence is. It IS evidence - that you're an ignorant fool.

Funny you should say that...since every time you have attempted to provide some of that overwhelming body of observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence supporting the A in AGW that you believe hasn't. You haven't even been close...But hey, feel free to try again...who knows, some day you may luck into know what they say about blind squirrels...
I have provided you links to mountains of it but you choose to lie about it every single time. There is so very little point in attempting to have a discussion with a lying asshole such as yourself.
You don't even know what evidence is. It IS evidence - that you're an ignorant fool.
well I will speak for all skeptics here and state; it is you that has noooooooooooooooooo idea what the word evidence means. excuse me while I laugh my ass off.
I have provided you links to mountains of it but you choose to lie about it every single time. There is so very little point in attempting to have a discussion with a lying asshole such as yourself.
or not
So there is some point?
yes, the point is you haven't posted any observed evidence. It's been explained by several posters in here. dude you are king of deflection. It is the law of libturdness.
Wrong. The fact is that you lie through your teeth at every opportunity.

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